I was killed and reborn as a Saiyan in marvel? what? Follow the story of William Khorn Parker as he navigates an altered marvel timeline why was he reincarnated? why is he a Saiyan? and who the hell flicked my forehead?
"Matt Murdock - Stick.." he growls!
clearly his relationship with the old man was rocky to say the least!
He lunges at the man throwing a straight punch to the mans face!
"Old man - still as predictable as always!"
The old man sighed and parried the punch with a wave of his gnarled hand!
The old man hits Matt in his stomach with the walking cane and Matt collapses completely unable to catch his breath.
"Old Man - I trained you Matt, there is nothing you can do that can surprise me!
Matt grits his teeth and is about to say something when he hears something..
A lightly shimmering staff soon extended and lunged quickly in the direction of the old man who was momentarily stunned by the development!
"Old Man - now that is something interesting!
He roared and swung his walking cane to collide with the staff causing the staff to miss but also sending the walking cane flying!
Soon William comes rushing through the room attempting to hit the old man with a sliding kick
The old man catches William by his foot and precedes to yank him forward and slam him in the face with a straight punch to my forehead..
The fist lands cleanly on Williams face however the boy didn't move back more than a step which mildly impressed the old man who grabs William by his belt line and throws him on top of the still struggling Matt Murdock!
"Agggghhh" they both yell
Matt Murdock glares aggressively at the old man and roars
"Matt - why are you here Stick?"
Matt's fist started shaking!
William's eyes narrowed through slightly swollen eyes and he asked
"William - w..who is this bastard?"
Matt turned his head and thought for a second if he should tell him or not when..
"Stick - my name is Stick and I taught Matt everything he knows- he winked at Matt before turning back to William
William pauses and assumes a fighting position which causes Stick to laugh in a way that was more of a cackled than anything.
"Stick - oh put it away I'm currently out of your league" he waved at William with an exacerbated expression.
William's eyes twitch for a moment before he calms down and asks.
"William - what do you want?"
William asked while helping Matt to his feet.
Stick cracks his neck and grins at Matt
"Stick - relax boy I'm not here for you, I felt a sudden burst of internal energy and lo and behold I find my own student and a boy who is also an ape, I'm here for the boy!"
It's very clear that stick means business however before the two can think to attack simultaneously Stick turns around and walks calmly out the door!
As Stick heads out the door he waves as he passes the door frame and yells out
"Stick - I have things to do so I'll be back for you at a later date, bring the staff!
The steady tapping of a walking cane steadily recedes and the two can finally relax
"William - well that was intense!" He walks to the stool and sits.
Matt takes a moment to think.
"Matt - I should call you and uber, you have been here for a few hours and i'm sure your mother is worried!"
As William heads home he thinks about the old man and how he was able to easily handle the two of them and mutters..
"William - I'm a Saiyan right?
That means I can grow strong rapidly through training and fighting!
He exits the taxi still deep in thought when a sandal comes flying from the door and nails William on the head with a soft
"Mom - William Khorn Conwell get your a,s,s in the house this instant young man!"
William sighed...
This was going to be a long night...
The next day...
William wakes up with a headache and a shoe print comedically placed on his backside
Alright I have the whole day I may as well get the daily out of the way
He begins running trying to get the easy one out of the way..
William completed the 1000 meters in 3 minutes flat which is great considering the current record holder is t minutes and twelve seconds
He feels a swell of energy as he crosses the 1000 meter mark
A notification was shimmering in his periphery
William glances at it and wills it to open
"System ai - user has completed 1/3 daily mission, dispensing reward."
A dazzling light appears and seperates into two
A bean appears in my left hand..
"William - well at least I have some reassurance in case of injury!"
Soon the light in my other hand dimmed and what looked like a toy capsule appeared..
"System ai - user has gained one Senzu bean [Firtile], user has gained one capsule [Battle armor [Goku]!"
William tosses the capsule on the ground eagerly awaiting his new gear
With a swift release of some kind of mist the armor of fabulous quality lands on the ground with a soft thud!
William's eyes turn into stars, clearly he is beyond elated by the event.
This will do well for me until I can make something more suited to me
William slides the suit of armor on and revels in how light it feels.
He pats his chest a couple times and feels absolutely nothing
"William - this should at the very least handle most conventional firearms im curious though how it handles against superpowered people!"
He decides he should look for a good fight later at night but for now he needs to finish his daily missions and see what else he can get.
As William continues to work out nearby in a bar a rough individual was drinking and brooding in a corner.
He remains quiet however his appearance seems to drawing the ire of the entire bar for some unknown reason.
However soon a set of clumsy footsteps come pushing through the door!
Three men entered nearly stumbling
They were clearly already drunk before they showed up causing a collective sigh.
"Drunk #1 - so anyways I smacked the bitch!"
"Drunk #2 - no way bro did you still hit?"
"Drunk #1 - Of course bro not like she was going to tell me no!"
"Drunk #3 - I hope you wrapped it up this time!"
"Drunk #1 - Nah she wasn't worth the trip to the store!"
The group approach the solitary table in the corner where the mysterious man was nursing his drink..
One of the drunk's slams his hand into the table!
"Drunk #3 You.. [hic] you need to move.. or do we gotta make you move!"
The man looks up at drunk and says with a growl
"Mysterious man - Fuck off!!" The man says causing the three drunks to pause with a dark look in their eyes.
"Drunk #1 - what was that? Do you know who I am?"
The man takes a long drink from his beer and says with absolute confidence
"Mysterious man - who gives a fuck!?"
The drunk's eyes become dangerous and suddenly he smiles and backs off.
His two drunk friends looked at each other confused and one asked
"Drunk #2 - Dude are we just going to let him get away with that?"
Drunk #1 stares at his friend with an evil grin
He says nothing yet and leaves the bar followed by his friends
The mysterious man begins to stumble out of the bar mumbling as he does..
"Mysterious man - Charles is going to give me a talking to but..."
He grabs his head having a flashback from his time as a P.O.W
he manages to find the parking garage where he parked his bike and was about to hop on when suddenly..
A gunshot echoes throughout the parking garage..
The man tumbles from the bike seemingly dead..
"Drunk #1 - piece of fucking shit, talk to me like that do you know who I FUCKING AM!!"
He kicks the unconscious body and yells..
"Drunk #1 drag his ass to the car, we need to get rid of the evidence!"
Soon the sound of a man being drug is all that can be heard
"Drunk #3 - god damn this mother fucker is heavy!" He strains to say
The two finally managed to get the man into the trunk and were panting for breath.
They were in the middle of catching their breath when they hear a sound from a distance...
A staff that was longer than should be possible came swinging from above catching drunk #3 in the shoulder sending him crashing into the side of the car!
"Drunk #2 - what the.. who the hell are you?" He says as he pulls from his jacket a firearm"
The drunk starts to backstep toward the car but when he gets too close to the trunk suddenly you hear
The drunk looks down to see three deep protrusions on his chest
William who had just landed from above was shocked, he had never seen a body before but before he can think any more about it the the trunk is tore apart along with the mans torso sending blood and viscera spraying over the ground in front of William...
"Mysterious man - you don't smell like them.. in fact you don't smell human at all.. who the hell are you?"
William stands there gobsmacked..
"William - did I just meet the legendary wolverine?"