
Reborn as Fugaku Uchiha

Uchiha Fugaku said to Uchiha Itachi in front of him, "Uchiha is the first Clan in Konoha, and it can take power without a coup."

Kronos_01 · Tranh châm biếm
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55 Chs

Chapter 12

"Chasing," Uchiha Fugaku stated, "The other party is like an arrow at the end of its flight, and their time is running out. Nozawa sent a reconnaissance bug to investigate their trap."

Fugaku swiftly threw two Shuriken, piercing the throats of two severely injured Iwa Shinobi. Suddenly, a message appeared in Fugaku's mind.

"Kill a Chunin and gain a small boost in Pupil Strength."

Fugaku paused as he received only one message, indicating that there was another Iwa Shinobi who was still alive and pretending to be dead. Even with the Sharingan, he couldn't detect any weak spots.

A bitter wind blew through, carrying an Explosive Tag, which detonated with a deafening explosion in the cave, engulfing the two remaining Iwa Shinobi in flames. Another message flashed in Fugaku's mind. This Shinobi was a Jonin and had provided Fugaku with a moderate increase in Pupil Strength.

Three figures emerged from the cave, leaving no trace of the four Iwa Shinobi.

Fugaku looked at Nozawa and asked, "Did you track them down?"

Nozawa nodded and replied, "Some of the bugs detected each other, and they couldn't escape. The scent on the Iwa Shinobi allowed the bugs to locate each other without relying on vision."

Fugaku nodded, knowing that male and female bugs could find each other by scent. This was no secret to Uchiha Fugaku, as he often collaborated with the Aburame Clan on missions.

Guided by a few bugs in the dark, rainy night, the three individuals lightened their steps while trying to cover their tracks with unusual rocks and rough terrain, making the enemy believe they had relaxed their vigilance.

Not far ahead of Fugaku and his companions, Omoto was fleeing with three Iwa Shinobi.

All four of them were covered in bloodstains, evidence of a fierce battle they had encountered earlier. They hadn't expected to encounter Konoha shinobi again.

"Captain Omoto," one of the Iwa Shinobi gasped, "We can't keep running like this. We are four against three Konohagakure Shinobi. It's uncertain who will win."

"Keep running, don't stop," Omoto said solemnly. "If it was just ordinary Konohagakure Shinobi, we wouldn't have to run at all. But with a Uchiha clansman who possesses the three-tomoe Sharingan, known for its genjutsu and insight, even in darkness, our opponent can see clearly. At this point, the Sharingan gives them a significant advantage. They will slowly wear us down and finish us off."

"Captain Omoto, the enemy hasn't been chasing us at all. Perhaps the trap we set earlier played a role," one of the Iwa Shinobi suggested.

Omoto glanced back into the darkness, unable to see any sign of the Konohagakure Shinobi. Yet, he couldn't ease his vigilance. Shinobi could kill with precision, even in the absence of luck.

"Regardless of whether the trap worked or not, we must keep moving. Perhaps the enemy wants us to believe they're not chasing us. You go ahead; I'll set up a simple trap," Omoto decided.

Meanwhile, Fugaku and his companions silently quickened their pace, inching closer to the Iwa Shinobi. They easily detected the simple traps set by the Iwa Shinobi on the path, thanks to their Sharingan, and skillfully evaded them.

As the sky gradually lit up, the chase had continued throughout the night. Finally, Fugaku and his companions spotted the silhouettes of their targets, but they didn't make their move just yet.

All four Iwa Shinobi were injured and exhausted from the night-long pursuit.

Omoto glanced back, seeing no sign of the Konohagakure Shinobi. Although his heart was still uneasy, they needed to stop and rest. If they continued running, they would collapse to the ground with no strength left to resist.

Behind a rock, Fugaku and his companions halted their advance, carefully observing the movements of the four Iwa Shinobi.

"Let's go. It seems they are unable to continue," Fugaku said. "We'll approach quietly and launch a surprise attack."

Sato and Nozawa nodded in agreement. After a night of relentless pursuit, the three of them were still full of energy. They intentionally didn't rush to finish the battle, hoping to exhaust the enemy further.

The vigilance of the four Iwa Shinobi had diminished, something unexpected from elite shinobi of Iwa. Yet, their physical stamina was too depleted to maintain a high level of alertness.

The current four Iwa Shinobi were like defenseless lambs.

Fugaku skillfully threw several projectiles, aiming directly at Iwa Shinobi Captain Omoto. At the same time, Sato and Nozawa swiftly engaged the other three Iwa Shinobi, becoming shadows in the darkness.

In that moment of suffering, Omoto realized that the tide had turned. The three Konoha shinobi had never given up the chase; they had only been waiting for the right moment to strike, when the Iwa shinobi were weakened and vulnerable.

In mid-air, Kunai clashed, constantly changing directions. Uchiha's throwing technique was renowned in the ninja world.

Omoto managed to catch one Kunai with his Kuwan and muster the remaining strength in his body to block two more, but the rest pierced his body, finding their mark in his ribs and legs, causing blood to ooze out.

The remaining three Iwa Shinobi were swiftly dispatched by the Konohagakure shinobi in the first exchange. Fugaku pierced one through the throat, Sato's long knife pierced another through the heart, and Nozawa drained the last one until only a breath remained before severing her throat.

"Kill a Chunin and gain a small boost in Pupil Strength."

Approaching Omoto, the Iwa Shinobi Jonin who still had a breath left, Fugaku witnessed a mix of death and relief in the dying shinobi's eyes.

It seemed the Iwa shinobi despised killing, but unfortunately, they were born in a time of war and chaos. Perhaps several decades later, the ninja world would be peaceful and prosperous, but for now, conflict reigned.

"Nozawa, find a clean cave," Fugaku instructed. "We don't need to search for an Aburame Clan member. Rest for a day and head straight to the rendezvous point."

After a night of intense pursuit, the team's spirits were high. With their enemies completely eliminated, a sense of exhaustion washed over Fugaku. On the battlefield, impulsiveness often led to swift death.


Nozawa extended his hands, releasing countless bugs that dispersed in all directions.

The three of them cleared the battlefield, using the bugs to gather information and search the area. They were meticulous in erasing any traces they left behind, taking advantage of the rain to wash away any evidence.

Inside the cave, the environment was relatively clean and rocky, providing a sharp contrast to the rainy weather outside.

They lit a bonfire, needing its warmth to ward off the chill that had settled in their bodies after a night exposed to the elements.

On the battlefield, any habit that weakened one's strength could be fatal. Fugaku would never allow his team to be hindered by ailments that dulled their senses and made them susceptible to the cold.

Sitting around the campfire, a gentle warmth emanated, driving out the moisture and cold that had seeped into their bodies throughout the night.