
Reborn as an Extra

When Rio opened his eyes he found that he had been reborn as an extra in a novel, which he finished reading yesterday. Moreover, he has become a student of the same battle academy, where the main plot will happen. .... Looking at the protagonist playing with his harem, Rio shook his head and decided: "Yes, I will steal the protagonists chances, as for what will happen to the main plot? I don't care..." (Rio) Would you like to accompany Rio on his journey and find out where his selfish stealing activities will lead him? [NO HAREM, SELFISH MC, FAST-PACED, DIABETIC ROMANCE!] .... *The book cover doesn't belong to me if someone wants me to take it down please contact me directly.* My discord server link:- https://discord.com/invite/m87MTRraFD

Calm_Mountains · Kỳ huyễn
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299 Chs

Father and Children talks...

Academy's healer Office. 

(Lia's Pov)

After fainting during the date with Rio, when Lia woke up, she found herself on a bed in healer's office. Her personal maid who have been taking care of Lia since childhood was sitting there, beside her bed. 

"Are you awake, Milady?" (Maid)

"Yeah… why am I here?" (Lia)

Maid's eyes narrowed a bit and she said with an expressionless face, without any emotion:

"You fainted…..On your boyfriend's Lap….so, he brought you here" (Maid)

"wha-wha, what are you saying!? H-how did you know!?" (Lia)

Hearing that the maid knew about Rio, Lia panicked a bit. If the maid knew then it is possible for her father to know this too. 

To Lia's question, the maid still replied expressionlessly:

"I am your personal maid, it's obvious that I will know about you." (Maid)

"Ye-yeah" (Lia)

"I even know that you two kis-" (Maid)