
Reborn as rock lee in naruto

some special martial artist guy is reborn into rock lee in naruto the cover aint mine

magmabeam · Khác
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8 Chs


It was the feel of winter, for many hours I have been practicing in the cold. The point to where my body was looking like ice itself. He was a martial artist following in the footsteps of Bruce Lee his favorite martial artist. I was well built standing at 6 foot 180 pounds of muscle, with red hair flowing down to my shoulders.

I was about to start going back inside my house, as I was getting pains in my head. I was lonely without anyone abandoning everyone just for the sake of training. I've been reading a manga called Naruto in my free time when I am not training. It was fun you know, I really liked it was great concept but I always hated how they never truly focused on fights. Then I saw the best fight in animation, Rock Lee vs Gaara. It was so exciting seeing as how Rock Lee would try his best to out punch Gaaras sand which was guarding him. Even still did Rock Lee fall after using his transformation technique.

As I days go by the pain in my head goes worst, and worst. Every time I keep telling my self "It's gonna be alright its just a headache." Yeah I was really dumb, I honestly didn't know what I was thinking when I thought that. More days go by and the feeling of death comes near, I start thinking that I should go to the doctor. As I was going to the doctor I met a strange old merchant in the road. "Old man what are you doing here in the sidewalk shouldn't you be at home?" He said. "Young man you do not know the way I live which is a very hard life in where I struggle every second" "What do you mean by that?"

"I'm asking if you got any money you brat." The old man said. "Sorry old man, No money on me as well." I then ignored the old man as he was walking down the sidewalk he see's someone familiar. While I was trying to introduce himself to his old friend his head starts hurting. "Ah! Waaaghh My head!!!" I was holding his head while this was happening, he felt like his skull was gonna explode.

My vision starting to blur and then went blank after a few seconds of pain. He knew he must've died and was then curios on what happens after death. He meets an entity after what feels like 10 minutes where as in the real world its been 100 years. "Hmm Young one what has happened to you was very unfortunate." "Oi old man why did I die?" "Don't call old man brat, or else I won't tell you" "What do you I call you then?" "You may call me god!" After minutes of silence the ice was broken when the god said "Soo... You died of a headache!" I was so devastated after hearing that a Headache?!?! I swear to god there has to be an accident about this.

The God then said "Okay I'm sending you to another world or dimension whatever you guys call it."

"Wait!" he said "Nope no waits, bye!"

Therefore he was In a blank space in where it felt gooey and all types of slimey stuff.

hey guys its me!!!

i don't know how to write good but ill try

i guess

magmabeamcreators' thoughts