
Reborn as an American in the MCU

Nicole dies in a shocking way only to wake up as a baby in a universe that only existed in stories, The MCU. The only power she possesses is her knowledge of what will happen in this world. Cover by FireGirlSam Written by Avonturier Chimela This will be on Wattpad, RoyalRoad, ScribbleHub, Webnovel and Quotev.

Avonturier · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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34 Chs

020 - Aliens???

(A/N: I know Captain Marvel wasn't everyone's cup of tea so I will only be doing one chapter on it. Soon things will slow down a bit with only very short time jumps.)

[July 2nd, 1995 – Upstate New York]

A cloud of dirt was flung into the air as Colossus slammed Into the ground a few metres away from where he was previously standing. His Osmium Body had multiple Scuffs and scratches on it. Sky walked over and pecked him on the nose with her lips while making a muwh sound. She then smiled and walked back towards the mansion. She and Piotr had been in an on/off relationship for a few years and it had been enjoyable. Well, for her at least.

She looked down at her pocket which contained a modified Nokia ringing. The ringtone was a high intensity beep rather than the usual melody.

She quickly opened her phone and smiled.

"Miss, we have a situation. Within the last twenty minutes two different objects entered orbit and one has entered the planet." Came the voice on the other end.

"Where?" She asked.

"Los Angeles." The voice responded.

"On my way."

[July 2nd, 1995 – Los Angeles – Random Strip Mall]

"Asset Brewer. You are to observe and track only. You are invisible, is that clear?" came the voice into the earpiece of Mitches ear.

When he left the service after the gulf war, he was out of a job with two kids that he couldn't support with the back injuries he had sustained. He was about to lose all hope when the last dollar left his account but was contacted by a company he had never heard of called the augur corporation. He was now a level four asset. Whatever that meant.

After signing hundreds of iron-clad contracts, he was given an injection which removed all of his scarring and injuries. Along with that he was given a chance to serve not just his country but the whole world.

When he was told today that his job was to monitor an alien that had landed on earth he laughed but got on with his job anyway. He is currently at a safehouse rented by his employers with a computer watching the feed come back from a drone monitoring the target.

He no longer doubted that she was an alien after having a blaster bolt fired at her head by another alien of some kind and firing one back, destroying a rooftop. The scary part is that they both looked human.

He followed her as she chase the one who shot at her but lost them when they entered a tunnel.

"Damn." He shouted. "Command. This is Brewer. Lost visual of target, switching to patrol mode."

"Copy. Confirmed. Stick, actual."


He then turned the drone away from the tunnel entrance and began searching for them.

[July 2nd, 1995 – Undisclosed – Southern California]

A black car pulls up to a metal gate in the middle of the dry sandy hills. Inside is Veers and Fury who rolls down the window as they stop.

"Government Property, turn your vehicle around." Says a voice from a intercom.

Fury takes out a badge and shows it to the camera while saying his name.

"Place your humb on the pad." Askes the voice and fury complies. After a few second they say. "One Moment."

Veers then asks. "Nicolas Joseph Fury, you have three names?"

Fury just puts his ID back in his coat as he says. "Everybody calls me fury. Not Nicholas, not Joseph, not Nick. Just Fury."

"what does your mum call you?" Askes Veers in curiosity.

"Fury." Snaps Fury.

"What do you call her?" Asks veers with a grin appearing on her face.

"Fury." Snaps Fury Again becoming annoyed.

"What about your kids?" Asks Veers.

"If my wife has one, they'll call me fury." Explains Fury.

"Your cleared for access." Says the Intercom.

"Thank you." Says fury as he continues to drive once the gate opens.

[A few hours later – Undisclosed Location]

The new council which was just made up of Jim, Sky and Hiro.

Hiro was a Woman in her thirties, She was head of there science divisions. She didn't know the secret but would eventually in a few years.

She was the only level eight Asset.

Jim and Sky were level Nine which meant they knew the secret.

The only others who now knew where professor Xavier and the Ancient One, though they only knew the former.

"How could we even see it in the first place?" Asked Jim.

"Well, it's because of our experimental phased array radar. They are massive and even though they are underwater there power makes up for that. We have to be careful not to hit any satellites or planes otherwise we'll fry there electronics. It would even make a B-2 look like a Christmas tree on other's radar." Answered Hiro reading from a thick folder after finding the right document.

"What's the status of the skirmish?" Asked Jim.

"Well, four ships popped out of nowhere. One was destroyed by Asset: Starshot along with dozens of smaller craft. After that the remaining three retreated." Answered Hiro to the best of her abilities. She felt like she was out of her lead.

"What about debris?" Asked Sky while resting her chin in her cupped hands.

"It will all deorbit and burn in a few days." Said Hiro.

"So, we aint getting anything." Stated Jim.

Hiro just shakes her head.

"What about the smaller vessel." Askes Jim

"We don't have the capabilities to intercept it yet, but the cloaking system has reengaged and it is in quite a high orbit so it should remain there for a while. Even though it's now invisible we can still track it." Replies Hiro

"Ok, moving on. How's my father?" Says Sky wanting to change the subject.

"He's Awake." Answers Hiro with a hint of hesitation in her voice.