
Reborn as an American in the MCU

Nicole dies in a shocking way only to wake up as a baby in a universe that only existed in stories, The MCU. The only power she possesses is her knowledge of what will happen in this world. Cover by FireGirlSam Written by Avonturier Chimela This will be on Wattpad, RoyalRoad, ScribbleHub, Webnovel and Quotev.

Avonturier · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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34 Chs

003 - Waking up in a Hospital

[Michael Cane - Feb/26/1937 02:31PM – Spencer Community Hospital – Massachusetts]

The boy lay on the bed in the hospital. There was a buzz in the atmosphere from the doctors and nurses going back and forth.

He lay motionless on the bed except for the gentle rise and fall of his chest. His eyes opened and he brought his right hand to his forehead to shield his eyes from the light as they adapted, but he felt a piece of cloth cover it and a sharp pain, but he stayed silent by biting his tongue.

Nicole was busy trying to process what was going on when she had a flash of memories like those when she drifted off into oblivion, but these were not hers. As soon a they entered her mind she grimaced for a split second before sitting up and surveying their surroundings. She then looked down to her hands and saw that they were now a tanned brown instead of her pale white.

She then slumped back onto the pillow and closed his eyes as they tried to figure out what the fuck was going on. Wait how did she know that word. She was just a kid. No, she was a 28-year-old woman.

They debated with themselves on the philosophical implications of what was going on and eventually concluded that they had somehow merged minds.

Firstly, she remembered her life on earth as Nicole.

And secondly, she found herself on earth as Michael.

She knew the current date was the 26th of February 1937.

'So, time travel as well as reincarnation? They thought to themselves. Or was it reincarnation or was its transmigration since she was not reborn but someone else gained Nicole's memories. Or was it a soul possession where she had shunted him out of his own body and just gained his memories.'

They pondered on this fact for a long period. After which they just decided that whatever this was, they could use it to their advantage.

'Congratulations for completing your soul-bond. Your orientation message will now begin.' She jumped as she heard the voice in her head and looked around before muttering to themselves. "Please do not say I have one of those systems."

Their vision went black, even thought they could feel their eyes open it was still just void when a giant three appeared with a beep then a two.

'Begin already' They thought to themselves.

And finally, after the one disappeared a white theatre mask appeared in front of them and it spoke, "Welcome, and congratulations on not turning into an eldritch abomination during the merging faze. This is a message so that you will not enter an existential crisis and to provide you with a brief orientation of the universe that you have found yourself in."

They tried to ask a question but found that they were in an incorporeal form.

"Firstly, the human mind is a wonderful thing. Within it lies all of existence. Now this may seem puzzling to a lower lifeform like yourself but, each time you create a story, a joke, an anecdote, a fantasy, or a nightmare. A world is created in which whatever you have deemed so, happens.

Second, You are in one of the many permeations of what the part of you that is Nicole knows as the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Thirdly, Bear in mind that although this world is based off of the MCU it is a real world and not just a cinematic adaption. Meaning that whatever you do in this world can change things for better or for worse.

And finally…"

There was a brief pause as the mask just froze. It's expression forming a grin.

"Till we meet again…" It said in a mocking tone as it sped off into the distance.

"Huuuuuaaaa…" Michael took in a deep breath as his senses returned to his body. He now knew that he was no longer Michael or Nicole but an amalgamation of the two.

[A few Hours Later…]

First of all he had been calling himself him and he in his head because he needed to automatically respond when someone called him and not hesitate.

Next he began to practice speaking which was extremely confusing and it ended up coming out sounding like a drunk Englishmen speaking German. He had spent a good amount of time trying to remember his Bostonian accent and the upwards inflection that came with it.

His mother and father had come and picked him up and they began to drive home in silence.

Moving had been a slight issue but was solved as he adapted to it by solely focusing on Michael's muscle memory.

Oh, and not only had he almost cracked his skull but he had broken his ulna and fractured the radius on his left arm. Which now lay in a cast and sling.

I was sitting behind my mother in the passenger's seat of the Buick. I had no idea what types since Nicole had no interest in automobiles and Michael was not into that stuff anyway.

It pulled into the driveway and came to a stop as his father removed the keys and then put his arm on the back of the passenger seat as he turned to look at me and then said, "Have you learned your lesson as to why you don't go running down the stairs?"

I quickly searched my memories and stringed together a sentence with the mannerisms Michael would commonly use but with my head bowed and answered in a meek voice. "Yes father."

"And?" He then questioned to which Michael answered. "I sorry for causing you to worry mother and father I am sorry for disobeying you when you told me multiple times not to run down the stairs.

(A/N: Trust me just do not run down the stairs unless extenuating circumstances pervade themselves. I Fell down the stairs when I was nine and ended up fracturing two vertebrate in my lower back. Luckily, I did not become paralysed, but I was bedridden for three months.)

"Now go to your room, we have had to postpone your party until next week." Said his father in that tone of controlled rage that Michael was used to when his father punished him for something he did wrong. He had only heard that tone nine times in his entire life and knew what he had done was wrong. He opened the door to the car and got out while thinking with his total of forty-three years of experience that what he did was a stupid thing.