
Reborn as a Skeleton with a System

The story begins with Philip, a young necromancer who inadvertently turns his uncle into a skeleton monster whom Jason Todd a soul from earth comes to possess, sparking a desperate escape from the confines of Border Town. Initially scorned as a weakling, Jason's with the help of a system, against insurmountable odds becomes a true godly figure. Over the first three years, through trials and relentless leveling, Jason emerges from the shadows of the Undead Mountains as the revered Undead Knight under the Moonlight. His legend grows as he conquers the underground maze, earning the title of the lone king of bones, a ruler who sits unchallenged upon his throne. With each challenge surmounted, Jason's strength and abilities grow exponentially, his reputation spreading like wildfire across the realms. Thirty years into his journey, Jason achieves the unimaginable, breaking through the devil abyss. This feat earns him the awe-inspiring moniker of the angel of death, a being whose mere presence evokes fear and admiration. Jason's transformation from a hunted skeleton into a figure of immense power challenges the very foundations of the world, setting the stage for a confrontation with entities beyond mortal comprehension. After a century of relentless pursuit of power and mastery over death itself, Jason stands at the pinnacle of existence. His gaze sweeps across many planes, instilling terror in the hearts of gods and mortals alike. At this moment of triumphant full leveling, an unexpected twist reveals the true nature of Jason's journey.

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Demon Spider Armor!

Jason, having unleashed a relentless assault upon the weakened Crypt Spider, watched as the once fearsome predator succumbed to its injuries, its roars of pain finally silenced. The spider, a creature of darkness and terror within the Undead Mountains, lay defeated, a testament to Jason's skill, perseverance, and cunning.

The realization that the spider's inherent poison resistance had delayed its inevitable demise did little to deter Jason. If anything, it only served to highlight his adaptability and resolve. "Every creature has its weakness," he murmured to himself, a slight smirk playing across his lips. "Persistence, it seems, is key."

[mission completed! Experience +90, strength +0.5, forged spider armor!]

[Strength: 2.3→2.8]

[Experience value: 150/190]

As the final blow was delivered, the mission's completion flashed before Jason's eyes, a digital testament to his victory. The experience gained and the increase in strength were immediate, his body thrumming with newfound power. The anticipation of leveling up again filled Jason with a sense of purpose and excitement.

The Crypt Spider's body, its existence snuffed out, began to dissolve into the ether, a spectral dissolution that left behind no trace of the monster that had once reigned supreme over the forest. In its place, a set of armor materialized, encasing Jason's form in a protective embrace of dark majesty.

The armor, forged from the body of the defeated Crypt Spider, was a masterpiece of dark craftsmanship. Medieval in design yet far surpassing any historical counterpart in elegance and menace he had seen in his previous life, it was a true armor of the night. Black as the void, seamless, and devoid of any ornamentation save for its inherent aura of dominion, it was as if the very shadows had been sculpted into a protective shell around Jason.

As the visor snapped shut, Jason was enveloped in an aura of mystery and death, the blue light of his soul's fire the only indication of the undead warrior that resided within.

"Indeed, forged from the demise of a monster, to protect a warrior of the shadows," Jason thought, admiring the feeling of invincibility that the armor provided. The weight of the armor felt like a natural extension of his being, a perfect balance of protection and mobility.

With the Demonic Spider Armor now adorning his form, Jason knew that his adventures within the Undead Mountains had taken a significant turn. No longer was he merely surviving; he was thriving, shaping his destiny with each foe vanquished and each challenge overcome.

As he stood there, a lone figure cloaked in darkness yet radiant with the power of the undead, Jason understood that this victory was but a chapter in his saga. With the Demonic Spider Armor as his shield and the Cursed Spear as his weapon, he was ready to face whatever lay ahead, his resolve unbreakable, his spirit unyielding.

The night, once a veil of danger and uncertainty, Jason, the undead warrior, stepped forward into the darkness, his path illuminated by the faint blue light of his soul's fire, ready to carve his legend into the very heart of the mountains.

Jason, marveling at the newfound capabilities of his Demonic Spider Armor, felt a surge of excitement. The armor, as light as bone and as hard as tortoise shell, hardly impeded his movement, a revelation that filled him with a sense of freedom he hadn't expected. The soft underlayer, providing both comfort and buffer, hinted at a thoughtful craftsmanship meant for battle readiness and prolonged wear.

[Demon Spider Armor (Bronze lv5)]

[Physical Resistance +7]

[Magic Resistance +3]

[Additional Attribute: Spider Silk (Note: Have you seen Spider-Man?) (Spider Silk Generation 10 meters/day)]

[Quality : Qualified (This is a beautifully styled set of enchanted armor that can defend against cuts from ordinary swords and has the ability to slightly weaken apprentice-level spells. Compared with real knight plate armor, it is lighter in weight)]

"Remarkable," Jason muttered to himself, tapping the armor, appreciating the crisp sound it emitted. The realization that this armor offered protection rivaling that of the Crypt Spider itself filled him with a newfound confidence. The detailed attributes of the armor—physical resistance, magic resistance, and the unique addition of spider silk generation—were beyond what he had imagined. "Spider silk, capable of such strength and versatility... This could change everything maybe I should call myself spider skeleton."

Testing the spider silk's capabilities, Jason found joy in the practicality and strength it offered. A branch, thick as a calf, snapped easily under the tension of the silk, showcasing its potential as a tool for both combat and travel. The ability to shoot spider silk from various parts of the armor opened up a new realm of tactical possibilities. "This isn't just armor; it's a weapon, a tool for exploration, a guardian," he realized, the thrill of discovery bright in his eyes.

As Jason experimented, swinging from tree to tree with the agility of a true forest denizen, he couldn't help but feel like a character out of a tale, using his three-dimensional mobility device to navigate the world in ways he had never before imagined. "This is really exciting, no wonder spiderman like to swing by the web when he had tech to build himself a flying suit" he thought, a grin spreading across his face as he moved with ease, the world below him a blur of green and brown.

With the first light of dawn breaking through the forest canopy, Jason knew it was time to retreat, to plan his next steps with the advantage his new armor provided. Mounting his carrion moose, he felt a sense of urgency. There was much to do, many mysteries of the Undead Mountains yet to uncover, and foes to confront.

As he rode back to his cave, the rhythmic thudding of the moose's hooves on the forest floor accompanied his thoughts. The Demonic Spider Armor had not only provided him with protection but had also opened up new strategies for exploration and combat. The mountains, with all their hidden dangers and secrets, seemed a little less daunting.

Suddenly, Jason eyes moved towards the light in the distance and he saw two men wearing light leather armor and swords at their waists

Mercenary? !

The two mercenaries also saw Jason riding a carrion moose and wearing armor, with shocked expressions on their faces.

"Who is it... No! It's a high-level undead monster!"

Their expressions changed drastically, and they immediately pulled out the long swords at their waists. The sharp blades shone coldly under the morning glow!

[The heavily armed Skeleton Knight encountered two scouts from the Eagle Group on his way home! Both sides have strong hostility to each other! ]

[Mission: Encounter with Mercenaries! ]

[Option 1: Tactical retreat! Difficulty: E, Reward: Experience +10, Strength +0.1]

[Option 2: Kill them! Difficulty: E, Reward: Experience +20, Strength +0.2]

Jason's encounter with the mercenaries unfolded with swift and brutal efficiency. The shock on their faces upon seeing him, clad in the Demonic Spider Armor and mounted atop a carrion moose, was palpable. Their immediate recognition of him as a formidable undead entity ignited a flashpoint of confrontation. The cold morning air was suddenly charged with the tension of imminent battle.

As the mercenaries drew their swords, a glimmer of recognition sparked within Jason's consciousness. The memory of their cruelty, the senseless brutality inflicted upon Yule, fueled a surge of deep-seated anger and vengeance. There was no room for hesitation; the choice was clear—there could be no retreat from this encounter.

With the cursed spear in hand, Jason closed the distance between them in a heartbeat. His attack was a blur, a strike as swift and lethal as a serpent's bite. The first mercenary, impaled by the spear, was lifted off the ground, a spectacle of violence that was over as quickly as it began. The mercenary's lifeblood painted the morning in grim hues, a testament to Jason's resolve and the power he wielded.

The remaining mercenary's desperate attempt to retaliate with a crossbow bolt was futile against the Demonic Spider Armor. The bolt, incapable of penetrating the dark, enchanted plate, was a mere annoyance to Jason. Turning the moose, he charged, the ground thundering beneath them as they bore down on the mercenary.

The mercenary's screams filled the air, a mix of terror and disbelief at the unstoppable force bearing down upon him. His final moments were a blur of pain and fear, his body crushed beneath the weight of the moose's charge. The sound of breaking bones and the mercenary's death screen echoed through the forest, a grim reminder of the consequences of crossing paths with Jason.

As silence reclaimed the forest, Jason felt a momentary pang of remorse for the violence unleashed. Yet, the memories of the mercenaries' cruelty, the pain they had inflicted upon the innocent, steeled his resolve. it was a reckoning, a balance of scales long tipped in favor of the wicked.