
Reborn as Stiles Stilinski in the Orange County

What happens when you reincarnate as Stiles Stilinski in Orange County with a cheat, making you even more of a chad? A super Alpha among ordinary humans. Bikinis, buttocks, sports, parties, no sleep... —Newport Beach Stiles Stilinski! One of those tired mornings. Looking at the super hot transfer student, Stiles went completely OOC, chadly thoughts blooming in his head: 'Please don't look my way. Please don't fall for me...' //Tagged: Orange County, Riverdale, Teen Wolf, Cheat, Supernatural, ETC. ****************** My thoughts on this book: I don't remember the main show in minute detail; I have a terrible memory, so don't expect master intrigue. The emphasis is on character growth. If we must say so. You get the picture. Hopefully, it'll be a slow Romance fic, restful and wholesome. I'll write it for the sake of heartwarming and sticky romance. Shouts: Except for Stiles' supernatural abilities, the Supernatural does not exist. In this fic, only a few TW characters will be relevant! You don't need to ask why...

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Stiles had become a supernatural being in the form of a werewolf, but he was not immortal.

Not just yet.

However, he could already be and be considered close to being such.


It was extremely simple.

Despite the absurdity of that fact, Stiles already possessed the ability to achieve immortality a year in advance, before he could even become a vampire.

He could accomplish that through the most basic hormonal manipulation.

The path to accomplishing this extraordinary feat was surprisingly simple, requiring only dedicated training to reach the pinnacle of his abilities and unlock their ultimate and optimal effects.

Hormonal manipulation was a multifaceted and complex skill that entailed a variety of intricate mechanics that had the potential to profoundly impact and transform one's life, both positively and negatively.

—Like all of his skills, dedicating himself to honing it through arduous practice would enable Stiles to unlock its full potential, allowing him to pursue and achieve his desired life goals, whether immortality or any other aspiration he may have.

Stiles gained a profound understanding of hormones and the ability to manipulate the human body and life in ways that defied scientific understanding by learning the skill of hormonal manipulation.

He now had access to enormous amounts of internal and external secretions that were previously thought to be unthinkable and unfeasible, allowing him to achieve outcomes and constructs that science would normally deem unattainable.

Stiles possessed the ability not only to manifest those unscientific outcomes within himself, but also to confer them on others.

He owned the ability to facilitate transformations and changes that most people would find difficult to bear.

He could give them the ability to withstand such changes by making them supernatural creatures, whether for a short time or indefinitely.

Stiles had purposefully acquired the skill of supernatural skill cancellation in order to control and regulate these transformations as needed.

He could now do it all and more with anti-aging hormones, growth hormones, age reversal hormones, and fatigue-relieving hormones...

After all, which supernatural and immortal creature would want to keep in the back of their minds that their wives would one day die?

—Stiles could now transfer death as well, but it wasn't the same as reversing age and time.

Old people remained old, and young people remained young.

Stiles needed to be able to rejuvenate people.

And he could do so thanks to his first OOC choices.

He desired to embrace and relish the present while it still retained a sense of normalcy because he was aware of the extraordinary and divergent path his life would eventually take in the distant future.

He realized that the extraordinary experiences that awaited him would greatly distance him from ordinary people, so he tried to savor the mundane aspects of his life for as long as possible.

Stiles had not yet decided whether Ryan and Seth, the people he was currently conversing with, would become members of his werewolf pack.

The prospect of including them in his supernatural circle remained uncertain, and Stiles had yet to decide whether such an action would be taken in the future.

Some things were not his to decide or reveal.

Stiles wasn't sure he'd willingly allow anyone to disrupt his normal life with revelations and the introduction of supernatural elements if he could lead a normal life.

He didn't want to cause such upheavals for his cousin and potential foster brother because he was aware of the implications and challenges that would arise from involving them in his extraordinary world.

Even though Stiles had the ability to protect his loved ones, he recognized that it would not eliminate the difficulties and psychological impact they would face if they were exposed to the supernatural side of his life.

Regardless of his ability to protect them from physical harm, the trouble and potential consequences it would bring to their minds remained a major concern.

Deciding to just enjoy life without thinking too early about the future, Stiles replied to Seth, who he wanted to help get a W tonight. "I mean exactly what I mean. I'm going to help you lose your virginity with a pretty girl. Who do you like here? You can pick anyone."

Stiles was naturally confident that with his external secretions, Seth could land any girl here.

"Anyone?" Seth asked.

"Anyone besides my date of course." Stiles replied smiling. Of course, he wasn't a cuck.

Seth was highly disappointed even almost angry when he said, "I don't like anyone except her."

He was honest at least.

But Stiles wasn't Ryan, so he decided to make things clear from the start with Seth and wouldn't fight over Summer with him like Ryan did in the episode.

"I can say the same, bro. I think she likes me more than you." Stiles' words were harsh.

But it was true, Seth wasn't even on Summer's sex radar.

Attraction couldn't be forced, and Seth had to give up when he could unless he wanted to fight Stiles over Summer.

Even if he won, which seemed unlikely, his relationship with her would remain the same as it had been on the show.

Unhealthy for him.

That nerdy girl, whom he didn't continue to date in the show because he was obsessed with Summer, was far better for him.

Stiles only wanted to help Seth lose his virginity tonight.

He would later help him reach true love with that beautiful girl with a beautiful heart.

They missed out on each other because of the plot, not because they didn't love each other.

"How would you know that?" Seth asked.

He was on the verge of losing it, his voice trembling with frustration and jealousy.

"Who did she invite here first? Me right?" Stiles responded while Ryan cringed a little at Seth, not wanting him to get angry with them and Stiles and the new friendship to fall apart.

"Did she even glance at you since then?" Stiles didn't wait. He inserted another dagger into Seth's heart.

He understood that being mindful of them and sparing love rivals was what caused problems in friendship.

Harsh words had to be spoken right away.

He didn't want to be thought of as a fake or be called one by Seth.

He wouldn't even give him the chance.

It was his choice whether to compete and be humiliated.

Stiles was open to anything.

He just didn't want Seth to waste his time and cry later.

"She… She just hasn't given me a chance…" Seth's thoughts became jumbled and conflicted as he spoke.

He was aware of his own delusions, but his long-standing infatuation had clouded his judgment and made him deeply in love with Summer since their childhood days.

He had always imagined himself on the altar with her one day.

When Stiles replied, "Please. Don't fight me on this?" Ryan was touching his own brows with the same hand, using his index finger and thumb.

He knew Stiles…

And he was right to get suddenly worried.

Stiles was not going to play nice and maintain civility in the face of Seth's delusional obsession and sense of entitlement.

He was prepared to confront Seth and put an end to his erroneous behavior, even if it meant upsetting their living situation under the same roof.

That was the only card Seth held over their heads.

Seth should be thankful that Stiles didn't fuck his mother and had given up on her for the sake of respect.

Seth revealed Ryan's less privileged background to the snobbish and cliquish kids at this after-party in the original episode when he blurted out that he was from Chino.

His emotions had gotten the best of him as a result of this sort of ongoing delusional love triangle involving Summer, leading him to insult Ryan in a fit of rage.

This was his retaliation—a stupid retaliation, considering Ryan wasn't even interested in her and Summer was the one who had kissed him after drinking too much.

In the same episode, the after party for him and Ryan ended with Ryan saving his weak ass from bullies.


Recalling this…

—Stiles remembered Seth's pitiful flaws and felt that fighting for love with him would be childish.

Instead of engaging in a dumb rivalry, Stiles decided to choose a more compassionate approach, focusing on helping Seth grow and improve as a person.

Stiles wanted to encourage Seth and help him grow.

Because he was going to be stubborn, it was better to break his heart and end all hopes with Summer right away.

"I just love her man." When Stiles finished thinking and chuckled, Seth was saying, not to the right person he should say this to.

He was a bit pathetic.

It wasn't the love, it was the way he was pouring his heart out.

"Do you?" Stiles asked.

"Yes, man, I don't want to take on you, b… but I'd do anything for her." Seth stated with unusual conviction.

"How about we make a bet then?" Stiles said.

"W… What bet?" Seth asked.

"We both confess to her at the same time, and we see who she kisses." Stiles stated with irony. "I'm confident that, unlike me, the sincerity of your confession will cut through any barriers and reach her heart."

He was being a jerk, but the kid seemed to need to be humiliated to give it a rest.

Love was good, but not delusional love.

"I… In front of everyone?" Seth asked, terrified and stuttering.

"No." Stiles responded. He didn't want to be so cruel to Seth. "It's going to be you, me, and Summer. No one else, not even Ryan."

Stiles turned to Ryan and smiled as he said this.

"Why are you staring at me like this? I don't want to see the embarrassment..." Ryan stated.

"Embarrassment for whom?" Seth asked, unaware and still believing in fairy tales.

He was hesitant to express his feelings to Summer at this early stage.

Seth couldn't, however, ignore the fact that if he didn't act today with Stiles' assertive and overwhelming presence, Summer might succumb and lose interest in him.

Stiles shook his head, looking at Seth. 'Want to compare plot armor? Let's see who has more then.'

'I have the power of hormones with me.'

Stiles felt that Seth required immediate intervention.

People needed to talk to him.

He was also a major character, but Stiles was the true protagonist now.

Seth would never have been with Summer if it hadn't been for plot armor.

In real life, most people like Seth could only date their childhood crush after they had become successful, and their childhood crush had hit rock bottom.

When they were not exactly handsome, it could take up to ten years.

If their childhood crush became as successful as them or more, they would have squandered their neurotic love energy.

Summer was smarter than Seth, making the show truly unique…


A minute later, somewhere hidden behind Holly's beach house.

Summer asked, hands on her beautiful waist, "What are you guys up to? Why did you call me here alone?"

She didn't have a good feeling.

She hadn't drunk enough and was seeing her infatuated childhood friend and Stiles, the guy she actually had a crush on, together.

Pretending not to recognize Seth, she said, "Wait… You feel familiar... What was your name again?"

When Stiles saw this, he knew he had the victory.

Stiles regarded Seth with pity and indifference, as Seth tried to hide his frustration and disappointment.

Seth said, urgently attempting to jog Summer's memory,"Don't you remember me? I'm Seth! We used to sit together back in 4th grade."

He wasn't retarded, so he was in despair now.

Stiles sighed.

Summer was gone, so he didn't understand why Seth needed to embarrass himself like this.

Stiles asked, trying hard not to laugh, "Are you sure you want to continue this?"

"Continue what?" Summer asked, pretending.

She began to piece together the situation as she observed Stiles' amusement and apparent closeness with Seth, who had always had a crush on her.

Summer appeared to have a strategy for dealing with unwanted attention from admirers.

Reading her, it was clear to Stiles now that Seth wasn't the only guy in school who had long been smitten with her.

Others, even present at this beach house, were in their own relationship but still had and hid feelings for her.

It served as a reminder to Stiles, who learned from historical failures as well as personal failures, of how ruthless women could be when navigating the complexities of romance.

Most of them had an uncanny ability to figure out who was in love with them even when nothing was said.

Stiles was waiting for Seth and did not respond to her.


Seth was stubborn.

In one last desperate attempt, he was about to confess.

"I love you, Summer Roberts!"

He did…

"..." Summer was silent.

Stiles let out a sigh and chuckled before playfully confessing his undying love. "Well, a promise between men is a promise, right? I think I love you too, Summer… Roberts?"

He pretended not to know her family name before stating, "Will you go out with me, pretty please?"

"Of course, just to be clear, you can only pick one of us men here. I'm not big on sharing."

"Are you guys clowning me?" Summer asked.

She was aware of what was going on, but she did not want to break Seth's heart.

What a beautiful bosom she was…

"No, and I actually did this guy a favor by calling you here." Stiles reacted with nuance. "Just answer and be done with it. I don't like long farces either."

Seth was too nervous to say anything more than what it had taken him years to say at this point.

He was in complete panic and didn't even register Stiles's word correctly.

He waited for the love of his life to turn this into the miracle he desired.


Those who had unrealistic expectations may be let down by reality.

Summer took a deep breath and responded to Seth with her eyes closed, "I'm sorry, but I can't even remember you properly, let alone return your feelings."

"But," She continued, turning her gaze to Stiles, "I really like this guy here."

Summer approached Stiles shyly and took his hand in hers, feeling a surge of happiness as he didn't pull away.

The little buzz she was getting from the alcohol was dissipating at breakneck speed.

"Are you two friends?" She asked, addressing both Seth and Stiles. "I hope I'm not bothering anyone..."

She hoped she wasn't ruining a friendship here.

Only Seth could provide an answer to this question.

Stiles looked at Seth with pity and a genuine attempt at respect, as Seth tried to appear unaffected despite feeling shattered on the inside.

The broken dude told Summer, "We are friends... but do you really like him so quickly?"

"If I say yes?" Summer frowned.

She was becoming agitated.

Seth tried to maintain a cool demeanor as a last resort, feeling defeated and putting on a facade of insincere acceptance.

"Well, I guess I can't say anything then..." He said. "I've clearly lost this one. I hope you and Stiles find something genuine and meaningful…"

As he walked away, he turned to face Stiles and exclaimed, "You better not break her heart, Stiles, okay?"

"As long as nobody interferes, but she better not play with mine first." Stiles chuckled and informed.

Seth, who was still walking away and hadn't truly given up, winced, feeling naked and exposed once more.

"You… What do you mean?" Summer smacked Stiles on the shoulder, angry at having been misjudged.

She was a good girl.

And she did like Stiles at first sight.

Stiles didn't explain.

She was still unconsciously enjoying the feel of Stiles' hand when he asked, "Aren't you going to let go? If you don't, I'll assume we're dating right now."

"We weren't?" Summer answered with a timid frown.

Stiles' smile widened as he said, "Oh? If we are, then let's take action..."

His hungry lips moved to meet hers the next moment.

The kiss was delightfully soft and had a pleasant taste.

Summer's lips and tongue were inexperienced, but gratifying.

Especially after the whole Seth dramatic mess.

They exchanged their first and long kiss until someone coughed and said, "You guys are moving fast here… What happened?"

Marissa had arrived, with a large and surprised, suggestive smile on her face.

When all was said and done, she was still Summer's best friend.

Her following Summer to find out what she was up to was neither too much of a shock nor alarming.

"Are you guys dating?" She asked with excitement and hopefulness.

The sensational deets and love were well received by all girls.

Marissa wanted to use this as a reason to celebrate because it was also a party.

"Yeah, we're a thing now. This guy caught me off guard," Summer said with a hint of reluctance as she wiped her lips to remove any remnants of the wet kiss.

"We call it a fast one." Stiles remarked. "But you know full well that it wasn't the case."

"Poor Seth." He sighed and continued.

Summer snorted while cradled in his arms.

"Seth? Do you mean Seth Cohen? What happened to him?" Marissa asked about her next door neighbor.

She knew the family well and Seth.

"Nothing. Don't ask." Stiles told. "You're not allowed to let this leak, alright, Summer?" He continued.

"Why would I?" She asked.

She wasn't faking.

Stiles had truly discovered a rare woman, and he now realized that she was worth Seth's rushed character development.

Speaking of him…

Stiles recalled he should go and see how he was doing.

He most likely would not want to lose his virginity tonight…

Not after this.


Inside the Beach house.

"I warned you about my cousin's ruthlessness. You should have paid attention to what I said this morning." Ryan was opening a bottle of liquor to serve himself as he spoke to Seth, who was newly depressed and contemplating suicide.

Despite this, Seth followed him like a faithful shadow.

Ryan didn't fail to notice.

He was strolling around the place, acting cool and collected, looking for Marissa, who had vanished, until he collided with someone and his red plastic cup drink fell.


The next moment, he was kneeling down, irritated.

—Trying to clean up the mess he had made in his rick folks' place as best he could, until he raised his head and saw who had hit him.

"I apologize. I didn't notice you coming this way."

"It's nothing. I'll get myself a new one." Ryan stopped cleaning after noticing the beauty and stated.

She was a blonde beauty.

She left Seth in awe, too.

Ryan was standing up, reaching out his hand to introduce himself, when he said, "My name's Ryan. You want one too?"

"A drink?" The girl asked, surprised.

She was quite tall and gracious.

She was fit and trim, but it felt healthy.

"Yeah. What's your name?" Ryan asked.

He didn't realize it at the time, but he was suddenly forgetting Marissa.

"Naomi," She replied, playfully glancing at Ryan, who was attempting to flirt with her.

She didn't dislike it…

+3215 words

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