
Oh I see


"Oh? What is it?" Ralsei was curious, yet not to hopeful after getting scammed by the system.


"I knew it! This couldn't just be normal earth!" Ralsei was excited at the prospect of experiencing the supernatural in his reincarnated planet.


"Oh" Ralsei was half disappointed, but also curious. This world isn't as simple as I thought? So, this world DOES have something special, likely cultivation. How come the public doesn't know about them yet, then?

"Click!" The sound of keys turning were heard. Mary walked inside. "Oh! Ralsei, your still in the same spot as before...? Anyways, I'm back, I took a bit longer because I was getting you some things."

Mary walked towards Ralsei with a huge box in hand. "I got you a computer and phone."


"There, all installed. I can't really have someone teach you how to use it, and I need to do things now, would you be ok if I just left you with a manual?"

Perfect! Ralsei was surprised at his luck. He didn't even have to act like he didn't know, or find excuses. He got a free one!


"Alright then, and as for the matter of a pitch black room, we have multiple rooms we don't use. If you go right far enough on the third floor you'll find a staircase leading underground. You can use that, no one will ever go there. It might be dusty though."

"Alright, thanks!"

"Alright, I really got to get going now. I'll leave you with this card in case you want to order something, remember I thought you how?"

Mary closed the room. Ralsei was ready to do this! Since he was sure this was his old world, his new priority was just getting strength. However, there's no need to rush.

After all, there was no sign that he was going to need that strength anytime soon. It's not like there was a prophesy or some issue surrounding him where he would need to get strong fast, like in the web novels he read. The most would be his appearance, but it wouldn't put him in that much danger.

Either way, how could he get strong now? If he could simply find the worlds secrets, it wouldn't exactly be a secret. As for increasing his stats, what exactly was there for him to kill, anyways? Lastly, as for traveling to another world... he would need to prepare. He would get a backpack, plenty of high-calorie food, nutrients, water, certain tools like fire starters, and more.

"Alright, lets check Amozan..."

After ordering everything, it was said to arrive later today. After ordering that on prime, surely Mary wouldn't mind since shes rich, Ralsei started to wonder about his old self. Was his death reported on the news? Were his parents fine? What of his friends? Did they receive news of his death? It HAS only been a day since his reincarnation, and he was feeling curious.

He looked up anything on a boy dying in his home in the U.S Connecticut Area. He started looking about news of elephants, t-posing or otherwise, but simply could not find anything. Looking up his name, he found nothing, either. Eventually, though, he found news about a teenager mysteriously disappearing named Michael. He went onto social media, and looked up his account he never used. It was still there, along with his parents on the friends list.

Ralsei started feeling sad now. He was alive, although reincarnated, but his parents... likely thought him dead! "I need to contact them as soon as possible, and let them know i'm alive before they make any rash decisions!"

But how would they believe me? After all, the phone Mary gave me has a new number, I can't show myself and my look is completely different anyways, my voice is now cute, and any person sending them a message that they are they're dead son would simply be blocked!

Perhaps I could log into an account of mine? Ralsei doesn't remember any accounts his parents also had that he had. Then, Ralsei remembered that email exists. Although his parents hardly checked their emails, he would be sure to send.

He logged in, and seeing the message asking him if he wants to link a phone number to his account, was now feeling incredibly wise that he never added one.

He started composing a message.

Mother. This is your son, Micheal Wasowski.

I am alive. I don't know what the situation is now, but I need to let you know I am alive.

I cannot send you pictures, videos, or audio of myself. I'm sorry, but I cannot. I am in a special situation right now. You can be sure this is truly me because I will send you the usernames of many of my accounts, along with all my different passwords. I wish I could home back home. I did not choose to leave. I had no choice in the matter. Don't try to find me, it won't happen. It would only harm us both.

Before sending this message, he had to make sure it couldn't be tracked by the authorities. After all, his parents would likely contact police to locate him. Luckily, he had ample experience with technology to make it so he couldn't be tracked. This shall not be described.

He sent this same message to both his mother and father through as many platforms as possible. He also sent this to his brother.

He started thinking about his friends. While he would like to be in contact with his parents regularly, he doesn't want to be tracked, and he could only block being tracked via e-mail. His friends, however, likely haven't even received the news. After all, he lived in Connecticut, while his friends lived in Florida. In addition, his friends happened to trust him.... too much. They wouldn't pry into his secrets or call authorities. He decided it was safe to contact them.

He downloaded this thing called Chaos on both his phone and computer. It was an app where you make an account, then you can friend people to DM them, and you can join servers where many people talk together like a community.

He downloaded it. He logged in. He saw that he had quite a bit of messages in his DMs, and the group chats he was in. He started scrolling through his messages, and laughed a bit. He felt slightly guilty that he was here reading this while his parents were nearly guaranteed worried to death. He had, however, no choice.


"W-What? An anomaly? What do you mean?"


"Woah...." This came as quite a shock to him. His friends, that he had been friends with for so long, actually weren't normal people? This... might actually explain a lot of things.

They are all not regular people, and yet I was? The reason I was part of their friend group, could it be they thought I wasn't normal, either? Or perhaps my reincarnation, there was signs of that before that, and they thought it was some sort of cultivation energy? Somehow, I feel my whole life has been a lie.

Let me chat with them....


Its honestly incredible. I thought that everything would be normal, and my interactions with them sure seemed completely normal... and yet, normal no longer seems normal after what the system revealed to me.

At this time -- *DING!

"Wh-- is that the doorbell?" Mary should have the keys to her own house, wait, thats most likely the delivery man.

Ralsei went down to the first floor, and looked through the peep hole. Yep, thats the delivery man. Those are quite alot of boxes... now how exactly am I going to get them with me being like this?