
Reborn as a Villain Destined to Die

Death is a harsh reality, but what happens when you're given a second chance at life? Imagine being reborn without any guidance, support, or purpose. But what if destiny had other plans for you? What if you were reborn into the world of your favorite video game? It's a lonely and confusing existence, but it's nothing compared to the terror of discovering that you're the villain destined to be defeated by the hero. Join the main character as he navigates this new, thrilling world, fighting to survive and maybe even thrive. Who knows what kind of adventures await?

SithLordAno · Kỳ huyễn
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184 Chs

The Betrothal (4)

(Elizabeth's POV)

"Lady Elizabeth. In the future, I plan on becoming an adventurer after the academy for that is the path I want to take." Ciaran said as his face became serious.

Realizing the implications of what Ciaran was saying, she couldn't help but widen her eyes in shock.

While not uncommon for a noble to become an adventurer while they attended the academy. Becoming one after was more of a political death sentence for the said noble. In the past, there was a noble who became a powerful adventurer, and they used their connections from both the political and adventurer side to begin a rebellion in the kingdom.

After three long years of brutal fighting, the noble was finally killed, and the rebellion was put down. But the damage caused to the kingdom was severe and the king at that time enacted a new law, which ensured that a noble could not become an adventurer unless they forfeit all their titles and land.

Only nobles who were disgraced, or sons and daughters of nobles who had no chance of inheriting a title or lands became an adventurer.

What Ciaran said was that after the academy, he will give up his status as the duke's son and forfeit all future titles and land granted to him to become an adventurer.

"Yes, lady Elizabeth what you are thinking is correct." Ciaran said as he saw her stunned into silence.

"But you will lose your status as noble." She said looking at Ciaran

"Of course, I never asked to be a noble in the first place. My heart yearns for something." He said as he looked off into the distance.

The way he said his heart, made Elizabeth feel as if he wasn't talking about his physical heart but something else entirely.

"Does your father know about this?" She asked.

"I'm sure he does. I've never tried to hide the fact from him. Why hide what I want to be?" was his reply.

Taking a moment to think over everything, she realized that if what Ciaran said was true then his father had promised a political marriage to her dad knowing that in the end, his son was going to lose his status as a noble and the marriage will end with her house not gaining anything in the end.

"I see you finally understand." He said after a moment.

"Why did you tell me this?" She asked not understanding.

"Because now that you understand the whole picture, I want to give you the choice." He said as he held up two fingers. "One, you accept this political marriage and for the next 11 years, your family can grow in power and influence, but take the risk they may lose everything after I lose my status." He paused.

"Or?" She asked

"Two, you refuse right here and now, and I will tell them I decided to refuse you. It may hurt your family in the short term, but they will still be able to recover." He paused before adding "There is a chance you still could end up with your friend."

While shocked that he knew that she liked Leo, it didn't faze he as she had been shocked too many times already. No, what she was focused on was the fact that Ciaran was giving he two options that she could choose from.

Option one could set her house up for the next ten years and she could call off the marriage before he left the academy. The risk was that it could also ruin her family, rumors could be started on why the marriage was canceled, and the most opportunistic nobles would be able to smell blood in the water, causing hardships for her house.

Option two was that she refuses the marriage right now, and while it would hurt her house in the short term. It could save her house in the future as they won't be relying on House Maxamus to gain power.

While both options were good, there were only good for her house.

What about her? She thought while looking at Ciaran

He is forging his path with his own hands. He could have decided to live an easy life as the son of a duke, but no his heart yearns for something else.

In most novels she had read, this exact moment had come up time and time again. Prince charming arrives when the princess is drowning and offers her a way out, giving her the power to choose her fate.

Her parents forced her into this marriage, deeming it a sacrifice for the good of her house without regard to her feelings or wishes, and here he was, the prince charming offering her a choice, giving her the power to decide her fate.

Taking a deep breath as she came to a decision, she asked. "What about option three?"

"Option three?" He asked blinking his sparkling grey eyes.

"Yes." She began "It's the same as option one, but instead of ending the marriage I join you and walk beside you on your path." She nearly yelled and watched as he opened his eyes wide in shock.

Worth it to see his perfect face like that. She thought and slowly smiled. In the books, she had read it always ended with the prince charming and the princess walking together on a path they had forged together, and she had just found her prince charming.


(Callista's POV)

Watching her master talking with lady Elizabeth and seeing the loving face she was making toward him. Callista couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness in her heart. What if he does end up falling for her and forgets the promise, he made her three years ago?

"I join you and walk beside you on your path." Elizabeth yelled.

Hearing those words shattered Callista and as she turned around, she saw her mother behind her.

After a moment of silence, the mother's eyes softened just a bit. "I'm sorry little one, but as aides, we can never be with the ones we loved. We are always destined to follow behind them, never beside them, and seeing them with someone else." The mother paused as she laid a hand on her daughter's shoulder. "Never gets any easier, but we must endure for we are their aids and nothing more." She finished as she pulled her daughter in for a hug.

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Over 20K views!!! I am beyond shocked, but I thank everyone who reads my story.

Not going to lie it is very intimidating with the number of views I have gotten lol but I will just keep writing.

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