Keystones city
A woman's screams could be heard inside a hospital room. "Push honey you got this he's almost here." A well-built man spoke only to regret his words seconds later.
"I'm am pushing you, Oaf, let's see you push a baby out of your asshole. You like having stuff inside there anyway Ahhhhhhhhh" The blonde-haired woman screamed as she pushed with all of her might.
15 minutes later a healthy baby boy was born into the world. Though no one noticed the intelligence his eyes held.
"ma'am have you decided what you're going to name him?" The nurse asked as she handed the woman the baby. The woman looked to her husband with a smile " Eddie Thawne that's what we're going to name him."
Elias and Autumn Thawne looked down as the Baby smiled hearing his name. ( I honestly had to make up their names. I don't know why they haven't been named yet and if they have I can't find them anywhere.)
7 Years Later
Eddie was only surprised by one thing, He was once again named Eddie, but that before he heard his last name Thawne.
He knew all about Eddie Thawne, he felt they were similar they both sacrificed themselves for no reason. Thawne died thinking he would be the hero but the reverse flash was still there terrorizing Barry Allen.
The Eddie Thawne he knew about was a loser. Every Thawne after him accomplished wonderful things he was the only Dud. He was bullied in school for being plump and his dad closing down the local plant only made it worse. Had his Gym teacher not took pity on him teaching to fight he never would have mattered.
The one thing he did right was dating Iris west Allen but even then it wasn't meant to be. Her finding out Barry was the flash would have ended up destroying their relationship anyway.
Eddie didn't want to be like Thawne he wanted to create his own story be his own Comic. With his intelligence, he wouldn't go the hero route but the villain route was just as bad. He would just do what he wanted when he wanted to do it and no one would stop him.
His new family was nice and even though his dad was never at home he felt loved. He wasn't an orphan in his last life but he never felt the love from the family he did had. More like he was a burden they couldn't wait to get rid of.
His new mom was an amazing cook he could understand why the other Eddie got so Fat. She was a loving mother she did her best to make sure he felt loved.
Though the one family member he loved the most was his grandma Agnes. She was a caring old woman she was glad that Elias had become a senator but she was sure Eddie could accomplish more. She treated him like an Angel spoiling him rotten.
Eddie had already started reading college-level books. He never went in his past life but with Lex Luthor's intelligence, he learned it all too easily. He had decided that Lex Luthor was a dumb smart person, he was so smart yet he chose to research ways to kill Superman when he could be saving the world. ( Favorite Lex Luthor is Michael Rosenbaum hope they bring him back for crisis on infinite earth's)
5 Years later( he'll probably be in starling city by the end of this chapter)
The priest goes to the graveside and reads the following or another final prayer. " Give her, o Lord, your peace and let your eternal + light shine upon her."Congregation:" Amen." "Let us go in the peace of the Lord."
Eddie watched in with tears in his eyes as the casket was lowered into the ground. He followed behind his father picking up some dirt before throwing it on the casket.
His grandma Agnes had recently passed before she did she gave him a ring.
"This is the ring your grandfather proposed to me with." She smiled looking down at Eddie, "When you love someone and you're sure you can't live without them use this to propose. I'm sure you'll have plenty of chances to do so you're downright handsome even for a Thawne."
Eddie gripped the ring in his hand he turned to look as he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Eddie I know you're going to miss her but she's in a better place now." His mother hugged him as he shed his tears. He knew she was in a better place he knew more than anyone else did. He saw her soul leave her body and the angel(Someone tell me did I make Eddie an Angel last chapter by giving him Lucifer's powers does he get wings???? please tell me lol) take her away to heaven.
He was only twelve but he had already experienced death once before. His grandmother's death got him to thinking and even though she died of natural causes he was sure some people in the future would want his family dead. He upped his training He wasn't sure if it would damage his body but with Wade's healing, he was sure he'd be fine. ( fun fact my last name is Wilson. should I name my son Wade or Slade maybe Ryan is a little too white)
His father had already started to suck at being a senator with kids his age doing their best to bully him only to fail. He could have just skipped grades but he didn't want to change the timeline. He was going to appear as the Dud of a Thawne the other Eddie was while secretly using another identity to accomplish everything else. ( he's just going to appear like this in the history books so Eobard won't suspect a thing. Iris isn't endgame he'll date her but He's going to end up with Supergirl, her sister, or Reign who cares honestly)
AN: Maybe I was wrong about ending up in Star City. My bad if this is a harem expect the relationships to take time to build supergirl will be the easiest since Kryptonians are attracted to Equals. I like Mon-el but to me, he was too weak and I understand it's called supergirl she should be the strongest she even best superman. "Shout out to Tyler Hoechlin on becoming superman. who knew Derek could be not Emo. Someone comment if I should continue this or not and I didn't edit or re-read though I probably should have.")