
Vibranium / Special Date

Classes in Midtown High is boring as usual but having Felicia and the others around always brighten up my day. Before class ended that day, I receive a message from Oracle regarding Ulysses Klaue. Oracle made a confirmation that he arrived at Salvage Yard, Johannesburg with a huge container.

Excited by Oracle's news, I apologize to Felicia for cancelling our date and promised that I will make it up to her. After class is over, I quickly head home and change into my Nightwing uniform.

As I entered the Quinn Jet's cockpit, I said "Oracle, set course for Salvage Yard, Johannesburg!"

5 hours later...

Oracle called out "Nightwing, we nearly reach our destination!".

"Good... Go to stealth mode and keep the jet out of sight. I will go down and take a look..." I said as I look out of the window to see the salvage yard fill with discarded tankers. It is around 2 AM in Johannesburg (6 hour time difference) and the dark sky help hide the Quinn Jet presence.

I mumbled softly to myself "Let's get to work!" and jumped out of the Quinn Jet. I slowly glide downward towards the salvage yard and stealthy entered the area.

Seeing the large number of armed guards with machine guns, I sneaked behind one of the guards and quickly knock him out with a sleeper hold. After webbing him up in one corner, I stealthily

heading towards the next guard.

10 minutes later....

Taking my time to disarm all the guards patrolling the area, I hid them one after another in one corner and web them all up.

Making my way into the ship, I quickly head towards the nearest computer terminal to hack into their security systems and search for the vibranium.

With Ulysses and his guards asleep in another corner of the ship, I quietly creeping my way though the ship as I search for Ulysses's hidden stash of vibranium.

With Oracle's help, I quickly found the vibranium hidden in one of the room. Seeing the vibranium front of my eyes, I whispered to myself "Jackpot!".

There were large amount of vibranium ore stored in glass casings with monitors and a private computer terminal.

"Download everything related to vibranium" I whispered as I quickly plugging Oracle into the computer terminal nearby and started downloading Ulysses's vibranium processing method.

As Oracle downloaded the data, I remove all the glass container of vibranium out of the room

(amounted to around 300 kg) and quickly web them all together into several bundle of bags. I only need 2-3 container to make one suit and the amount of vibranium obtain from Ulysses is enough to build nearly hundred of suits.

"Done!" Oracle informed into my ear piece.

After carrying the bundles of vibranium out of the ship and back to the Quinn Jet, I decided to leave Ulysses a birthday present. Returning back to the ship, I start to place explosives all over the ship and his weapons stash.

Around 10 minutes later.....

Returning back into the Quinn Jet, I looked out of the window saying "Hasta la vista, baby!" and activated the explosives.

BOOM!!!!!!! BOOM!!!!! BOOM!!!!

Sound of pure destruction followed by numerous balls of fire destroyed the ship as the Quinn Jet flew away across the air.

"Let's head home, Oracle!" I said excitedly as I looked back at the destruction and smirking to myself in excitement.

Nightwing Base (Another 5 hours later...)

Exiting the Quinn Jet, I sighed slight as Bernard stared at me silently with his hands crossed in front of him.

"I know....I know....school night.... I am heading to bed right now..." I mumbled to him as I quickly head upstairs towards my room under Bernard's watchful eyes.


Wednesday (After Class)

Felicia beside me looking confuse said "What are we doing here?" before turning towards me.

"I am just trying to make it up to you for cancelling our date yesterday" I replied before grinning as I looked back at her.

"Yeah... sure but I think it is close..." Felicia said feeling puzzled by the whole situation.

"Actually ..... it is open and their guest today is only you and me" I explain slowly.

"but how?.....and it is a circus" Felicia muttered in surprised and confusion.

"It is a surprise specially for you" I said grinning before pulling her by the hand through the front gate of the circus. Since Bernard grounded me from going out as Nightwing, I decided to ask him to help me rent out the place for a day which he gladly did immediately after he hearing that I am planning to bring Felicia.

"I am already surprised..." Felicia muttered before giggling as her eyes lit up in excitement.

A short moment later...

"You gotta be joking!" Felicia mumbled as turned her head in shock and stared at me.

"Nope! No joke, Felicia" I answered playfully as I quickly stood behind her on the platform with my one of my arm around her waist as I gripped the trapeze bar.

I gently place her hand on the trapeze bar whispering into her ear "Hold on tight".

"and if I don't?" Felicia teasingly replied.

"then I will catch you" I answered as I grin back at her.

"Are you ready?" I asked which Felicia replied with a simple nod of her head.

"Whee!!!!" Felicia cheered as I pushed both of us off the platform and the trapeze bar send us swinging through the air towards the middle of the ring. I grab the trapeze bar in the middle and quickly hung myself upside down there before letting Felicia swing backward alone on the first bar.

As both of us swing on the trapeze bar, Felicia continue laughing excitedly as she hooked her legs on her bar and reached her hand out toward me when both of us swing slowly back towards each other.

Grabbing both of her wrists, I smiled as both of us stared into each other eyes lovingly when Felicia unhooked her legs which send us swinging together.

I pulled Felicia upward and helped her to sit on the bar, I asked "Having fun?".

"Yes!!!!!" Felicia shouted before laughing excitedly.

"Good" I answered as both of us continue swinging on the bar.

As the speed of the bar picked up, I let go of the bar and did a double flip in the air before catching the first bar which send Felicia cheering.

Felicia exclaimed "Best gift ever!" as she swing herself back on forth on the bar like a swing.

"I am glad you like it" I answered grinning as I watch her swing on the bar in cheerfully.

We continue swinging in the air for few minute before finally jumping downward towards the safety net below.

Lying down side by side on the safety net, I glance at Felicia who has a blissful grin plastered on her face.

"Did I make up for cancelling our date yesterday?" I asked as I held her hand in mine.

"Yes.... and remind me to put circus trapeze artist as a job option" Felicia replied giggling as she rolled over on top of me and kissed me on the lips playfully.

Holding her waist and back in my arm, we make out for a short while when Felicia suddenly stood up on the safety net blushing and bounce away giggling out of my reach.

"You seductress!" I mumbled slightly which Felicia playfully stucked out her tongue at me.

As I was helping her get down from the net, Felicia asked "If I fall will you catch me".

I smiled at her before replying "Always...." as I lean down towards her and kissed her lips gently. We continue kissing before Felicia broke off the kiss panting slightly and her face blushing brightly red in color.

Felicia tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and looked down in embarrassment mumbled "You must have picked up a lot of girls with this move, huh!" as she nudged her elbow at my side.

"Nope, you are the only one" I smiled as I held her hand in mine causing her to blush redder in embarrassment.

"If you always keep making me this happy like this.... I don't know what I would do without you" Felicia mumbled innocently.

"Don't worry! You won't lose me" I answered reassuringly as I gaze into her eyes and squeezed her hand.

Felicia quickly pecked me on the lips before darting away shouting "Let's see what else the circus has to offer.... " Felicia flashed me a beautiful smile as she twirled around and head towards the exit.

"Wait for me!" I shouted as I chase after her. After that, we played and laugh throughout the night while at the same time continue flirting and enjoying each others presence.

Please review, write or provide feedback... sick again... flu and cough... the older we get, the harder for us to recover.... hate growing old...... wish there is a genie to grant me wishes....

Wishes that I would make

1. money

2. powers (Marvel/ DC/ Dragon ball)

3. young forever / healthy always

godfreyngszecreators' thoughts