
Reborn As An NPC!

"This world is not like ours. Here, you can live like NEVER before. Welcome to Life Online, a reality that perfectly mimics ours. Oh, but be welcome to a few twists as well... Have you ever wondered what life would be like as a dog? What about as a bird?... Life as a different gender? Have you ever wanted to return to your childhood days? What about life if you could use magic spells? What about... life with advanced technology? Teleportation... time travel even? What about... LIFE? You can become rich. You can use superpowers. You can be man or woman. You can do whatever it is that you wish! But, survival comes first correct? Live any life that you want, but make sure you can see the light of day tomorrow. Some may not care about the lives of weaklings..."

SonJupiter · Khoa huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter One, Victor

[This world is not like ours. Here, you can live like NEVER before.]

[Welcome to LIFE Online, a reality that perfectly mimics ours.]

[Oh, but be welcome to a few twists as well...]

[Have you ever wondered what life would be like as a dog? What about as a bird?... Life as a different gender? Have you ever wanted to return to your childhood days? What about life if you could use magic spells? What about... life with advanced technology? Teleportation... time travel even?]

[What about... LIFE?]

[You can become rich. You can use superpowers. You can be man or woman. You can do whatever it is that you wish!]

[But, survival comes first correct?]

[Live any life that you want, but make sure you can see the light of day tomorrow.]

[Some may not care about the lives of weaklings...]

Victor meekly smiled, looking at the screen in front of him.

He had hoped that he would live long enough to see the day where true Virtual Reality existed. But it seemed he wouldn't be able to make it that long!

[Life] was the new and under development game, that would usher in a whole new era for humanity. 

Scientists and religious figures didn't really believe it, neither did a good portion of the populous, but it had gone viral online.

There was a video surfing the internet of a group of 15 beta testers, testing the game.

They had been modified with some sort of brain camera, which scientists still struggle to understand, showing what the beta testers experienced and saw when taking up the Full Dive Living Virtual Reality goggles.

Actually, people originally thought that they had been watching some real advanced CGI...

A video of someone's hand lighting up and shooting fire as if it was actually real.

Then there was another, a girl flying through the sky, holding a cellphone camera pointed towards her. Strangely, the video was flawless!

There was no wire holding her up. The way the wind hit her face and clothes was physically seamless.

Some wanted to deny it but many couldn't find a single trace of manipulation or editing.

What was most convincing was the recording from after the test. The video of the fifteen taking their goggles off and falling to the floor completely baffled.

A few screamed in excitement, others crawled to the guards and begged to be given more time, some even just sat there blankly staring.

Sadly, after that, the footage abruptly cut off.

It was like it was a concept of a trailer for the game, but it was scrapped, and eventually leaked.

The video had over 3 billion views and it was only released four months ago!

Everyone and their mothers had ordered the devices online, no matter the price. 

Despite the FDLVR goggles costing nearly up to $1000, most people had saved to buy them. They were up for sale nearly a month before Life would release.

It was announced that in the game, you would even be able to experience life as an animal if you desired! 

You could choose between played as a full fledged animal and just exploring the world, or continuing life as a human in a new and strangely advanced world.

Not much was revealed about the setting, besides for the fact that the world was roughly half a century or so ahead of earth, and that the premise was that there would be some apocalyptic event occurring world wide soon after the games release.

It wasn't revealing what apocalyptic event, but many assumed zombies, or the invasion of an alien species.

The more fantastical predictions was that of realities dimensional barriers collapsing and inviting interdimensional demons and monsters into the world. This belief was popular too, considering the leaked beta tester videos seemed to contain magic, and many assumed magic would leak into the world through this dimensional collapse.

No one exactly knew how the world played out, expect for the fact that it mimicked reality, and it could act as a replacement to ones actual life.

Victor hoped he would be able to live this Lifebut unfortunately, his short life was coming to an end.

Almost a year ago he was in a horrible car accident, leaving him mostly paralyzed, with an artificial heart. The doctors gave him a year to live at most, without a heart transplant, and it was clear to him this was his final day.

He laid back his hospital bed, turning the tv off. 

Absentmindedly, Victor stared at the ceiling above him. It was night and he was supposed to be sleeping, so his doctors weren't checking up on him as frequently.

He could feel what little control he had over his body slowly fading away, his eyelids wanting to close.

"Maybe I can meet you again in the afterlife..." Victor mumbled, closing his eyes.

"I'll love you forever dad." 

With those words, reality faded away, a muffled beeping sound invading Victor's ears as he let death's cold embrace consume him.

[Embrace L.i.f.e.]

As Victor heard the AI voice in his ears, he completely blacked out, everything fading into the darkest night he would ever experience.




'Holy shit where am I?...' Victor questioned, glancing around the darkness.

He looked down, seeing nothing beneath him, not even a body.

'Trippy...' He muttered, looking back towards what he assumed was straight ahead.

Far before him was a white light, black numbers counting down in its center.

'What does that say... 4 seconds?' Victor asked.

'Wait that's like-'

In that same moment, the light started to spread, fully encompassing his view. He found himself sitting at an old desk, a huge square desktop computer right before him.

There was an ancient looking keyboard and mouse beneath his hands, the black screen before him only have a few words in green on it.

[What do you want?_] 

The screen blinked.

Victor looked down, recognizing his pale arms had returned.

He was stunned for a moment, seeing a pair of clothed legs underneath the table. He astutely observed that he was able to move them, and a bright smile filled his face.

He silently cried tears within his mind, happy to have his body back.

"This must be the afterlife..." He muttered, wiggling his fingers with dexterity he previously lacked.

"What do I want?" He asked himself, his fingers slowly moving towards the keyboard beneath him.

"How about... What do YOU want?" Victor typed away, a smug smile on his face.

He saw his question appear a line beneath the computer's, the green text blinking just as the computer's question did.

Though quickly, the two lines disappeared.

[I asked first didn't I?_]

A line appeared, Victor smiling brighter.

"So if I answer your question will you answer mine?" He typed.


"Then... I want to live." A buzz sounded from the ancient looking computer, Victor patiently waiting for it's response.

[That is not the answer I was looking for._]

It replied.

"But it is the answer I have given. So now can you answer my question?" Victor asked.

The computer took a few moments once more, as if it was thinking.

[I want entertainment._]

Victor titled his head, his smile staying ever so brilliant.

"And I can help with that, can't I?" He questioned.


"So, tell me the purpose of your question... What do you mean by, what do I want?..."

The computer buzzed even longer this time. Victor could only hope that he was asking the right questions.

[What you responded with, would determine what I granted you. Many have said they want money. They want magic. They want love. They want to be god. I can grant certain wishes._]

Victor stood still for moment, his thoughts racing throughout his mind.

This time he did not speak aloud, he simply typed.

[So, you are God?] 

He asked.

[The Game Master is more appropriate_]

Victor's eyes narrowed, slightly confused, but he continued on.

[Then may I be your personal entertainment? That's what you want correct? Entertainment?]

[How would that work?_]

[How about you link yourself to me or something. You become my quest giver, and I complete missions you want in exchange for things that I want or need even?]

The computer whirred.

[I would, but that is unfair. Giving you what you ask for would be equivalent to giving you a golden finger. Something far outclassing the parameters of what I have given others._] 

Victor scrunched his face, a smile still present.

[You are a Game Master correct? What is the name of this game?]

He asked.

[Legendary Ideal Fantasy Events Online._]

It replied.

In that moment, Victor paused. That was not the answer he expected. He was simply just asking out of curiosity.

[The shortened version?]

He continued.

[Life Online._]

Seeing that, he smiled brighter than ever before, happiness filling his soul, and an idea sprouting in his mind.

[Is that what you are trying to mimic? Life?]


[Then you should know that life is totally unfair...]

The computer did not reply.

Victor sat back in the office chair, his brow sweating.

Had he done it?

The Game Master seemed relatively human despite his assumption that it was an AI.

Perhaps it would succumb to his words.

After all, he was right.

[Welcome to life, Victor Ford.]






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