
Chapter 89: One way ticket to the demon lands (II).

Chapter 89: One way ticket to the demon lands (II).

Kein's POV

"We're here, everyone. Our one way ticket to the demon lands."

"Is that you, Iyashi?"

"Si it's been a while."

Iyashi left first to the slave trader's ship. She wanted to talk with him first and explain the situation that we were facing, a bunch of adventures needing a shortcut to the demon lands to kill the demon lord.

"Hah! I haven't seen you in so long, about a year? I know I've got some merchandise here that might interest you- they are rarely released in the black market so you should go ahead and take a look." The slave trader seemed excited about wanting to let Iyashi see his wares. 

We were by the side of the deck, not being in her way. I was not aware that this healer is interested in that stuff, regarding the black market. It seems there is so much more to her than meets the eye.