
Reborn as strongest In Naruto world

God took pity on a boy seeing his selfless attitude and gave him 5 wishes. He got reincarnated in his favourite Naruto world with Over powered wishes. This is a very OP MC fanfic. I will also change timelines and characters. So don’t complain about someone being born early and the age of certain characters as I’ve made changes from the original. IDONOT OWN NARUTO ANY CHARACTERS OR JUTSUS. This is my second attempt on a Fanfic. I will start it after I finish my first NARUTO fanfic, or atleast reach a good point in that. Thanks for your support.

Crook_Shank · Tranh châm biếm
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43 Chs

Killing Two Thousand

The main battlefield between Konoha and the hidden mist was a wasteland not too far to the front of the camp. After I rushed in, I found that Konoha's camp was doing much better than I had anticipated. The three Quasi Kages of the mist were being restrained, and the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were not there. The mist had no other Jonins, so the high-end of Konoha's troops didn't have much trouble.

I immediately did the hand signs and "Wood style:Wood Golem jutsu and summoned the wood golem. Both camps were extremely startled by the sudden appearance of this giant Golem. "This is Ryu sama's summoning! I've seen it before! He summons a wood golem." Said one of Konoha' Ninjas. "Yes, I remember it too! It's reinforcements! Reinforcements are here." In no time, all of Konoha's ninjas started cheering, after realizing that they just had reinforcements from Konoha.

The Mist Ninjas were also stunned to see the immense figure of the Wood Golem. Such a behemoth should be too lethal on the battlefield "Inoichi, is it Ryu?" Choza Akamishi saw the Golem and immediately asked his teammate. "Yes, he's here! The kid's finally here!" Inoichi was extremely relieved to see the big Golem. In fact, all members of the Ino-Shika-Cho team were relieved as they knew that Ryu had arrived. I commanded the wood Golem to help the regular Ninjas while I went to the Ino-Shika-Cho team.

"Inoichi san, you've been in a tight spot! Sorry I'm late". I said to the three. "We have no time to reminisce Ryu. Those guys are at their limits there. Go to help them restrain the Yuki clan head." Shikaku Nara pointed at the five Jonins facing the Yuki clan head. "Fine. You are always too serious Inoichi san. I'll finish it soon". I said and went towards the Yuki clan head who was fighting. The main force facing his opponent was that of the Hyuga twins. The fact that he was facing them together along with their companions showed his immense strength.

It was just that the five Jonins had no answer to the Yuki clan's Ice. Whether it was in defense or in attack, their Ice performed really well. I didn't immediately go for attacking. Instead, observed how the enemy used his Kekkei Genkai. After watching for a while, I found that the five Jonins' strength was severely inadequate. So I made my move, blocking an ice attack that was directed towards the Hyuga twins. "Kid, who are you?" The Yuki clan head asked with vigilance.

"One should give his name before asking others about theirs!" I answered. "Indeed! Then here: I'm the Head of the Yuki clan: Bing Yuki! Now it's your turn kid!" The Yuki clan head said. "Ryu Senju". After confirming my name as Ryu Senju, Bing Yuki started to sweat. He stood motionless and just stared at me. I smiled and said "You mist ninjas play dirty attacking the young ones. Before coming here, I have taken care of your seven swordsmen. You can collect their bodies".

After hearing me, The Yuki clan head couldn't bring himself to attack, but he had his pride. So he started doing hand signs. I shook my head and threw a special Kunai towards him. All he could see was an yellow flash before he was knocked back and sent flying several metres. The five Konoha Jonins were a bit embarrassed. They struggled for so long fighting Bing, but I took him out in one move". The strong earn their respect in this world, and power is the absolute source of appreciation. The five Jonins who were not that satisfied hearing the rumours of me before changed their attitude towards me after witnessing my strength.

When I first saw the terrible situation in Konoha's camp, I had already planned to give the Mist a unforgettable lesson. The Mist is famous for their Ice Jutsus and the ice jutsus I learnt while training had to be tested, and the Mist Ninjas on the battlefield were the perfect test subjects. I learnt that all kekkei genkai originated from Hogiromo, So I can use them as well. When I tried it before, I was able to like I thought. The Narutopedia god gave me also had a way to train different Kekkei Genkai jutsus as well. So I entered Sage Mode, and used telepathy to communicate with Konoha's Ninjas.

"Konoha's Ninjas, I'm the new chief commander of the Battle of the Wave Country. That golem on your side is my summoning. Now, this is my first order. I want you all to use your own ways to get the Mist Ninjas gathered in the center of the battlefield. I want to send them this great "gift" to avenge our fallen brothers!"My words were like a stone falling into a pond, getting all of Konoha's Ninjas excited. According to tradition, a chief commander of Konoha's troops is usually Kage tier. The arrival of a new one meant that the Kage tier powerhouse reinforcing their ranks had finally arrived.

They all proceeded immediately to carry out my order. Intentionally or unintentionally, the Mist Ninjas found themselves forced into the center of the battlefield. The wood Golem's method was the simplest and most brutal of all. With his large pair of hands, he rushed at the enemies who rushed like sheep to the center away from him. Nearly a third of them were gathered. And I perceived over two thousand Ninjas in the center.

"Konoha's Ninjas, that is enough. Immediately leave the center of the battlefield and be careful not be accidentally injured by my Jutsu."I once again communicated with everyone. I then began to absorb the moisture in the air, controlling it with Natural Energy to condense an Ice Sphere. And with chakra manipulation made a string of chakra like the puppet strings, following that by making a crystal clear Ice Arrow on the Ice Bow. The Ice Arrow was being constantly being compressed by me, and the small projectile gathered a huge amount of Natural Energy and a small ice Rasengan appeared in front of the arrow.

When Konoha's Ninjas heard my words, they immediately left the center of the battlefield. By the time his arrow was ready, they were already far enough. "Mist Ninjas, pay for your deeds!" After I finished my words,I let the String loose. The Ice Arrow flew quickly, reaching the center of the battlefield in an instant. It transformed into a small ice flower, then blossomed, bloomed, and finally grew to become a Huge Ice Lotus on the battlefield, that was filled with Mist Ninjas.

The Flower then shattered in front of everyone, along with the two thousand frozen Mist Ninjas within it, dying the place red. The whole battlefield went awekwardly silent for a moment. No matter whether it was Konoha's or the Mist Ninjas, everyone was shocked by what had just happened. I had taken out two thousand ninjas in an instant. After a good while of silence, all of Konoha's Ninjas began to cheer. My ice rasengan arrow gave them all a much needed boost of morals. They went all out on the remaining Mist Ninjas who were, in contrast, heavily demoralized. Many of them even lost their wits at the sight of my ice arrow rasengan. Like that, Konoha's Shinobi defeated the Mist.