
Reborn as Chara in the Multiverse

Have you ever woken up in an Anime world in the body of an Andragynous genocidal Child. Well That happened to me and now i am neither man or woman, Folliw me as i rage my way through the Multiverse. Ps:i won’t abandon this one…Maybe

Ender_Child · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs


*You are filled With Confusion

Nice if you to explain undertale subtitle, you see i do not give an amount of shit to what the hell is happening.

I am short, wearing black leggings and a brown short, i have small brown boots, a yellow and green shirt and a silver knife in my hand. i'm short but not by that much and i have brown hair.

"Holy shit…am i man or a woman cause there is nothing down there" my voice was slightly girlish, i am now officially genderless…and a Loli….

Yeah so i'm chara Dreemur(A/N:Varient No3)

i don't have a system like undertale…but here's the thing, there is a save button in front of me, Am i chill with suddenly reincarnating, well maybe but where am i now..

*Welcome to the Anti-Void.

"Hello to you too dialogue, may i ask why and how i died" I said in a sarcastic tone.

*An outer god got bored and decided to give a random person three random abilities and one character template.

Ah yes that makes sense…no it doesn't. "So i am genderless chara?"

*No, you became every Au Chara, but your current appearance is undertale chara, you have to unlock the rest yourself.

"so the Anti-void and you came with the package?" i asked curiously.

*Affirmative, the Anti-void is an endless dimension where you are God

"Yeah, yeah whatever, Show me the three random abilities i have" I am already op…but not by that much.

* The power to traverse worlds and be attuned to their power system, The ability to sever the connection of fate, The ability to forge weapons.

There's always a catch, right? I thought to myself, waiting for the dialogue to respond.

*The catch is that each ability comes with a limitation or consequence. For example, traversing worlds will gradually erode your sense of identity, severing fate will draw the attention of entities that enforce destiny, and forging weapons requires a piece of your soul as a catalyst.

I blinked a few times, processing what was just thrown at me. "So let me get this straight if I hop between worlds too much, I might forget who I even am, and if I mess with fate, some cosmic police will come after me? And to top it off, making weapons will literally cost me a piece of my soul? That sounds…fairly balanced," I said with a heavy dose of sarcasm.

*Precisely. You have the potential for great power, but with great power comes great responsibility.

"Yeah, yeah, I've heard that one before. So, where do I start?"

*You must first choose a world to traverse. Remember, the more you travel, the more you risk losing your identity.

"Well, isn't that just peachy," I muttered, glancing around the Anti-Void. An endless white expanse, with nothing but me, my thoughts, and a save button. "Alright, show me the options."

Suddenly, a series of doors appeared before me, each one different. One looked like it belonged in a medieval fantasy, another was high-tech and futuristic, and the last one seemed…disturbingly familiar. It had the same color scheme as the underground from Undertale.

I hesitated, considering my options. Should I start with the familiar, or dive into the unknown?

"Decisions, decisions," I mumbled, eyeing the doors. "Well, might as well start where I know a few faces."

With a deep breath, I walked towards the door resembling Undertale. As my hand reached out to touch it, I felt a strange sensation a mix of excitement and dread.


Long ago, humans and monsters lived together on the surface of the Earth. Despite their coexistence, humans began to fear the monsters. This fear stemmed from the belief that monsters possessed the ability to absorb human souls, potentially gaining immense power and becoming a threat to humanity.

As tensions grew, a war eventually broke out between the two species. The humans, driven by their fear and their greater physical and magical strength, waged a brutal war against the monsters. Despite the monsters' best efforts to defend themselves, they were no match for the humans' power.

After a fierce battle, the humans emerged victorious. Rather than wiping out the monsters, the humans used powerful magic to seal them underground, creating a barrier that prevented them from escaping. This barrier was so powerful that only a being with the power of seven human souls could break it.


"My head hurts" i said annoyed, why the hell did that happen the moment i touched the door.

"uh…uhm can you get of me please…" The soft voice of a girl said, i looked down to only see Frisk…female frisk uncomfortably wiggling around.

"Did you reset the world yet?" I asked with a blank face.

She looked at me in suprise opening her eye and revealing her gold irises. "…Chara?, why do you have a physical body, i thought you had to posses me or something similar, did you find someone else with enough determination?"

"Why are you a girl instead?" i asked, i could definitely feel something and i stood up from her body and wiped my clothes clean.

"What are you talking about, i was always a girl?" She stood up and then tilted her head in confusion.

"…Sure, so you definitely reset the world, Also chara is gone only i'm left if i am right, well i certainly do have Their memories…They had a bad family huh" No wonder chara hates humanity so much, broken girl honestly.

"…So you are chara but you are not chara?" Her eyes were still opened observing me closely, she seemed curious rather than upset.

"What Number of reset are you on?" i asked her ignoring the question.

"Well this is my First True reset, Selling my soul to you was a bad idea, speaking of that you look nicer than chara" She said with a smile, she was wearing a skirt and black leggings. She closed her eyes once more.

"Uh-hu" i have an undertale stat box let's see"

With a thought, I summoned the stat box in front of me. The familiar pixelated interface hovered in the air, glowing faintly. The names, stats, and descriptions were all laid out in front of me:

Name:The Ultimate Loli Genocidal Genderless child,Chara

LV: 1

HP: 20/20

ATK: 5

DEF: 5

Abilities: World Traversal, Fate Severing, Weapon Forging

Soul: [Fragmented]

Current Status: [Identity Stable]

"That name is stupid….Not much different from the original," I muttered, scrolling through the other tabs. Most were blank or grayed out, likely waiting for me to unlock more of Chara's memories or other AU abilities. "Looks like I've got a lot to figure out."

Frisk was still watching me curiously, clearly trying to make sense of the situation. "So, if you're not Chara, who are you? And what are you going to do now?"

I shrugged, closing the stat box with a wave of my hand. "I'm… well, I guess I'm just me now. I've got bits and pieces of Chara, but I'm something different. As for what I'm going to do…"

I glanced around the Underground. Everything looked just like it did in the original game, from the dimly lit stone walls to the eerie glow of the magical barrier that sealed this place off from the rest of the world. The familiarity of it all brought a strange mix of comfort and unease.

"let's go meet Asriel first" i said remembering the psychopathic flowey who appeared at the beginning, Maybe i can make deal with him.

"You mean flowey, but what if the player interferes, i can't really control anything" I paused, taking in Frisk's words. "The player, huh? So, they're still around, pulling strings?" I narrowed my eyes, thinking through the implications. The idea of someone else having control, of potentially derailing my plans, was unsettling.

Frisk nodded, her expression serious. "Yeah, they reset the world after I sold my soul… but I can feel their presence. They're always watching, always ready to interfere."

"Well that's easy to solve, i can't garber the attention of any Error cleaners by severing the fate of one player" Frisk looked puzzled, tilting her head slightly. "Error cleaners? Are you talking about the entities that maintain the balance between universes?"

"Exactly," I replied, "Severing the fate of a player isn't exactly a small feat. But I think I can manage it without drawing too much attention. The trick is to make it seem like it was part of the original plan."

I could see the gears turning in Frisk's head. "So, you're planning to cut off the player's influence entirely? Won't that leave the world in chaos?"

I shrugged. "Maybe. But this world's already teetering on the edge of chaos. I'm just giving it a little push in a different direction." I glanced back at the save button, the glint of the silver knife in my hand catching the faint light of the Underground. "Besides, I'm curious to see what happens when the usual rules don't apply."

Frisk's expression grew more concerned, but she didn't protest. Instead, she simply said, "Just… be careful. I don't know what happens if you attract too much attention from those entities."

I grinned, a mischievous glint in my eyes. "That's part of the fun, isn't it?"

We then moved forward, there was a s patch of green grass and then a flower with a face popped out.

"Howdy, i'm FLOWEY" He said with an innocent tone.

"Yeaaaahhh, Asriel acting innocent to kill a child isn't gonna help you" I said with a twitch in my eyelids.

"….hmm, Chara?, how do you have a body, wait how are you even Alive?!!" He asked in disbelief.

"Yeah ignore that, I have a question i need yo asky you quickly, do you want to be free feom being a flower and become my weapon of mass destruction again?" I asked, my voice dripping with casual indifference as if I were asking about the weather.

Flowey's face contorted, his usual smug smile faltering. "Weapon of mass destruction? You're joking, right?"

I shook my head, stepping closer to him. "No jokes. I'm offering you a way out, a chance to be something more than just a flower trapped in a cycle of resets. But it comes with a price."

His eyes narrowed, suspicion creeping into his gaze. "And what's the catch, Chara?"

"Simple," I replied, "You'll be bound to me. I'll be using you as a weapon, but in return, I can give you the power to break free from this endless loop. You'll be more than just Flowey—more than Asriel ever was."

For a moment, there was silence between us. Frisk stood nearby, watching the exchange with wide eyes, clearly torn between fear and curiosity. Flowey's expression was unreadable as he weighed my words.

Finally, he spoke, his voice low and calculating. "You're asking me to trust you, but why should I? After all, you're not even the Chara I remember."

"True," I admitted, "But that's exactly why you should consider it. I'm not bound by the same limitations. I can make choices that the old Chara couldn't. And unlike before, I'm offering you a chance at real freedom."

Flowey's eyes flickered with something—hope, maybe? Or desperation. He seemed to wrestle with himself, torn between his desire for power and his fear of what I was proposing.

"Alright," he finally said, his voice barely more than a whisper. "I'll do it. But if you double-cross me, Chara, I'll make sure you regret it."

"Great thankfully you volunteered to be a sacrifice so i don't have to use a fragment of my soul" I said, I realized i can get around most of these backlashes by using another soul as a catalyst to forge a weapon.

I activated Weapon Forge and a 3D diagram of nothing appeared. "I'll use the shape of the chaos saber, after that i'd probably have to sever his fate from this world in order for me to use it."

The chaos saber, Asriel's favorite weapon. it was easy to recreate, After i was fone with that i used my other ability, Sever fate, Flowey's soul was surrounded by countless golden strings. the moment i activated the ability all of them disappeared, and a golden light enveloped Flowey's form. His expression twisted in pain and anger as his body began to disintegrate, merging with the energy of the forged weapon. The air around us crackled with power as the essence of Asriel Dreemurr was condensed into the shape of the Chaos Saber.

When the light finally faded, I held in my hand a sleek, White blade with small holes appeared in my hand.

"So flowey, how do you like your new form" I asked swinging it a bit.