
Reborn as Naruto's Twin Brother

”Look.” someone shouted pointing at the stone faces of the Hokage's on the Hokage-mount. “What are you pointing at?” his friend asked with annoyance but upon turning towards the mountain he became completely shocked “Ahh≈” very soon the whole village drowned in a heated discussion “It must be that kid. ” “Yes no one except him could have done it.” “At first I thought his elder brother is the one who is annoying and unpleasant to the eyes but now I think he is even worse. ” “Don't you think it looks almost alive? ” “Now that you say that I think it looks a lot better than how it usually looks. ” While the whole village is in the commotion on the incident of the Hokage Mountain the person about whom everyone is talking is now sitting beside the Hokage and looking through his crystal ball with pleasure in his eyes. “Why don't you use transformation jutsu to become a kid and go in there Kazuna? ” Hiruzen asked in annoyance while looking at the Golden-Red haired boy beside him. “Yeah I also wanted to go but you see when I went inside some sensor Shinobi was also inside however unlike when I was a kid and they would let me in or even like to play with me this time they beat me so hard ... ” while telling his unfortunate story with a sad face Kirito became angry and shouted “Fuck old man why are you mentioning that event as if you don't know? Don't tell me you are the bastard who let out the information to the ladies of the hot spring. " “I don't know what are you talking about.” Hiruzen said pretending to be serious while thinking inside with a dark face‘Do you think I will let you enjoy the show so up and close while I see it from this small ball? Fat chance...’ “So it was indeed you? ” Kirito looking at Hiruzen's face which is serious in a situation like this understood in a single glance that no one other then Hiruzen had let out his secret and with an angry shout jumped on him “I will fight you to death you basterd.” “As if I am afraid of a perverted bastard like you? ” Hiruzen also jumped towards him. “Who are you calling Pervert you old Pervert? ” Kirito punched at Hiruzen's face. Even before his punch can land in Hiruzen's face a shadow landed in between them and informed “Lord third Kirito has painted the Hokage-mount again and the... ” before he can finish his words a strong punch landed his face sending the person flying through the window. A few days later “Don't take my silence as my weakness. ” Looking at half-dead Danzo on the ground Kirito said with a cold face. “Kill me if you dare kid. ”Danzo who's secrets got exposed during his fight with Kirito knows now that he lost and the proof of his crime is out not only will he lose all his authority but also going to get imprisoned which is worst than death for him. “Don't play games with me, you crazy bastard because I am not going to let you die even if you beg me after you thought of playing tricks against me and my brother. ” Kirito said mercilessly stepping on Danoz's head and not caring about the old man's screams continued “ Hear me clearly you old bastard now that I am angry I am going to make your life so painful that you will wish death be better than living. ” From Volume 2...

Shaikh_Tohaa · Tranh châm biếm
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76 Chs

13. A mother's Sacrifice

Editor: Darklord331.


Shinobi Hospital…

Today I was reading about the theory of healing the Chakra pathway of a Shinobi when it is damaged when I discovered Uncle Hisashi and Aunt Hinako's chakra in the hospital vicinity making me curious about their visit to the hospital when they have healing Shinobi and doctors in the Hyuga clan.

My little mind couldn't understand the reason for their visit to the hospital as I thought 'Even if she is pregnant the Hyuga can't don't need to send the wife of the head in the Hospital so why did she come. '

Yes, she is pregnant, and I found it a few months ago while playing at their house.

You see while playing with Naruto, Neji, and Hinata I discovered a small chakra signature inside Aunt Hinako which was certainly more surprising for me than the time I discovered Hiruzen that damn perverted old never mind let's proceed.

After discovering that unbelievable thing I asked the Hospital director and my medical ninjutsu teacher Goasu about it as he explained that she must be present and Hinata will become a sister in the future.

After that I got some books about it and got some shocking information from it at that time, I also got to know how babies are born and I am shocked to know I was also…

Never mind let's go and meet them as I am curious about the reason for their visit to the hospital.

"Why is Aunt Hinako sobbing?" I couldn't help but to ask myself feeling extremely bitter hearing her sad cry from inside the room of Goasu's Sensei.

"Mr. Goasu you are our final hope. " I heard Uncle Hiashi pleading with worry in disbelief because this is the first time I found the mighty clan head of the Hyuga clan begging someone so pitifully.

"You don't need to beg me so much if I can help you but the most I can do is save Hinako or the unborn child in her belly." Goasu sensei said with a serious face making me shocked at what I learned.

"But…" Uncle Hiashi said with a broken tone as Aunt Hinako said with a sad tone without any hesitation in her tone "The save my daughter. "

"Hinako? " shouted Uncle Hiashi in sorrow.

"Let me.be selfish this once Hiashi although I know you love me however I don't want to live in the place of my unborn daughter who is yet to enjoy a day in this beautiful world." Aunt Hinako said with a smile that made my heart feel some unknown pain I had never felt before even when I think about my parents abandoning me and my brother.

[(-_-) He has walked to the door and looking at everything through the gap of the door unconsciously. ]

Looking at Aunt Hinako cherishing her stomach Uncle Hiashi persuaded her "What about Hinata then? She is still a child."

"I know but I can't let my unborn child die for me so please look after our daughters when I am gone ok Hiashi-Kun." For the first time I saw the strong Aunt Hinako pleading with Uncle Hiashi instead of giving him an order and crying.

This is extremely uncomfortable, and I can't explain how much pain I am feeling in my heart right now.

[(-_-) Oh the drama I truly hate writing this kind of part in my story but I have to write what luck. ]

"How do you expect me to take care of them without you and what will I explain to them when they ask me about you?" Even Uncle Hiashi is crying damn this is so heartbreaking.

What to do?

What to do?

"Kazuna-Kun what are you doing here? " asked Goasu sensei looking at me with a serious face and I have pushed the door open, didn't I.

"I was passing by and..." how to explain this situation do you want to expect me saying I was eavesdropping in the conversation all along.

"Kazuna-chan how much did you hear?" Wiping the tears from her eyes Aunt Hinako asked with a sigh looking at me.

"I didn't hear about you sacrificing yourself for Hanabi-chan's birth. " Damn I said it all didn't I and now they all know I have heard everything also Hanabi-chan is Hinata's unborn sister at least that is want Aunt Hinako calls her.

"So you heard everything?" Aunt Hinako asked with a sigh.

"I... I.. Yes, I heard everything." I said with a sigh as she and Uncle Hiashi asked me not to tell anything about it to anyone especially to Hinata after explaining some issues and understanding their reason I reluctantly accepted it and after they left me ane Goasu-sensei in the room I asked with a serious face "Is there truly no way of helping her? "

"There might be a way bug I am not capable of performing it, so I didn't want to get their hopes up. " he answered me with a sigh making me surprise as he continues "If Princess Tsunade was here maybe she could help but we don't even know where she is and finding ger can take months that we don't have so I didn't want to give them false hope."

"How can she save her if you can't?" I asked with a serious face noting the point as hope started forming inside me.

"You see she has a Secret Jutsu called Creation Rebirth that she uses to store a huge amount Yin chakra in her forehead in a Diamond shape, in theory, using it with… " Listening to his explanation I knew there is a way and I just need to find Princess Tsunade or some source that has a huge Yin Chakra.

As he finished his explanation I asked again "Is it possible for me to try as I can feel a huge amount of Chakra inside me? "

"You are a boy and we man only have Yang Chakra affinity so there is not a possibility for you to help her. " Shaking his head he said with a sigh as but I felt different about it because I can feel another huge chakra signature inside myself also it is not a baby. After all, it is a few hundred times stronger and has a Yin affinity to it.

"What if I can also arrange the Yin Chakra we need during the operation?" I asked with a serious face.


"That is just not possible. So I ask of you to give up Kazuna-kun."

There was something important I forgot to write.

Shaikh_Tohaacreators' thoughts