Nyssa quickly walked towards Eddie's room once she arrived she noticed Eddie sitting with his back towards the door. he was wearing pants only with his katana in his hand cleaning it. Nyssa noticed the burn marks on Eddie's back she was surprised seeing them. "Al-Mahraqa," she whispered under her breath as the name popped in her mind.
Eddie turned to the now open door as he heard Nyssa's whisper 'That's quite the fitting name considering the burn marks on my back.' Eddie thought as he looked at the young Nyssa al Ghul.
"You should knock before entering," Eddie spoke.
"My father wishes for you to join us for dinner," Nyssa said before turning to leave.
Eddie smiled watching her figure as she left the room ' The defeated Ra's al Ghul believes he still holds some power.' Eddie chuckled putting a shirt on he left the room catching up with Nyssa They soon reached the Dinner table.
Eddie nodded seeing the luxurious meal, the table was full of exotic foods only the rich and famous would enjoy.
in the first seat sat Ra's al Ghul a calm smile on his face, next to him sat Nyssa al Ghul Eddie walked to the empty seat across from Ra's al Ghul.
"Before we get into this whole thing about me being the hair to the League, I'll say one thing. I only came here for one reason to use the Lazarus Pit." Eddie took his seat leaving Ra's al Ghul to his thoughts.
"If you wish to use the Lazarus Pit, take this." Ra's held up his hand taking the ring from his finger.
"I can't take that at least not now," Eddie spoke reluctantly surprising Ra's. " I need you to continue your search for your Heir when the time is right I'll return to take over the League."
"How will I be sure of your return," Ra's asked suspiciously.
"I'll take your daughters hand in marriage."
" You wish to marry Talia? Sadly I no longer have control over her, not after her meeting with the Detective." Ra's rambled thinking of the only other man he thought worthy to be his heir.
"Not Talia," Eddie spoke shaking Ra's from his thoughts. " I'll take her hand in marriage, after all, she is the one who gave me my League name." Eddie's roamed to Nyssa's young figure, he knew how beautiful she would be in the future.
"Oh Please Enlighten me what did you name our guest." Ra's looked at his daughter.
"Al-Mahraqa," Nyssa spoke.
"Al-Mahraqa, The holocaust or the burnt one, I fail to see how the latter fits." Ra's raised in eyebrow as he looked at Eddie. Though Eddie said nothing to explain as he began to eat the food in front of him at incredible speeds shocking both Ra's and Nyssa.
After eating Ra's stood from his seat looking to Eddie, come let me show you the Lazarus Pit. Eddie didn't hesitate immediately standing to follow Ra's.
They soon reached a secluded area in a dark room a pool of water sat still. Eddie could feel the healing properties of the water from where he stood, a small smile appeared on his face. Although he had been in the DC universe for some time, seeing the Lazarus pit was like seeing the fountain of youth in pirates of the Carribean, yet it seemed so much darker.
"Welcome to the Lazarus pit, it has kept me alive for centuries. If you wish to bring someone back from the dead beware that anyone who steps into the pit will come out more animalistic. I've used it for so long that the side effects are minimal, though I usually took my anger out on those that forced me to use it." Ra's smirked thinking of his past enemies and their deaths.
"I won't be placing anyone else inside the pit, I'll be entering myself," Eddie said surprising Ra's.
"You seem to be in perfect health even after our battle, What are you entering for?" Ra's was curious though he didn't mention it he did notice Eddie wounds healing throughout their battle it was the main reason he so easily wished to give him the league.
"I'm sure you've noticed my healing abilities," Eddie said as he began to take off his shirt. Seeing Ra's nod he continued, "Death is almost impossible for me and wounds, heal easily, but when the wounds are caused by something Divine, such as the sun things get a little tricky." Eddie turned around showing Ra's his back.
Ra's eyes widened seeing the burn marks, "My daughter is truly gifted when it comes to naming, Now if you don't mind Al-Mahraqa, how did you say you got such scars."
"Let's just say I got a little too close to the sun." Eddie grimaced remembering the pain that made him fall unconscious. Seeing Ra's lost in his thoughts he waited no longer stepping into the pit lowering his whole body into the water. He relaxed as he felt the water's healing properties surround him, warming him like a baby in his mother's embrace. He closed his eyes focusing his attention on the burn marks that plagued his back. The water flowed to it, reminding him of when Percy Jackson first learned that water could heal him, The water seemed to be doing its job until it wasn't Eddie shook his head. He wasn't angry just disappointed he figure he would need more than just the Lazarus pit if he was going to stack the healing properties on his own. He would need something more.
Lifting his head out of the water a frown on his face, Eddie made his way out of the Pit. Ra's watched as he climbed out and judging by the frown on his face he could tell things didn't go as planned.
Eddie grabbed his shirt putting it on he looked to Ra's, "Your daughter shall be my first cocumbine, that shouldn't be a problem. Right?"
"Not a problem at all."
"When I return I'll be taking over as Ra's Al Ghul try not to die in the time being, I'd hate to have to take what rightfully mine from someone else." Eddie smiled as he left the room, though he could honestly care less about marrying Nyssa and becoming the New Ra's.