
Reborn as Gojo Satoru in Chainsaw Man

A man reincarnates as Satoru Gojo in a chainsaw man. What does this universe have in store for our Mc and how does he cope in an unknown world.

David_555 · Tranh châm biếm
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82 Chs


Time skip....

Kyoto, Japan...


Within a small training room, a silver haired youth unleashed several blows onto a punching bag riddled with holes.

His moments were gracious and although he moved at incredible speeds, every single punch kick combo was executed with a calm disposition, like that of an immortal.

After a while, he stretched his back and let out a yawn, before walking forward to pick up his towel and a bottle, took a sip and sat cross legged on the ground while wiping his face off.

"Sigh. What a beautiful morning it is.."Feeling the waves of sunshine gently caress his body, he let out a satisfied chuckle and lied down, while his piercing blue eyes couldn't help but stare at the ceiling.

'Why do I keep having these bad premonitions, as if something terrible is about to happen to someone or something...'

He sighed deeply and furrowed his brows, before he sat up in annoyance.

After teleporting from North Korea a few weeks ago along with his partner after they completed one of the hardest Devil Hunter missions, it'd been only a few weeks, however, ever since he returned, he'd been having premonitions, as if something troublesome was on its way.

He didn't know what or who was coming, but having such premonitions without having an idea of what was going to happen was annoying in the very least.

'Might it be Makima?...' He sighed as the image of pale red haired young woman flashed through his mind.

"Anyway, it shouldn't matter, after all, I'm the strongest..." He smiled and lied back down.

'How strong am I anyway? After learning how to use purple, I might've crossed the threshold for at least mastery of the Limitless...'

He smiled, picked up a small pebble, before he flicked it with a finger. accompanied by a flash of blue light.

The pebble blasted forward at nigh sonic speed, before piercing a hole through a multiple metallic dumbbells, as if they were nothing but paper.

Unbothered by the superhuman feat he had just executed, he still remained in deep thought.

As of now, the only thing he needed to do was learn or materialize his Domain Expansion and he would have reached complete mastery of the Limitless, however, he there was so much he could already imagine achieving with the Limitless that at this point, even a Domain felt somewhat normal for him.

Besides he had not yet even explored the mysteries of Reverse cursed technique, and positive energy. He had only recently uncovered another use of positive energy; that apart from healing wounds, the positive energy itself was the bane of devils.

Just like water and fire, the two were the natural bane of each other. With devils being formed from negative energy, using positive energy on them, which was their natural opposite, would not only kill them, but naturally erase them.

It worked like the concept of an acid base reaction or the neutralization reaction. Mixing an acid and base with equal pH and poH respectively, would only neutralize both of them.

However, if the acid is stronger than the base, then a part of the acid would remain, while the base is neutralized, or vice versa.

It worked in the same way for him. If the devil was extremely strong, he'd have to use an equivalent amount of positive energy in order to kill or even erase it.

"Oi. Satoru, I knew I'll find you here!"

As he mused to himself, a loud shout drew him out of his thoughts, as three figures barged into his training room unannounced.

The first was a young man in a white shirt, black tie and pants and sneakers. His hair was blonde and messy, and a large smile was plastered all over his face.

The second and third were two youths as well; one with long pale red hair, dressed in an all black suit with an apathetic expression, while the other was slightly tall, dark haired and dressed similarly.

"What do you guys want? I told you, I ain't taking any missions within the span of a few weeks.." Satoru couldn't help but sigh and sit up while his piercing blue gems rested on the youths.

"Our missions would be a lot easier if you were with us, you know, and we would be able to accomplish much.." The tall youth with the dark hair smiled and said.

"So what, you guys still want me to babysit? Come on Aki, you've grown a lot stronger. Can't you still handle those weak devils with ease? Besides Angel is there with you isn't he..." Satoru chuckled and covered his eyes with his arms.

"Weren't you the one who kept blabbing on and on about reputation? What? Now you don't want the reputation anymore?" Angel couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

"Don't try to tempt me Angel, I won't fall for your tricks. Besides, I'm having lunch with Kishibe..." Satoru couldn't help but facepalm, recalling the middle aged devil hunter who was supposedly Denji and Power's teacher.

The man was scary in his own right, and boy did he reek of alocohol sometimes. Even Satoru with all of strength had trouble dealing with someone like him, hell, even Makima herself, the head of the Devil Hunter's Association was somewhat accountable to him.

"You know, there was this great place downtown that sold this amazing strawberry cake and coffee, and boy was it delicious! If you want..."

"Say, when is your next mission there? I'll be glad to taste some of that strawberry cake if you don't mind..." Seeing Satoru reluctant to join, Aki couldn't help but resort to his trump card and it worked as well as he thought it would.

"You know, for someone with such strength, you're quite persuasive.." Angel shook his head seeing who was probably the strongest Devil Hunter, fooled by something as flimsy as food.

"Oi! How dare you?! And how dare I miss out on that amazing strawberry cake...you know, I haven't had sweets in a while.. It better be good Aki, or I'm teleporting your ass to the moon.." Satoru laughed and stood up enthusiastically with his towel.

"Aki is right man! The cake is so soft and creamy, it tasted like heaven...besides there's this girl I've met in a shop opposite that, she's pretty hot.." Denji who had been quiet all this time finally laughed and backed Aki up.

"Oh really, and here I was thinking you were in love with Makima..."

Satoru flashed an interested grin and paid attention to Denji.

"Bro, I know, like I'm still trying to wrap my head around this whole emotion thing...On one hand, there's Ms. Makima. She's extraordinarily beautiful, she's calm, of a pure heart and her smile..."

While he daydreamed, Satoru and Angel couldn't help but exchange glances wondering which Makima he was talking about.

Makima was many things, in Satoru's opinion. You couldn't deny that she was physically attractive, but you could also definitely not deny that she was evil. Heck, if pure hearted had an opposite, that was exactly what she would be described as.

"Hold on hold on. This new girl, her name is Makima as well?" Satoru asked, wanting to clear the confusion in the air.

"No. Her name is Reze, pay attention..."

Denji cleared his throat and spoke, as Satoru and Angel exchanged looks once more.

"She's very cute, she likes to take me out, and I think she cares more about Denji than I do.." Denji sighed bitterly and sat down.

"Bro. I think she's a keeper. If she cares more about you than you do, then you better hold on to her like your life depends on it.." Satoru patted Denji's shoulder and smiled, offering advice only a big brother would give.

"Thanks bro. I'll think about it.." Denji smiled back.

"And how do you know so much about love? Have you ever been on a date even before?"

Aki asked with narrowed eyes.

"How do I know so much? Well I've watched a lot of K-drama within these few days, and I do consider myself quite knowledgeable now, and about my last date, uhhh let's just say it didn't end well.." He spoke while picking up his towel and bottle.

"Anyway, let me go take a shower first, and let's go enjoy a creamy slice of the strawberry cake whooo.." Satoru laughed and twirled around, before teleporting away like a magician causing the others to sigh.

A/N: I want to thank you guys for the massive support once again. Sorry for not updating in a few days. I haven't really been feeling well, and I have exams as well. But I'll be updating regularly to the best of my ability.. Anyway, hope you guys like the chapter...