
Reborn as Kushina Uzumaki with Kaguya and Whitebeard’s Powers

*Heavy AU* An ambitious and horny soul reborn as Kushina Uzumaki without knowing how she was born with Kaguya Otsutsuki and Edward Newgate’s powers. All she knows is that in her newest life she’s going to have a harem and do the original Kushina justice by fulfilling her dream of becoming hokage. Yuri, Futa Kushina, Overpower FMC, Harem and AU If you don’t like AU then this story is probably not your type of story.

StormWolf16 · Tranh châm biếm
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21 Chs


A/N: This chapter is basically an info dump.

They say those who are born powerful are either born lucky or born cursed in worlds where strength reigns supreme. As the old saying goes 'might makes right'. Uzumaki Kushina is someone who feels as if she was born unlucky. 

See she's not a normal girl, she was born not only with overwhelming power but also with the memories of her past lives. As far as she can tell, this is far from the first time she's reincarnated or transmigrated after death. She's pretty sure this is her first time being born as a character in the Naruto universe.

Her story starts off way different than the original Kushina Uzumaki from the Naruto anime/manga. For one may be an Uzumaki but she was not born in Uzushiogakure. Neither was born in Konohagakure, the long-time close allies to the Uzumaki Clan. No, she was born outside of the continent of the elemental nations. 

She was highly aware of her surroundings from the day she was born. Apparently her parents were powerful, retired shinobi of the Uzumaki Clan who left the clan. Their reasoning for leaving is they knew within a few years there's a high possibility of Uzushio being dragged into a war. War against some of the great 5 shinobi villages. Something they as parents did not want their daughter being growing in or potentially being forced to participate in. So they left their home country after much consideration. 

They left and after months of travel ended up outside of the elemental nations all together. 

Eventually her birth took place on July 10th peacefully with her parents in an unknown continent for 4 years. About 40 something years since Konoha was founded. During the 4 years of living with her parents, they taught her as much as they could and also sealed copies of every jutsu scroll or history text about the Uzumaki clan. It was sealed on a storage seal imprinted on her right wrist, only way of opening it is the combination of her chakra and blood. Also the seal will also appear if she wills it to, otherwise it cannot be seen. 

Her parents had good reason to be cautious since they ended up dying before her 5th birthday. Somehow her mom and dad died together in their sleep. Still to this day she still doesn't understand why it happened so suddenly. She was sad about their passing for a couple days, during that time she gave them a proper burial. 

Due to her having multiple parents due to her past lives, she did not grieve their deaths for long.

She also kept a secret from her parents, while her parents knew she was extremely talented and had massive chakra reserves even by Uzumaki standards. They did not know the true extent of her power.

Simply put, Uzumaki Kushina was born with the full power of Otsutsuki Kaguya. Not only that, she had the physical strength and powers of Whitebeard as well. 

Way too overpowered and broken. 

The reason why she says she was born unlucky is because she was born as a typical mary sue from webnovels/fanfictions.

What sucks the most is that she doesn't know how or why she was born with such powers. She has no recollection of meeting an R.O.B or some godly being who gives wishes to reincarnated souls. So how in the world can she have the prowess of the Chakra Goddess. The Chakra Goddess who fused with the God Tree. Yeah, that kind of power.

This means Kushina was born a jinchuuriki in this alternative Naruto universe. Whether alternate universe or canon timeline, Kushina seemed to be destined to be a jinchuuriki no matter what. 

An pure-blooded Uzumaki ten-tails jinchuuriki with the prowess of Edward Newgate. 

Pure insanity. 

This literally took away her chance to grind from the bottom and rise to the absolute peak. She cannot differentiate herself from the typical mary/gary stu. If someone was reading her current life as a story, she would suggest dropping it immediately. Especially if they hate stupidly overpowered characters who can one-shot top powerhouses as a kid. This story is definitely not for them. 

Although she doesn't really plan to one-shot any powerhouses anytime soon. 

Anyways, while on blood work she will only come up as 100% Uzumaki blood. There is still pure Otsutsuki's blood flowing through her veins due to being born with Kaguya's powers. Technically making her an Otsutsuki even if she looks nothing like one. 

How does that work, she doesn't know or care. 

This little fact played a huge part into why she easily mastered the ability to manipulate chakra. Allowing quickly master many of her abilities. For example, unlike the Uchiha Clan, Kushina didn't have to rely on her emotions to trigger the awakening of her Sharingan. All she has to do is channel chakra to her eyes and will if she wants to use her Sharingan, Byakugan or Rinnegan. Her RinneSharingan appears on her forehead like Kaguya's. She can make it appear or disappear whenever she wants. 

Of course she also trained her abilities she inherited from Whitebeard. Her Uzumaki and Otsutsuki physique were also combined with the physique of prime Whitebeard. Over the years she's worked on both her Haki and Devil Fruit abilities. 

So she's not worried about anybody in the shinobi world being her opponent. She really only has to worry about other Otsutsuki members and even they won't be a challenge by the time she comes into contact with them. 

"It's my 8th birthday today." Kushina said to herself, currently she was resting in her home. The same home she's grown up in. Luckily she knew how to take care of herself and make money. "In a year I will finally go to Konoha and start my plans."

Call it lame, basic or cliche or whatever, regardless of all its faults. Konoha was still her favorite village out of all of the other villages as a fan of the Naruto series. Just in her most recent past life, she was able to once again watch the series and many other animation shows.

Her bias towards Konoha is why she chose going to Konoha over Uzushio. She has no attachment to Uzushio and would be a liar to say she truly cared about the people of the Uzumaki Clan. 

At least in Konoha she has a chance to meet her favorite characters. One good thing about being born as Kushina is the fact that Kushina was one of her favorite characters in the Naruto series.

Now because of her Rinne-Sharingan, she can open portals to instantaneously transport herself to another location within this dimension, or another dimension all together. After a couple tries she was able to locate the elemental nations, more specifically Konoha. 

She made wood clones and disguised their appearances before sending them off to every shinobi village to gather information. Using her Byakugan she can easily see through a person's memories, feelings and thoughts unnoticed. This allowed her to gather a lot of information about the current situation and keep a constant surveillance going. 

At the moment, the Second Shinobi World War is still going on. Different from what the story stated about Konoha dominating most of each of the wars. Right now they are not dominating the Second Ninja War nor are they losing it. Gathering all the information she did, it's easy to see that the war is not close to ending. Unless a major game changer steps in, the war will continue for another several years.

Kushina's goals are simple, to become Hokage in order to honor the dream of the original Kushina in the canon timeline. In order for that to happen she has to join Konoha and prove her worth. Make it so that they have no choice but to accept her, which with her power shouldn't be hard at all. She wants to participate in the second and third ninja wars to gain prestige. How will she end up being compared to the legends such as Hashirama and Tobirama, if she has no battle feats or military accomplishments?

Next is to surpass Kaguya in all aspects of her powers. It's a known fact that Kaguya did not truly utilize her powers fully or correctly against Naruto and Sasuke in the anime. In her opinion, Kaguya had multiple opportunities to easily defeat them that were missed. One example being where she literally touched Naruto and Sasuke, right then and there she could've ended the entire fight by using the Human Path ability or All-Killing Ash Bones.

Lastly is to have a new family of her own, in some of her past lives she was a degenerate. Whether as a male or female, she was a pervert when it came to women. In this life she wants a harem, and she already has a list of targets. 

Tsunade Senju, Mikoto Uchiha, Mito Uzumaki and Kaguya Otsutsuki. 

Over time she can add a couple more but those 4 are her prime targets. 

Kushina is not worried about Mito being an old woman since she can easily make Mito young again. 

Being the second Mother of Chakra, she can do far more with chakra than imaginable if she puts her mind to it. 

"Just one more year Kushina, be patient you've waited this long you can wait a little longer. Plus it'd be best to give the shinobi war more time to prepare for my arrival. Soon my name will forever be etched into history." Kushina chuckled to herself while eating an apple.

She admits that while she's grateful of her parents not wanting her to be raised or apart of the war. Kushina wants to join in on the actions, otherwise what's the point of being an reincarnated anime fan with overpowered powers?


*1 year time skip*

Miles away from Konoha, a black tear in space opens within the Land of Fire. Stepping out the portal is a 9 year old Kushina, she's wearing the same outfit as Kushina did as a child without the forehead protector. 

She took a look around her surroundings, spreading out her supreme sensory range before smirking. 

"Shinobi life, here I come."