
Reborn As Kai Parker | TVD/TO/Legacies

A story about one Atlas Tyme; from rebirth to struggling in a family who treats him like an abomination for something he can't control. Read and experience the process that made Atlas- now named Malachai- live up to the horrid expectations of those around him.

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Getting ready for my day like I've done every day of the 22 years I've been here, but now, there's no more annoying siblings, no abusive and neglectful 'family' members; nothing but silence. Relishing in this new circumstance I start humming, doing some small quirky dances I slowly make my way to the kitchen.

Doing a terrible impression of Michael Jackson's moonwalk I reach the fridge, grabbing a few eggs from the fridge, along with butter I set them along the island we have. Then I close the fridge after grabbing some strawberries.

You see, a celebration is needed in certain situations. After breakfast, I'll start to immediately head to all the communities and houses near me that the Gemini Coven has located and/or come in contact with, and steal all of their stuff. Another thing I want to do is find all of the community-breaking items I can, learn as much as possible about them, then see if I can do anything about them with my sucker ability.

The magic absorption is an incredibly overpowered ability but what makes it somewhat balanced is how it makes the people with it, unable to keep the magic they absorb after a certain amount of time. An example could be when the original Kai used this ability to absorb the traveler's spell. He had so much magic, but it dispersed after at most, a week. Which is bizarre and useless, such an amount of magic would have been incredible to even take a fraction of for most witches, but with siphoners, it simply stayed for a week.

Granted yes, the original Kai used a lot of it trying to learn control and how to do spells correctly; however, the amount he used shouldn't have been more than a tenth of the total magic he had. So that begs the question, where did it go? The magic, I mean. There's no way it just disappeared into nothing as energy never is created nor destroyed; simply transferred to another form, so I thought, what if I kept even a fraction of that power? Would my body be able to house it? Hypothetically if I had my own source of magic power, one that could replenish itself like how normal witches do, would I be able to add that power permanently to it? Also, what if I created a spell that could modify my own body, to be able to intake magic and add it to my physical strength and all-around enhance my body. Would it be permanent?

I'm rudely snapped out of my thoughts by my now burnt eggs. Well whatever, just strawberries are fine anyway.


It's been a year since then, after locating and confiscating hundreds upon hundreds of magical items, I realized I'd never be able to get all of them. And even if I could, where would I store it? So the first thing I did was find several artifacts meant for the storing of objects. One I found was a spell that when applied shrinks the intended item down to the size of a toothpick; apply that with an item meant for storing inanimate articles and boom. An incredibly large storage unit for all the useful things I find.

Also the reason I know it's been a year is because I've been tallying it. Keeping track of time so I don't lose myself to staying in here for a century taking everything I can.

I've grabbed something interesting in the short time I've been here. It speaks of a spell that's able to change the body type of a witch to have the ability to absorb physical properties of anything it touches, with the added ability to be able to shapeshift into several forms. This thing is a grimoire I found and read with some incredibly messy writing, it took me two months to even piece together what was written down. Now granted I wasn't reading this book every day but I was reading books on other languages and understanding simple phrases.

So yes, it took a long time but if I can pull off completing this spell with the unlimited amount of resources this world has, I'll be unbeatable. Of course, I don't firmly believe this is possible like anyone would be when reading this sort of thing; but if I can harvest even being able to change into a form of water, or fire, or stone. I mean, even if I only have one of those form changes I would be more than okay with it.

Another aspect of nobody interfering is a huge amount of loneliness. I've even imagined hearing people talk and have been talking to myself pretending to imitate conversation. Such isolation is terrible for my mental state and I've almost left the prison world a couple of times now; each one abandoned after long thought of my circumstances. The moment I leave the prison world I'll have lost one of my only advantages in this world. I haven't even explored a whole percentile of the untapped world and throwing that away for interaction with people I'll mainly want to kill is not worth it.

Another thing I've done already is learn to fly, in an airplane of course. The most I can do is lift up articles of clothing on myself and glide everywhere. The amount of magic for that though is high and requires a large amount of control, which while in the air is hard to continuously do.

My control over magic has also grown significantly. I've been abusing my ability to not permanently die and have set up an incredibly deadly course I run through. It consists of traps, land mines, automated crossbows, anything I could think of to increase my awareness and ability to act in deadly scenarios. From levitating and stopping arrows that try to kill me, to detecting landmines and other obstructions using magic. I've also killed myself quite a few times, some on purpose like jumping off a cliff to rid myself of fearing heights to getting an arrow through the dome when trying to train my magic. Honestly both suck but tempering the mind to not fear death is a huge attribute when in the face of it.

Now, the setting up of the obstacle courses themselves and having items replenish themselves without my interference is a neat trick I learned. It's a spell that requires a huge amount of power to activate, it also needs a medium to channel that power, in my case that's a piece Qetsiyah's tombstone. Then you need to have a set area as the default environment, and once a day it replenishes by itself; however, what it can't do is replenish magic artifacts or create duplicates of magical items. So no infinite vampirism cure glitch, oh right I need to grab that soon. If I can create a spell to mimic the properties it has, I can essentially hold it over vampires I want as lackeys and say, "If you don't do this for me then I'll take away your immortality." Or if they don't want to be immortal and want to live a human life then I'll use it as a reward for an impossible task. Anyway, the only thing I can gain from the cure is benefits. And if I go grab Qetsiyah's grimoire, I'll be even more ahead of the game.


It's been 5 years since I've arrived here. Time is an incredible concept, something we can't buy more of nor stop. I have found an abundance of abilities priceless if all made to light.

I've found the spell used to create vampirism by Esther. An incredible spell, one that requires a huge amount of power and items that grant abilities dreamlike; however, there are also a lot of negatives to using this as each plus also adds an equivalent minus. One could be, for example, tethering your ability to amplify your magic power to the moon. The negative could be that you can only use your magic on a full moon, other than that you have no magic. Another could be for vampires you can't be a witch unless, of course, you have a broken ability like magic sucking, but most don't.

You see, all this spell has too many negatives for me to risk using it. If I did the original spell and became an original vampire, then if I wanted to get rid of the weakness of sunlight, I may get an even larger weakness from the dark. Which would suck, like becoming an original vampire-witch heretic, then losing my super awesome vampirism abilities when the sun goes down is not worth it.

So I've come up with the ability of just healing. A permanent fixture for healing my body by taking magic in the surrounding atmosphere and converting it to healing magic. A bonus of this is no sickness, super-duper automated healing power that doesn't require me to apply it myself, healing of cells so I don't age fast; downsides are though is that if I get stabbed, the knife needs to be pulled out quickly or it will get stuck in my skin and become an anomaly, which granted would eventually be pushed out of my body or I could pull it out. Still kinda sucks though, another could be if the magic in the surroundings is cut off like the travelers spell around mystic falls, then it simply won't work. Another could be my heart being ripped out or me being decapitated and I will simply die, like for real. So this one is going to be upgraded before I apply it as once it's applied, I don't know how to undo it or stop it. Whatever I'll figure it out later.

Wait a minute, what I could do is permanently apply it to myself and give myself a healing ability similar to Wolverine or Deadpool.

Suddenly receiving inspiration I search through several of my rings all made for storage and send a pulse of magic through them, all searching for items made for advanced applications of healing. If I could take an object and transfigure it to act as blood, or an organ, or a limb I could-

Being stopped by finally finding what I'm looking for I see a crystal that when supplied magic heals the body of an intended target til they need it no more. Given the nature of this object, I need a few more to be able to mold them into something I could use and apply long term. Oh, wait, what if I use the wood of the white oak tree, a tree that lives on forever. Or what if I reconfigure and reverse the cure for immortality and apply that to myself. So much to think about, and all the time in the world to apply it.


Besides the purely magical side of things, I've also been catching up on lessons in colleges. An example is biology, I've read all the required books and have quizzed myself using tests prepared by the professors here. Of course, not with any of the professors present, I mean I am alone. Anyways the main point is that I have all the required knowledge for a bachelor's in biology which is incredibly useful when applying magical abilities to parts of the body. The super awesome ability to convert my body to different material and all I had to do was touch that material once. Incredibly broken and incredibly deadly. The only way I'd be able to convert my body to another is to merge my body with the elements needed for it. For water, it's fairly simple, 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen. However the process to merge it with my body may completely turn my body into that element, erasing any sentience I'd have and then I'd just be water. Hopefully, that wouldn't happen because I can't die and if my physical body is bound to this place then it may reset me, hopefully. It's all speculation but I don't want to try it without more knowledge.

Another thing I've been working on is the ability to manipulate souls. I, of course, need actual people to try it on, and since no one is here I can only learn about it on paper. Which is better than nothing so I'll take it. I hope to be able to push the soul out of the body, so even if I was against a foe of incredible physical power I could just push their soul out of their body. It's easily several times more complicated than that because even though the body is a housing of the soul occupying it, if I were to battle against someone for their body and try to forcibly put my soul in it. Then I would not only battle the original soul's mental fortitude but also be naturally repelled by the body. I'm guessing that's also why when Klaus was being put into Alaric's body, the two powerful witches helping him were completely spent after doing so; not to mention the process takes super long to do. I've been looking for other ways to apply the soul like storing souls in objects, an example could be a journal, and all of that person's feelings, thoughts, and consciousness would be stuck in a journal. They'd be able to write in the journal, voicing their thoughts or intended actions to the person writing in it, but what would happen if you put someone in a lamp? Would they only be able to power it on and off while still being conscious?

I haven't found anything relating to such an ability so It may not exist. Or I could be just not looking hard enough and have completely looked over it early on.


It's been 2 months since the thought of interacting with souls has crossed my mind. I've made significant progress in my ability to siphon and have achieved the necessary knowledge and material in order to create a body superhuman. I abandoned becoming a vampire because of all the side effects, of course, most could be subsided but I'd just rather not have them at all. Another reason I didn't become a vampire is that procreation is something I want to have the ability to do. Having children is something I need/want sometime after I get out of here.

So what my body will have after the ritual, or the main reason why I'm doing it is nigh immortal regenerative powers, and the ability to generate my own magic without needing another source of power. I will also have a few added bonuses like increased senses, strength, and speed. The added bonuses are nowhere near vampire level, but they'll be noticeable compared with other humans.

Something I thought of while setting this up was the possibility of still being able to become a vampire. I mean, I'll still technically be human, just a little enchanced. Also getting my own source of magic on top of being a siphoner is so exhilarating to think about.

Letting out a sigh that's mixed with nervousness and joy I prepare myself. Taking off my clothes and laying down in a tub full of different herbs used in spells that require major power. When I'm fully transfixed into the tub, covered fully in magical herbs I use some of the magic I prepared for this and imbue it into the pre-laid scripture beneath me. I could feel my magic intertwining with the writing of old, dead languages, in a symbol made up of hundreds of dark objects, melted down and laid as a foundation for what's taking place.

Then I'm incredibly hot, my veins wiggling and muscles tearing I let out a muffled scream. One that if you heard, knew the recipient was in a world of pain. Seeing black spots in my vision of green I try to stay awake and record the process of what's happening to my body until I can't while my bones snap and elongate. My last thoughts were filled with the possibility of my ritual failing and accidentally turning myself into a creature beholden by the moon.


Waking up with a start, inhaling and exhaling like I was pulled out of water right when I was about to drown, I look at myself. No visible change except for an increase in height, making me roughly 6 foot 3 inches. My muscles also appear to be denser, not in an unnatural way. Just in a way that shows I work out, a lot.

I can smell the grass and trees, with such clarity I'm amazed. Walking a ways away I punch a tree, not lightheartedly but a real punch, hands up, and at the sides, I throw a right hook. Feeling some of the tree crunch and shake, leaves start falling on me, only a few but it was obvious from the impact my hit just made. Taking a look at the spot I hit looks dented in, with some bark falling here and there. Now, my punch didn't go through the entire tree, ripping it in half but that's not what I expected.

Oh ya, my healing. Looking at my hand I see the bloody marks from using that much force not appearing. I need more conclusive evidence but I'm guessing it's already healed. It's suspected I could take a headshot to the face and only be disorientated until I pull out the bullet; or if it goes through then depending on how much damage it did, at most 15 to 20 seconds. Which mind you is incredible for a human- or I guess enhanced witch.

My magic, I can feel it. It's a natural thing to be able to feel it after interacting with other versions of it thus far. This, however, feels so normal. Like I've always had the ability to generate my own magic.

Grinning at the prospect of what occurred I laugh and stare at the sky, arms out hanging in the air, I fall backward onto the small scattered pile of leaves continuing to laugh. Once I'm finally done with my happy moment I stand back up to clean up the remnants of the ritual when I notice something peculiar. All the herbs are dried and dead. Like completely turning to dust dead, the type of dead you only see after letting plants rot for years.

Coming to an epiphany I wonder how long was I sleeping. Surely it couldn't have been that long, no more than a day or two. These dead leaves are probably just a side effect of the explosive amount of power required for this ritual. Sprinting back to my clothes and bag I completely disregard them for my clock. One running on the magic between the ascendant in here and the one out there, a way to keep track of how much time it has been without the need to tally time myself.

Seeing the time, I've been here 15 years since I've come here. YEARS. It suddenly hit me, I need to leave this prison world, like now. Picking up my clothes and putting them on I sprint to my current place of residence, noticing the increase in speed but not paying it any heed I grab all my items for storage. Some necklaces, some rings, all filled to the brim with items and grimoires, along with some gallons of rarer non-magical items. Gold, scorpion venom, diamonds, money, you name it I'll most likely have. Putting all the rings in a backpack I grabbed taking all my possessions with me I head to mystic falls.


Seeing the eclipse about to hit its peak I prepare myself, using the blood of the Bennet witch I collected from all those years ago I sprinkle it on there, opening and activating the ascendant. It produces a blinding flash of white light taking me out of my prison along with a world's worth of items.

Landing roughly on the ground I stare up into the night sky, breathing in its cold air. I use my now increased but immature hearing to listen in on my surroundings. The sound of crickets and birds filling my senses fills me with a kind of joy I have yet to experience in this life. The joy of expectation of what's to come. Childish it may be, but nonetheless exciting.


EternalStudcreators' thoughts