
Reborn as Bakugo brother(MHA)

An anime fan gets hit by a truck and meets a bad ROB wanting to throw him in a hypnosis hentai world as one the heroine. Sacrificing his wishes so he doesn’t get raped, he reincarnates in the world my hero academia as Katsuki bakugo’s brother. I’m new to writing so the chapters may be short, idk how to write long ones. Please give me any suggestion or comments, it would help me a lot.

H4zel · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs

Quirk test 2

MC pov

Luckily today is a weekend. I'm going to go to the playground with katsuki and mom to test my quirk. Hopefully there will be few children there.

I walked to the playground with a few experiment I decide will be the most important ones.

1. To see if I can turn a big structure in a bomb.

2. if I can turn a living body into a bomb.

3. How many bombs can I make at once.

4. If I can reverse my quirk.

After arriving at the playground,I saw there were a few children running around the slides and some playing in the sand pit. Katsuki immediately went to play with the other kids and mom went to talk with the other parents.

For me, I immediately went to the slide to try experiment number 1. I touched the slide and try to make it Into a bomb. However it doesn't seem to work. No matter how much I try to implant my quirk into the slide, the slide doesn't want to turn into a bomb. So it seems like I can't turn a big structure into a bomb.

Next I went into the sand pit. Since sand still counts as an object, I can still turn it into a bomb. So for the next 10 minutes, I tried to make as many bombs as possible using the each particle of sand as an object. But I gave up, since it was taking too long. So for now i will assume I can turn an indefinite amount of objects into bombs.

I went on experiment 4 and tried to remove the bomb from the sand particles. And it worked perfectly.

Now I will go play with the other kids to conduct experiment 2. "Onii-chan let me play with you too."

I run to my brother while begging him to let me play with him and some other kids.

"Ah, of course my little brother can join us to, now lets play catching." My brother decides what we are going to play. While I just play along for now.

While playing catching i purposing let myself get caught, yes purposely not because I'm bad at running. "Ha caught you. Now you're it." The previous catcher says before running off to god know where.

Using my superior brain and intellect I caught one of the bigger sized kids who have trouble running for long periods and grab hold of his hand and tried to turn him into a bomb.

'What? I felt like it worked, and didn't work at the same time? How weird". I thought as I made test subject 1 into a bomb? I don't know if his actually a bomb or not. 'No that's not it. It worked but it seem that I did not turn his body into a bomb but rather his fingernails.' I though and as if I receive enlightenment.

'So that's how my quirk work. I can turn anything I touch into a bomb. However, I can only turn the things I can hold in my hands into a bomb. So that is the limit of my quirk. I guess my quirk isn't as all mighty as it seems' I though with a lame pun at the end.

With a fighting style already developing in my mind, I continued playing with my brother and former test subjects after removing the bomb from that poor kid's fingernails.