
Death and revival.

Su Yefeng is one of the rising star in gaming field she can master any type of game in just few hour cause of this she had won countless award in her life for her gaming is a way to have some entertainment in her boring life.

But one day she was seating on her study table even though she was a rising star in gaming field her parents never appreciated her gaming cause of this she got into huge conflict with them.

she leave there house and start living alone she had no worry with her gaming skills it was not hard to earn money for her it was just piece of cake earning money.

she never lack them what she lack was thrill and fun in her life she want to experience great adventure as a normal teenager adventures film and novel had influence her alot.

She start going to tombs hunting and travel around the world visiting the thrilling area, mountain, forests, places filled with mysteries in other word she was carefree girl giving headache to the people around her.

she was very hard to manage it was almost impossible for other to make her to listen to them currently she just had come from sky diving and currently reading a newly published novel.

the author of the novel was a newbie and she need to advertise this novel cause the author is actually her own crime partner and best friend when she was done reading it she made a call.

"yo girl the novel you written is quite good I mean it's concept is diffrent from the typical harem novels and all you also know that I'm not the type of harem i like thrill and adventure so I will help you"

"thank you, thank you so much i owe this time girl but make sure to put some good of my work you don't know but your fan are really something last time when you were drinking your favourite chocolate shake it was sold out in just an hour" sy yefeng pause for a sec before saying.

"that why i was not able to buy it from anywhere all the places say that it's sold out i was thinking how can it sold out that easily so this was the reason it look like I have to be careful with the things I eat or drink" su yefeng nodded her head like she had discovered something very important.

"okay bye I'm going to come live in just few hour" with that she end the call of her friend she quickly arrange food and drink beside her computer she love to eat and drink while playing games.

By the time everything was ready outside the weather was also had change black cloud had covered the whole sky and soon rain start pouring she look outside of the window.

she love raining season if she had not come live she must had seat beside her window enjoying rain she quickly seat down on her chair and wear her headphones.

it has been two months since she had come live lot of her fans are dying to see her and that why her manager had call her and bring her back from the India where she had gone to tour diffrent places.

"hello my fans i know, i know it has been two months since I had come live and lot of my fan are angry with me so first let me say sorry for that you all know i love going diffrent places this time my destination was India i had lot of fun there and.... with that she start telling her story about what happened in India with her.

while playing games she also mentioned the novel written by her friend in the live while she was playing games but she forget about the food in the pan by the time she smell the burning food it was ready late.

By the time she reach kitchen the burning food ready had catch fire and the whole apartment was filled with smoke she call the emergency number she try to exit the house but the whole house was filled with smoke although the fire was small it cause lot of smoke.

cause of the smoke she was not able to see anything and end up in the basement where she accidentally touching the electrical board since it was raining the help arrive very late by the time they separate her from electric board it was already very late she had leave the world.

since when the incident happened she was live it cause panick in the heart of fans they quickly arrive at her house only to saw the officer taking out her dead body it was most shocking news that day.







when she open her eyes she found herself laying on the ground the floor was cold and strange smell was lingering in the air when she try to get up she felt pain in her body she doesn't dare to move cause of the pain.

the whole place where she was laying was dark making it hard for her to see anything here she look around only to find firewood in her left side there was also bundle of cloth thrown in the corner when she saw the bundle.

she suddenly felt cold laying on the ground she decide to cover herself with the bundle of the cloth she try to get up but her body felt like someone had crash her every single bone in her body.

since she can't get up she decide to drag her body there when she reach there she take the bundle it was rough, thin and dirty but it better than nothing she wrapped the cloth around her body.

just the simple task of wrapping the cloth make her felt like she had lift some kind of heavy stone her whole body was hurting like hell.

she thought that 'why the pain of being electric shock is same like someone had beat her with a rod' she don't much energy to think about anything she close her and fell asleep on the floor.