
Brewing tension

"This is but a passing issue, our real battles will come when we unleash our might to conquer all of the Sarifal region."

The prince must be bragging but could he actually be talking about his actual ambitions?

"You must be joking, how could the Sarifal region be at war? The Octarine tower will not allow it." Esdras probed.

"Ah, this won't involve any mages though, the mages will agree beforehand hand to stay out of it. Then we will use all the gold we hoarded in the old castle and then conquer the region!"

"But even if it was then it's not easy to do something like that…" Esdras was unconvinced, it's a fantasy to do something like this so soon after the orc invasion.

"No, nooo, you're an idiot" the prince muttered sluggishly, "you, you have no idea we have sooo much gold in the old castle you can swim in it."

Esdras smiled warily, he didn't know what to think about that. In fact the Elbrim kingdom had some qualifications to think like that.