
Reborn as Stiles Stilinski in the Orange County

What happens when you reincarnate as Stiles Stilinski in Orange County with a cheat, making you even more of a chad? A super Alpha among ordinary humans. Bikinis, buttocks, sports, parties, no sleep... —Newport Beach Stiles Stilinski! One of those tired mornings. Looking at the super hot transfer student, Stiles went completely OOC, chadly thoughts blooming in his head: 'Please don't look my way. Please don't fall for me...' //Tagged: Orange County, Riverdale, Teen Wolf, Cheat, Supernatural, ETC. ****************** My thoughts on this book: I don't remember the main show in minute detail; I have a terrible memory, so don't expect master intrigue. The emphasis is on character growth. If we must say so. You get the picture. Hopefully, it'll be a slow Romance fic, restful and wholesome. I'll write it for the sake of heartwarming and sticky romance. Shouts: Except for Stiles' supernatural abilities, the Supernatural does not exist. In this fic, only a few TW characters will be relevant! You don't need to ask why...

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25 Chs

Working Milfs [Edited]

At the doorstep,

"They..." Stiles wasn't the Stiles from TW. Besides some character traits, he and Stiles mostly shared their nerdiness. But this time, he stammered after meeting Kate by chance—the second most dangerous Argent, or arguably the most dangerous for some.

"They?" Kate asked, twisting the outside extremities of her slim eyebrows.

"They..." Stiles thought rationally and swallowed his saliva. He realized that Kate being a werewolf hunter was impossible. He calmed down after reading her heart, which was not currently focused on hunting him. He said, "I just moved in; this isn't my house."

"Oh? A kid your age? Do you live alone?" Kate asked, trying to take a look behind Stiles.

"No. I'm not the owner, but I can show you inside. I think it would be more befitting if Seth explained... Would be less of a bother." Stiles smiled and acted more like himself when relaxed after using the heart reading.

"Seth?" Kate asked curiously.

"It's the owner's son," Stiles told. "Anyway, come in."

"Oh. Thanks." Kate smiled and followed. She sounded easygoing despite looking gorgeous and cool, too cool for anyone his age, anyone going to school.

Stiles reckoned he liked easygoing milfs.

The heart reading told him she also seemed to find him above what she would see as average.

She found him to be handsome, her type even.

This gave him a lot of ideas...


Seeing a sexy goddess step in suddenly, Ryan and Seth, who were maneuvering the PS2 controllers with their tongues out of their mouths for extra dexterity, quickly looked away from the screen...

They completely forgot about the big screen and the controllers as their eyes widened, and their mouths went wide, for a different reason, this time.

"Hey, boys."



Who's Seth?" After a short greeting, during which she waved smilingly, Kate asked.

"Seth? That's me; why?" Seeing the milf, Seth let go of his controller. He was standing hurriedly as the controller hit the marbled flooring.

... Ryan was behaving more casually, but the impact Kate left on him at that moment wasn't less visual.

Sadly for the two, throughout the short contact, until Stiles led her back outside, closing the door after some more small talk, her taste was set on him.

Because Stiles was drawn to her, he didn't go easy on his liberation of masculine hormones.

Aunty Argent took a good long whiff of Stiles' testosterone.

When he closed the door, Seth alternatively gaped at Ryan and Stiles, asking, "What the fuck was that..." His speech style was somewhat of a whisper. He insisted on the shapes his mouth made—to illustrate his shock and the gravity of the situation that just went down. "... How hot was she, dude?"

"On a scale of one to how many?" Stiles asked, chuckling.

"One to ten?" Ryan humorously replied, trying to seem apathetic. With a sarcastic tone, he continued. "That's the standard, I believe."

"She's a 10, guys. For guys like us, she definitely is." Stiles said.

"I think so too..." Seth swallowed and nodded. He was recalling Kate's charming smile and her toxic, mature charm. She was a two-in-one—It was hard not to fall for her combo of the cool girl next door and mature woman.

"What do you mean, guys like us? Haha. Don't lump me together with you, alright?" Chuckling, Ryan rolled his eyes at his cousin's remark. He was thinking how Stiles was a pervert. He didn't have much experience but liked to act like he had some.

"What's wrong with me?" Stiles asked grudgingly. His cousin had been more popular than him back in Chino Hills. Cora was the exception for some reason.

Though things were about to change, Stiles was left with a complex. The side character complex.

Ryan was a protagonist, after all... His innate charm was higher than others.

Seth was an only son with no friends. He was studying their warm cousin exchange when Ryan stated, "I've seen the kind of porn you watch in your room; you like—" not having the time to finish.

"—Ahem. What do I like? I like nothing." Stiles coughed to interrupt Ryan. "And she's a 10, regardless."

"True..." Seth, who was still dreaming about Kate, nodded pensively. His gaze stopped appearing blank when he turned to Ryan and asked with shame but curiosity, "W-what kind of porn, though?" As a NEET, maybe he was born to be a man of science...



"I was skeptical when Chris talked about moving here, but now it seems like a pretty okay neighborhood."

On her way to her brother's new office, Kate thought. She was driving.

When Chris talked about moving to Newport Beach due to a career opportunity, she was reluctant since they worked together.

She wasn't sure she was made for that Orange County lifestyle.

Kate grew up in Central California, and she also liked it.

At first, she was worried that the people here would be fake. But now, she has met a decent-looking, decent-behaving group of kids.

Too bad they weren't her age. That Stiles, in particular.

He was a freaking hunk. If Kate was ten years younger, she probably would have gone for him...

"Thinking of it, I forgot to ask what school they attend..." In the car, recalling the kids, Kate thought aloud as she made a right swerve on the road.

"Do they go to Harbor high too?" Kate wondered.

She regretted not asking immediately, for Allison especially, before she recalled Stiles's handsome face again.

She suddenly felt slightly uncomfortable at the thought of him and her niece meeting.

She wasn't a teenager, so she instantly understood why she felt like this.

"Stiles, huh?" Kate smiled and chuckled alone in her car. "... Should I?"

... He was her fucking type, and he smelled amazing, but he was also underage.

Greatly underage.


The day went by slowly,

Stiles used all his leisure time to train since, for some reason, he didn't get tired.

It wasn't just due to his werewolf's abilities but his hormonal manipulation. It had to do with the endorphins.

The skill was frighteningly useful and not to be underestimated compared to his supernatural one. Actually, all his abilities were supernatural.

Some were just familiar to him.

In the afternoon,

Seth and Ryan, who got close very quickly, were doing their own thing upstairs in Seth's room when the house door was opened.

Stiles, doing push-ups by the pool, heard the sound—with his new werewolf hearing fine-tuned already, it was easy.

With the system, he didn't need an adaptation period like Scott. Not just for that, but for any ability.

He had to train them to get even better, that was all.

Wearing red shorts, his chest bare, Stiles walked to the door and saw Kirsten there.

"Welcome back." He said politely, showing off his sweat. He was a teen who worked out.

"Stiles?" Seeing him, Kirsten, who was taking her heels off because she didn't like walking with them that much, said.

The shoes hurt her hind feet.

Kirsten was surprised to see Stiles sweaty—especially this handsome when he sweated—when he grabbed each shoe for her and told her, "How was work? Let me help you with that."

"It was okay, thanks...I didn't think you were so muscled, were you?" A bit flustered, Kirsten let him hold the shoes for her. She was putting the jacket she wore over her sexy and tight black dress on the rack that hung clothes at the door. "What sports do you practice?"

"Are you talking about my abs? I do push-ups here and there." Stiles answered modestly. He was decent at basketball, but just decent.

That was about to change, though. Stiles didn't have Ryan or Seth's brain, so he was planning to get away with things and get tuition for college another way.

He could get a new skill each year, but he was thinking long-term. The draws had to be spent on useful things.

Attending college in the future wasn't even because Stiles wanted money or a career. He just wanted to camouflage as a normal person with a normal life.

A bit like Clark Kent.


Because Stiles could already go and do a lot of the things he wanted. He could even be immortal after he becomes a vampire. So, he wished to treasure memories of his youth in the best way possible.

Doing that meant attending high school and college.

"You must be doing a lot... That's nice..." A bit more absorbed in her sentence and Stiles's body, Kirsten expressed.


The hormone manipulation was terrifying. By now, Stiles had already confirmed that she would never move them out of her house. Much less let them return to the system.

She apparently had new plans... For him, mostly...

She was trying to fight lewd urges—telling herself how looking and talking was innocent and led to nothing...

Stiles smirked to himself and led her upstairs.

Kirsten was a very special woman. He had to care for her when she was so hardworking and gentle.

Her husband had yet to return home, but she was an adult, so he wasn't worried about what could happen if he did it too well or too close to her body.