
Reborn as spider copy

This story is set in a AU of the ultimate Spider-Man universe with bits and pieces of my other favorite universes in the marvel comics. A human boy died but was given the chance to be reborn only to be reborn as a Spider-Man clone with all of Spider-Mans memories but bits and pieces of his previous life memories as well and has a identity crisis as he sets out on a spiritual journey to go find himself and become a new later gaining a companion of a saber tooth panther through not so great means later returning as shadow spider having various spider powers do to himself being a clone witch mutants his powers and adding more watch as he meets the real spider and various heroes and heroines making a harem along the on his journey to become a great hero or villain

Tae_Smith_9796 · Tranh châm biếm
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New life

I was at pain at first but I'm not now I floating in darkness I don't know how long I had fell asleep only to be woken by a bright light clamming to be god and he offered me a second chance at life witch I accepted I would later find myself in a laboratory with no clothes on as I began to freak out as I would have memories not mine own flood in my head as I blacked out I would soon wake up only to start questioning myself and If I was really me as I would soon see I wasn't alone as I saw multiple failed clone versions of Peter Parker aka Spider-Man in tubes like the one I'm in witch lead me to have a complete meltdown as I broke free from the tube and started running to the exit outside to find myself on the snow it was cold.

"Huh we're am I who am I what's going on" I said surprised at the sound of my voice and surroundings "I have to figure out what's going on and we're on gods earth I'm at," I said going back to the lavatory Since I wasn't running for my life I could finally see and appreciate the place as it was tech out and futuristic I would eventually find a table with multiple papers on it as I read them it was all the work of how whoever made the clone (me) and description and his analyst of Peter Parker which shocked me as this is a very detailed description of his life story as it even has what he did last week.

It says that he had got into another fight with doc ock and won as most of the other stuff is irrelevant. It also seems my dna isn't fully Peter Parker but also hmm WHAT! Steve Rogers and Wolverine and Thor ugh this is so weird and nasty makes my body feel dirty just gross but there is some good new it's seem my fan mutated so it only took some properties from each of them creating my own dna witch is great so basically I'm a clone but my own person great This information was helpful now to test my powers and see what I got.

Weeks later

It seems I have the standard powers like superhuman strength, stamina, speed,endurance,reflexes and agility, senses. My strength is up there I tell you I'm able to bench press 450 tons maybe more as I grow I also have a healing factor on pare with deathstroke I can heal from injuries but note having my heart ripped out or head cut off but that's going to be hard as I have a natural proto-adamantium skeleton witch is cool my skin is tuffer than steel I also have a long lifespan.

From captain America I got superhuman IQ and his natural combat abilities and resistance to mind control from Thor I got a form of divinity in the from of bio electricity which was amplified from my spider powers my electricity can do many things and allows me to control the electricity in my mind and people allow a form of telepathy through electricity waves. Spider-Man I got all of the powers of miles and 2099 Spider-Man like retractable poison fangs witch can heal people if bitten or paralyze a person or even kill them night vision and retractable talons and miles bio electricity and invisibility and the regular Spider-Man powers.

My personality changed as well I was prideful, brave, honest, up-front, loyalty, kind, cleaver, smart, respectful, responsible, temperament, head-strong, lustful, observant, strong-willed.

That's all I found out about myself now most of these I had before but now there just amplified I had move out of that base/laboratory and started to make a life in a town not far from the laboratory I had also found some papers on some of the heroes and I even found some papers on Madelyne Pryor the clone of Jean grey made by mister sinister.

But now I'm traveling to learn more about this place having decided to leave that town and travel the world maybe I can be like Batman and learn martial arts along the way and become this world's greatest detective I mean It would be fun now my journey starts.