
Reborn as a Villain Destined to Die

Death is a harsh reality, but what happens when you're given a second chance at life? Imagine being reborn without any guidance, support, or purpose. But what if destiny had other plans for you? What if you were reborn into the world of your favorite video game? It's a lonely and confusing existence, but it's nothing compared to the terror of discovering that you're the villain destined to be defeated by the hero. Join the main character as he navigates this new, thrilling world, fighting to survive and maybe even thrive. Who knows what kind of adventures await?

SithLordAno · Kỳ huyễn
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184 Chs

The Fall Of House Whiteguard (7)

Thank you, TwiliDarkRituals, for the 5 Power Stones

Thank you, Kingreggie03, for the 3 Power Stones.


Luther sat across from General Riker. The two men were engrossed in a serious discussion, their gazes locked on the map that lay sprawled between them. This map was a meticulously detailed representation of the territories of both Whiteguard and Maxamus, adorned with intricate markings and symbols that decoded the complex geography of the regions. As they strategized, their fingers danced around the map, placing miniature figures at various strategic points to mark the positions of their current forces. The room was thick with tension, both men absorbed in the critical task of planning for the imminent battles that would decide the fate of their armies.

With a sense of urgency in his voice, General Riker grabbed the figure placed at Weilbog and tipped it over, "We've lost Weilbog, and the reinforcements we dispatched have been completely wiped out."

"How does he move this fast?" Luther questioned.

Today marked the third day that Lord Maxamus had begun his attack, and already two villages and a town had fallen. To make matters worse, all the soldiers that had been stationed near Maxamus's border had stopped checking in, which meant they were probably dead.

"I have a spy in Weilbog." General Riker paused as he grabbed a parchment from one of his many pockets, "He claimed that Lord Maxamus arrived alone and demanded the surrender of its troops."

"Alone?" Luther said, "I thought he was leading a small force."

"My theory." Riker said, placing a hand on his chin, "Is that he sent his forces to intercept our reinforcement."

Before they could continue, a knock at the door caused them to pause their discussion.

"Enter." Luther said.

The wooden door creaked open, announcing the arrival of a tall catkin. The feline strode forward, their movements graceful and fluid. They extended a slender hand towards Luther, holding out a document. Luther's eyes flickered towards the offered paper, and he took it, his fingers brushing against the catkin's as he did so. His gaze dropped down to the parchment, and he began to read, his expression growing increasingly troubled as he progressed through the contents. Lines formed between his brows as he furrowed them in concentration.

"What is it?" Riker asked in concern.

"The armies of Maxamus have been spotted." Luther said as he handed the document to Riker, who took it and read it. Alternate between looking at the document and the map.

As General Riker sat attentively reading through the strategic document, Luther carefully picked up a handful of small, red figurines from a nearby tray and placed them precisely on the large, detailed map. When he finished, he stepped back to view the overall picture.

"We're facing a war on two fronts," Riker declared, his eyes flickering towards the report sitting on the table in front of him. With a swift motion, he pointed at the red figurine placed at Weilbog, emphasizing his point. "If we put all our focus on Lord Maxamus, we risk leaving ourselves vulnerable to his armies, which can advance with relatively little resistance." 

As he paused for a moment, his gaze scanning the map, he then gestured towards the multiple red figurines placed out in a line. "On the other hand," he continued, "if we focus solely on his armies, Lord Maxamus will be the spear that charges towards our heart. We must find a way to strike a balance between these two threats, or we risk losing everything."

"The army is not my concern," Luther said as he picked up the figurine from Weilbog. We strike down that brat, and his armies will fall." He paused as the figurine caught fire. "How many second awakeners do we have?" he asked as the figurine began to melt.

"Combat ready?" Riker asked, and when Luther nodded, he continued, "We have six that, seven if you include your son, that are ready to face combat."

"How fast can they get to Weilbog?" Luther asked.

"Probably a day." Riker paused momentarily, "Half a day if we push them."

"Summon them," Luther ordered as he tilted his hand, and the liquefied figurine splashed onto the floor.

Ten minutes later, six individuals stood at attention before Luther and General Riker.

"I'll make this simple." Luther began as an image of Ciaran Maxamus appeared next to him, "This is your target, and I want his head in my hands. Do that, and I will make each of you a minor lord." He nodded, and General Riker took over.

A sudden surge of excitement filled the air as six individuals started to indulge in their wildest dreams of becoming minor lords. The prospect of gaining immense wealth, high social status, and unlimited power was simply too tempting to resist. However, their path to glory required a gruesome sacrifice - someone's head and all of them were willing to pay.

"Lord Maxamus is currently in Weilbog with a small but powerful force." Riker began but stopped when someone interrupted him.

"Sir! Dosen't Weilbog belong to us?" The individual questioned.

Luther interjected before Riker could answer, "Weilbog has opened its walls to Lord Maxamus, and as such, they are traitors." He paused and unleashed his aura, "And traitors will be punished with death. 


"This is gold!" Ciaran thought as he watched Duke Whiteguard discuss his upcoming plans. 

"Your recording, right Qhessa?" He asked his spider queen.

"Yes." Came the reply. 

"Good." He said as he opened his eyes, and the room reappeared. 

He found himself in the office of the mayor of Weilbog, which he had taken over for his own use. Standing up, he began pacing around the room, thinking about how to face the six awakeners. 

Should he intercept them? He considered the idea for a moment but then quickly tossed it out. No, that would not serve his purpose. He needed to show the people that Duke Whiteguard was not to be trusted and that he was an evil man willing to eliminate anyone in his path. 

As he pondered over his options, he considered the possibility of painting a vivid picture of a heroic stand. In his mind's eye, he imagined himself standing steadfast in front of the town, staring down the incoming enemies with unwavering determination. Perhaps, he thought, he could even add a touch of realism by allowing for a few casualties before finally going beyond his limits to emerge victorious over the enemy forces. This could be an incredibly impactful depiction, he mused. 

He could even express a deep sense of sorrow and regret by shedding a few tears while also taking responsibility for the unfortunate loss of lives. Additionally, they could vow to take necessary actions to ensure that Duke Whiteguard is held accountable for their actions and brought to justice for the harm caused.

"People do love tragic tales," He thought as a dark smile crossed his lips.

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