I was killed and reborn as a Saiyan in marvel? what? Follow the story of William Khorn Parker as he navigates an altered marvel timeline why was he reincarnated? why is he a Saiyan? and who the hell flicked my forehead?
Peter was surprised when a familiar figure gabbed him and moved him aside, the figure belt next to his Uncle Ben and proceeded to feed the unconscious man some small green object that carried a strong earthy scent.
The figure can be seen doing his best to assist Ben in his revival and Peter finally works up the courage to approach the man!
"Peter- w..who are you?" Peter nearly choked on his words, he walks with unsteady feet toward the man and his dad!
William sigh's, he notices the flush of blood return to his dad cheeks so he turns to meet his brothers eyes who remained stupified at the situation!
"Peter - William is that you what are?"
William puts up a hand "William - we can talk about this later, first things first!"
William looks back down to his father who was starting to regain consciousness.
"Doo Doo, Doo Doo!"
The sound of approaching emergency vehicles pulled Peter out of his daze..
Peter waves down the ambulance and does his best to assist helping Ben into the back of the vehicle, and looks back to see what is going on with William but..
"Peter - he is gone, but when?"
He looks around confused for a moment before the ambulance doors finally shut and makes it's way speedily toward the nearest hospital!
Will is standing with in the corner of an alley watching this all happen when he thinks "William - we can talk later but first things first I need to figure out what is going on with my body" the memory of the last few hours still fresh in his mind.
"William - I turned into an ape but I wasn't massive like saiyans in dragon Ball!"
It's quite possible the transmigration had changed his Saiyan biology to fit more with the universal rules.
He had no way of knowing and for all he did know he might not even be a true saiyan to begin with.
His thoughts return to the system.
"System ai - user has unlocked Ki cultivation"
"System ai - user has forcefully unlocked ikari transformation -ikari form has detrimental effects on the mental state of the user-"
"System ai - user has completed hidden quest -light of the moon- rewards dispensed"
A light blinded William momentarily before he saw what was in either hand
The one in his left hand nearly made him lose his balance.
Will looked down and saw a cube of what he assumed was metal but what kind he was unsure
Will read the description in the system messages.
"System ai- user has gained one block of katchin"
"William - that stuff is supposed to be pretty tough right?"
His thoughts drift to the other item and what it was astounded him.
A relatively small but remarkably beautiful staff!
"William - it can't be, can it?"
Will almost religiously began to polish the surface of the staff before looking to his system messages for confirmation.
"System ai - user has gained one POWER POLE"
William couldn't help but shake with excitement, a madness dwelling within his eyes that would scare anyone he came across.
"William - I can't believe it's the power pole, I've been obsessing over this thing since I first saw the anime!"
He calms down.
"William - I can't carry around a block of metal with me so I'd better just leave it in the system space for now."
He waves his hand over the block of metal and it seems to dematerialize and at the same time rematerialized inside the system space on the landmass William was previously taking his test on!
"William - that's going to be useful, but I'm curious about it's limits!"
Will waits for the emergency vehicles to clear out before he starts moving back toward his house in Queens, New York.
I should probably let Mom know Dad will be alright
He begins to jog at a brisk pace, times like this he wished he had a phone
Will sighed
Not long after he arrives back at the house to find his mom worried sick on the couch
She goes wide eyed when I walk in the door and rushes to will with tears streaming down her face.
She looked so worried with none of her boys home and because of the pure emotional waterfall will soon found himself crying himself while thinking "William -ill protect my family at all costs"
As the two finally separated will explains the cliff notes of the night notably glossing over the monkey business he was up to earlier!
When she heard her husband was shot by a car jacket her eyes went wide and before I could react she was grabbing the car keys and heading to the hospital.
may peeks her head back in through the door to ask me which hospital they were taking him and asks
"May - which hospital again is it Queens Hospital center or Mount sinai hospital?
Will has a momentarily exacerbated look on his face as he told her what he knew
"Will - the QHC mom!"
We enter the car and race to the hospital in the family car.
When we arrive it's a circus
Nurses were caked in sweat as they did their absolute best to handle people as they came in but as per usual they were understaffed.
Will and may finally squeeze through to the receptionist and ask her what room Ben is in
"Receptionist - are you friends, family or other?"
"May and Will together - Family"
We look each other in the eyes for a moment and Aunt May can't help but chuckle.
The receptionist nods and looks for the room number of the patient.
"Receptionist - his room is 34c, it will be on the 3rd floor!"
May thanks the woman and the two rush to the 3rd floor.
As we near the room where Ben is being kept
May worriedly grabbed Wills hands and squeezed.
She was scared and she had every right to be, this was all she knew after all "William thinks"
The two enter the room to find Uncle Ben chatting up the nurse with embarrassing stories of Peter's childhood, he even had pictures!
Peter notices us first and looks over at Will and his Mom with a pleading look on his face.
"Peter - oh hey if it isn't my brother and lovely aunt may."
Trying to change the subject of the room.
It worked.
The nurse nodded at May and left promptly leaving the family to do family things.
May seems to teleport into Ben's arms and broke into a quiet sob that forced the room to experience a dead silence
"May - I was so worried, William told me everything."
Ben had a pensive look on his face as he looked over to his adopted son a light almost perceptible.
"Ben - Peter told me what happened on his end but I'd like to hear your end William!"
He looks William in his eyes with a knowing look and William is forced to gulp..
"William does he know..?"
Soon a doctor arrives with his paperwork in hand, the doctor scans each of us for a moment before focusing on the man in the bed.
"Doctor - so we have run the tests and after scanning you from now to stern we have found you to be in top top shape hell we didn't even find an entry or exit wound!"
The family exchange looks!
"Ben - what do you mean dr?"
Ben takes a look at the doctors name tag
"Doctor - Strange, Steven strange but please call me Doctor strange!"
Ben nods in affirmation
"Doctor Strange - and what I'm saying.. is that you sir, are a miracle!"
The room goes quiet!