
Reborn As The God Of Combat [Powerful OC x Multiverse] [Hiatus]

When you find your life ending earlier than you first expect, one doesn't expect to awaken to the most powerful deity across the entire Omniverse. However, that was what was happening to a young man by the name of Arison Legion. Given the opportunity to be reborn and venture through the Omniverse, who was he to turn down such a grand offer? A mortal now god ventures through the world wielding weapons of many. Though, with a crazy goddess at his side, he was more concerned for his mental state at this point.

ConstantReign · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

Arriving At The Base

Before this chapter starts, just wanted to say that if anyone has any complaints them please just hold them to yourself instead of venting them out. I understand clearly that not everyone has the same view on things as well as have their own opinions on how some things should happen, and I respect. However, please just do keep them to yourself as this is just how I'm writing the story.

If how I do things truly does annoy you and you can't cope with it, then please just leave the story without shouting out your complaints.

Finally, the MC has yet to truly reveal the full extent of his powers. Just from what I have stated so far doesn't mean he is limited to only ridiculously increased strength and the summoning of armour and weapons. His powers go far beyond what his status says, like most gods across fictional worlds.





"So~, Arison..."


"About before..."

The group were finally back on the road after the battle against the fire dragon, as well as having created a number of graves for the few people that had perished during its attack. The ones that had lost their lives before Arison had jumped in to take care of the beast. Even if the loss was minimal, even a single life was very precious in his eyes.

Euryale and him were now sitting inside the car with the others, Euryale sitting on the other side directly across from him as Rory had quickly sat herself right beside him. The one that had asked the question was Itami as he was still sitting at the front while keeping an eye out just in case another attack would happen to them.

"I wanted to ask about that sword..."

"What of it?"

"It was called Balmung, right?" Arison just slightly opened his eyes as he just gave a small 'hm' as a response as he already knew where the heck this was going. It was pretty damn obvious from the expressions every person in the car was giving him. He had been receiving them from everyone throughout the whole ride.

The kids gave him amazed and awed looks.

The two wizards that joined in the car since their carriage was broken gave him curious and astonished looks, though the young female still appeared rather blank in her emotions.

The blonde elf had a shy and nervous look, though she gave that look to pretty much everyone.

The three soldiers in the car were of shock and confusion.

Rory was of... lust.

And Euryale... she hadn't stopped glaring at him.

"You want to know about how in the world I have a sword that should only be in legend, am I right?" Arison asked with a small yawn. He didn't actually feel tired, it seemed that he couldn't feel tired, but just did it because he wanted to. He just received nods from the soldiers, as well as Euryale who was still glaring. The others just looked at him with curious looks for his response. "Well, you better listen carefully..."

Arison said slowly as he rested both feet firmly on the ground of the car as he gave them all a narrowed gaze. The tension in the air building as his rather serious expression on his face made them all gulp visibly and audibly, his aura made them feel nervous as some kind of strange pressure was felt in the air due to him.

"The reason I have it is because..."


"I CAN USE MANY MANY WEAPONS!" Arison shouted, widening his eyes slightly to emphasise his words even further. The loud voice made them flinch heavily, he then leaned back on the side of the car as he crossed his arms behind his head as he closed his eyes. "Well, that's your answer. I believe that, that should suffice."

They all just stared at him before deadpanning heavily as Kurata almost strayed off the road due to having face faulted on the steering wheel. Rory just giggled in amusement at his response, the kids laughed as he seemed like a fun guy, the soldiers and the wizards just deadpanned, and Euryale had her jaw dropped and was quivering.

Euryale then shook her head before glaring comically at Arison from across the car, she then shouted at him at the top of her lungs as he sat there with his eyes closed.

"Like hell that will suffice! I asked you to explain to me your powers!"

Arison just stayed in his same position and responded calmly without opening his eyes. "And that is what I did. I told you what my power was, what more do you want?"


Euryale then barred her fangs as a red bulging tick mark appeared on her temple as she leapt at him like a tiger ready to bit its prey. Arison wasn't expecting her to actually act so strongly to those simple words as he opened his eyes to see her heading straight at him with her teeth razor-sharp. He widened his eyes when she bit down on his left shoulder.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"Explain, you bastard!"

"Get off me, you she-devil!"


Thankfully, the rest of the ride didn't last too much longer as they had arrived at their destination. Which was the base camp of the JSDF, which all of the kids and other refugees had quickly gotten off of the car and were standing on the concrete ground. Their eyes all wandering around the place full of wonder and amazement along with Rory and the elf girl.

Next to get off were the two wizards, Lelei and Cato. Who were just as in awe as the others.

Finally, the last ones to get off were Euryale and Arison, the latter running his left shoulder with his left eyebrow twitching as Euryale just had her eyes closed as she held her head up slightly towards the sky. It didn't really hurt at all, but it sure did damn surprise him.

For the rest of the day, not much had really occurred aside from the occasional yelling that he heard Itami going through from who he could assume was were his superiors. The boy just spent the time walking around and exploring the place, and it was honestly pretty small for his standards. Though, it was understandable as these guys appeared to have limited resources.

The place appeared to be still under construction, and more was beginning as the soldiers began construction of homes for the refugees that Itami had brought in with his group. Arison being included in that list. Though, if he was being honest, he didn't mind enjoy sleeping outside to enjoying the cold breeze.

Though, he won't turn down a bed or something.

He didn't need to sleep, but he could still sleep if he wanted to. A good way to pass time.

"Aren't you going to go take a shower?" Euryale had asked him as Arison was lying down on a rather flat rock. He was looking towards the setting sun in the horizon as a few hours had already gone by since they arrived. Arison just slightly turned his head upwards to see Euryale looking down at him from behind.

"Nah, I'll take one later at the last minute. Don't want anyone with me when I'm bathing."

"What, embarrassed?" Euryale grinned teasingly.

"Nope. Just don't want to make conversation with anyone and just relax in the water." Arison responded calmly and not reacting at all to her teasing. Euryale frowned at his before shrugging as she then made her way towards the showers herself, Rory having invited her to come along a few minutes ago before she had noticed Arison.

Arison just returned his attention back towards the sunset as he had a small frown on his face. Only like two or so days had passed since he had arrived here in this world and had gained his powers, and already quite a bit had happened during that small duration of time. He wasn't sure if he should be worried about the future...

Not for his safety... but his damn sanity.


"Yo, Arison!"


He had just gotten up from his sleep and had taken his morning shower before anyone else as he didn't want to have to get in with anyone. He had walked on out of the bathing area while having a small towel that he was using to dry his hair, he was currently topless though had on all the bottom half of his clothes on that he usually wore.

As he had walked on out, he heard his voice being called out as he turned his head in confusion towards the source. When he did, he saw that the person who shouted was none other than Itami as the soldier ran over towards him while already having been equipped in all of his gear. The man was breathing slightly heavy due to some running.

"I need to talk to you abou- woah!" Itami suddenly stopped and gawked as he looked down at the younger male. His jaw having dropped to the ground in utter shock as he looked at the god, his eyes blinking in disbelief at what he was seeing. Despite the male being far younger than himself, he sure had a built frame! It was better than even the best of athletes! "Dude, how did you get those muscles?!"

"Training." Arison answered simply and bluntly. He finished drying his hair as he wrapped the towel around his neck as he flicked his still slightly wet blue hair to the side and out of his eyes. "Something you need?"

"O-Oh, right! I just wanted to tell you that we're going to be going to Italica soon. Rory, Tuka, and Lelei are joining us as well." Itami informed as Arison just raised an eyebrow in confusion. Itami seemed to notice as he further explained. "We're going there to trade the wyvern scales we collected. Do you and Euryale want to come?"

"Nothing better to do, so I'll come along. I don't know about Euryale though."

"I'll go." They both turned to look behind Arison to see the purple-haired girl in question walking over as she yawned heavily. While she did retain her strength, she wasn't classified as a Servant anymore and could feel fatigue and needed sleep. She may be a deity but seemed to require sleep, unlike Arison. She rubbed her eyes as she wore her usual attire.

The only difference being that her hair was now down as her hair accessory wasn't on her head at the moment, though she did begin tying it up again as she walked over. Looking closely, you could see that her hair was still a bit wet, she had most likely just gotten out of the shower or something and had gone to find Arison.

While she appeared much younger than Itami, the male couldn't help but blush at her appearance. No matter how old someone maybe, it would be hard for them to not to blush at the purple-haired goddesses's beauty. Well, unless you were someone like Arison who had yet to feel flustered around her a single time.

When Euryale then noticed Arison's lack of upper clothing, allowing his physique to be displayed full out. She had felt it when they were riding the motorcycle, but seeing it was also another story altogether. She had to look away to prevent anyone from seeing the red tint that had appeared on her face.

"Well, that solves that. When are we leaving?"

"It'll be in ten minutes near the front."

"Very well, I'll get ready and meet up there."
