
Reborn as a Villain Destined to Die

Death is a harsh reality, but what happens when you're given a second chance at life? Imagine being reborn without any guidance, support, or purpose. But what if destiny had other plans for you? What if you were reborn into the world of your favorite video game? It's a lonely and confusing existence, but it's nothing compared to the terror of discovering that you're the villain destined to be defeated by the hero. Join the main character as he navigates this new, thrilling world, fighting to survive and maybe even thrive. Who knows what kind of adventures await?

SithLordAno · Kỳ huyễn
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184 Chs

Trouble Already Brewing (3)


A moment of silence for one of my readers, whose brother had passed away recently.




May you find the peace that you deserve.


"How would you like to become a disciplinary committee member?" Charles asked.

"Say again?" I asked in surprise as I faced him.

I was not expecting this.

"I want you to join the disciplinary committee." Charles said again.

"That doesn't seem like a wise decision." I said as I glanced at Nguyen, who was also in shock.

"No need to worry." Charles said as he looked at Nguyen. "Thomas Nguyen, you are no longer a part of this committee. So the three of you may leave now."

What is going on? I thought as I watched Nguyen and the other two leave the room, leaving Charles, Cas, and me alone.

"It's not that." I said quickly. "I'm sure you are aware of my reputation."

"I am." He said.

"So why would someone of my reputation be allowed to join?" I asked.

"Ciaran Maxamus." Charles began. "I like to consider myself an excellent judge of character, and how you handled yourself with the situation involving Leonardo proved it."

"It was a half-baked plan with many holes, and I was lucky that Princess Olivia was here to corroborate my story." I said.

"You don't take compliments well, do you?" Charles asked as he chuckled.

"I just don't see the benefits of the leader of the disciplinary committee trying to recruit me, knowing that my reputation would most likely tarnish yours and this committee." I said flatly.

"I agree." He said. "But you saved my brother, and I intend to repay the debt."

"Your brother?" I asked in confusion.

"Yes. My brother was one of the students you saved when facing off against the demon general." He replied.

"Would you forget about the debt if I told you that I didn't save your brother and the other students out of the kindness of my heart?" I replied.

"It doesn't matter why you did it." Charles paused for a moment. "The fact remains the same, and my father had told me never to be in someone's debt. For you never know when they will come to collect."

"Your father is a wise man." I said with a smile.

"He is." He said. "Also, it seems Zachary is quite infatuated with you. After watching your fight, he seems obsessed with fighting and training."

"Nothing wrong with someone trying to better themselves." I replied before asking. "How about a deal?"

"A deal?" Charles asked.

"Wait a week, and if you still want me to be a member. I will accept." I said as I headed out the door.

"Anticipating that much trouble coming your way?" He asked with a sigh.

I didn't reply as I left the room and headed to the cafeteria with Cas behind me.

For now, I put the subject of Charles and the committee in the back of my mind as I had some time before I had to deal with it again.

Right now, even though it was a small bandit camp, and would be a walk in the park. I still needed to prepare myself for anything to happen.

Only to be caught unprepared as I turned the corner and nearly ran into Melissa Fairchild.

"Ms. Fairchild, we seem to keep bumping into each other." I said as I smiled softly at her.

"I apologize." She began as she looked down at her feet. "I was waiting for you in the cafeteria when I heard that you were sent to the disciplinary committee for casting spells without permission. So, I headed here to offer myself up as a witness."

"That's a kind gesture, but the problem has already been resolved." I said.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you." She said.

"I was able to prove I was in the right." I said before my stomach rumbled.

Kill me now. I thought.

Melissa looked at me blankly for a moment before she smiled and pulled a box out of her bag.

"I feared you may miss lunch, so I ordered a to-go box." She said as she handed it to me.

"You must be an angel sent from above." I said as I stared at the lunch box.

Even though I was focused on the food, I didn't fail to notice her blush at my compliment, but I was a gentleman and didn't say anything lest I embarrass her.

"I'll make a deal with you." I paused as I sat at the nearest bench I could find. "Since you had just saved my life by bringing me food. I will let no harm come to you tomorrow." I said as I took a bite.

At least it's not poisonous. I thought.

"I couldn't ask of something like that." She replied softly.

"Nonsense. You said so yourself that you are no fighter. So tomorrow, when we head out to clear the bandit camp, stay near me, and I will protect you." I said confidently, taking another bite.

I knew I was being cheesy, but that was the only way to make this little trap work. So even though I did feel bad for Melissa, who was being used, it wasn't enough to deter me from my course of action.

We talked for a few more minutes before she finally agreed to let me protect her tomorrow. After that, we separated as we each had different classes.

Suddenly an idea popped into my mind. I was going to destroy her, but was there a way I could make her mine? I thought about it briefly as I walked to my class.

She was the daughter of a Baron, who was a drunk and a gambler which is why her family was in a dire situation, causing her to be forced into this plot.

"What do you think?" I asked Cas as I handed her exactly half of my lunch.

No way could I forget my heart.

Ever since our confrontation, due to Olivia's manipulation. It felt like we had grown much closer than before. I swear she could read my mind because not even a moment after I asked her.

"A head maid is known to hold the position of Baroness." She said as she began eating.

That's cruel. I thought as suddenly a plan began forming in my head, and I could help but let an evil smirk escape my lips.

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