
Reborn as a Rabbit?

Alex is a normal student leading a normal life. Graduate, get a shitty office job, have a crappy apartment with another shitty roommate. That is, until his torture, or salvation, comes in the form of a man. ---- Read 10 chapters before deciding to quit! Update times: Friday, Sunday, Saturday, and perhaps Tuesday at 6pm(EST) Chapter length: 800-1500 Amazing fans from old book: Chosen_Noob Phenomorph1914 Derp_King logerlogerlog Geee Feliuon_7759 Aria_Heart Miss_1x0x Me Fantasie Trzykropki secretplotter tha_one_guy SarahEveB The_Toast_Cat AlecIsConfuse UnknownKuma Lonnie_Barrar Unit29 Hoosier_Plays latiosss_syt officialbadreader Og Fans(Thanks for being with me since the early chapters!): Chosen_Noob Geee Phenomorph1914 UnkownKuma logerlogerlog Fantasie secret plotter The_Toast_Cat AlecIsConfuse tha_one_guy If you do not like books like this, don't read it. I see so many "Why genderbender?" Or "Why system?" On books. If you don't like those, don't read just to quit. Exceptions are if you want to know the plot or storyline. The cover doesn't belong to me, if you are the artist and don't want it to be shown, contact me here at discord: Olypmu#8957 [Volume one]–Serializing...

Olympu · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

A web of trouble

My eyes forcefully snapped open, waking me up from my excellent dream.

'Ah, where am I? This isn't where I slept.' I thought, blinking slowly. For some reason the world was upside down, and the moon shone brightly up ahead. It was a bright and clear night, the lighting good enough to let me see a creek, though I would've heard running water anyway.

Oddly, all my body below the head was numb.

'Well shit. Everything that happened yesterday was real?'

{Yes.} Syndria replied instantly.

'Did I drink something and don't remember it? Am I drunk?'


'Am I high?'


'Did I take LSD?'


'Am I dreaming?'








'Not even in purgatory?'




'Under alien influence?'


'In a virtual game?'

{Negative, this is real.}

'Do I have a government chip in my head?'


'Okay you win, nothing else comes to mind.'

I tried to move my head to get a look of my body. Long, stick white threads crisscrossed my body and restricted my movement, held up by two trees side by side. I must've been at least 30 feet over the ground, at least.

{There is a stronger lifeform nearby.}

'God damnit, it's a spider, right? Some abomination of a spider. Human's didn't dominate animals because of their strength, right? It was intelligence! I can kill an overgrown spider...'

My 6 intelligence did not reassure me.

I struggled to move, but I was held in place.

{Mana is being constantly applied to the threads, so you won't get out.}

I cursed internally and continued to struggle. However, as I did, I felt something poke my furry body. I strained to see a spider appear out of nowhere, quite stealthily too.

It was huge, probably as big as a pig, and looked like a tarantula. Only much more deadly, with a lot more eyes, and sharp mandibles.

It walked along me, and I wasn't very big. Perhaps a little bigger than a human baby, but that was it. The spider stopped before my face, clicking its mandibles.


<[Observation] is now level 3!>

<Name>: N/A

<Health>: 100/100

<Level>: 1(26/100)

<Species>: Black Widowed Spider.

<Gender>: Male

<Class>: N/A

<Rank>: F-

<Tier>: Weak Beast

<Strength>: 10

<Intelligence>: 4

<Wisdom>: 3

<Agility>: 5

<Dexterity>: 10

<Vitality>: 6

<Skills>: [Black Thread Creation - Level 1][Bite - Level 3][Aura Release - Level 2][Glare - Level - 3][Spider Armor - Level 4][Blood Suck - Level 4][Lunge - Level 3][Intimidate - Level 5][Venom Injection - Level 5][Mana Manipulate - Level 1]

<Blessings>: [Spider Queen][Demon King][Worldly Being #####]

<Titles>: [Of world][Survivor][Scavenger][Vampire][Demon]

'Oh no! And the spider looks like it's deciding whether to use [Blood Suck] or [Venom Injection]...'

I immediately checked my profile.


<Unzipping [Profile]...>


<Name>: N/A

<Health>: 20/20

<Level>: 0(0/20)

<Species>: Rabbit

<Gender>: Female

<Class>: N/A

<Rank>: F-

<Tier>: Weak Beast

<Strength>: 5

<Intelligence>: 6

<Wisdom>: 6

<Agility>: 10

<Dexterity>: 10

<Vitality>: 5

<Skills>: [Syndria's Voice - Level 0(MAXED)] [Calm - Level 0(MAXED)] [Hop - Level 1] [Dash - Level 1] [Acute Hearing - Level 1] [Nibble - Level 1][Kick - Level 1][Stealth - Level 1][Pain Resistance - Level 1]

<Blessings>: [The Fool][Mink God][System Master]

<Titles>: [The Legendary Fool][The Legendary Coward][Fresh][Delicious]

I skipped everything, my eyes landing straight on skills. I wasted no time as the spider started to weave more threads, my eyes searching for a skill, any skill to help me. Compared to the spider, I was pitiful.

[Nibble] could get me out of the threads, then I could jump to the floor, using [Hop] and [Dash] to escape.

Suddenly, I felt another prick, and it made me decide to start my plan to run now. Otherwise, I might die.

I immediately used [Nibble], chewing on the threads. However, it didn't do anything to the threads at all.

{Mana is being applied. [Nibble] will not suffice.}

<[Nibble] is now level 2!>

The spider clicked its mandibles for the final time.

I felt mandibles strike, breaking my skin and entering my flesh. I didn't feel much pain, but what I did feel was what seemed to be venom getting poured into my veins, causing me to squirm. The burning pain that radiated throughout my whole body hurt like a son of a bitch.

<Consumer has gained a new skill! [Venom Resistance]!>

<Due to [Pain Resistance], Consumer will lose 1 Health Point per second.>

<Due to [Venom Resistance], Consumer will lose 2 Health Points per second.>




'I have 11 seconds to live!?'

Using [Nibble], I bit down hard on the nearest spider leg I could, even though it was gross. With a screech, the spider raised its head in the air. It hadn't expected a final struggle from a dying animal, and as such, it didn't have [Spider Armor] activated.

As soon as the creature screeched in pain, I noticed the threads around my body become loose. Immediately, I burst out this web and fell.

After about 30 feet which wasted a second of my life, I landed hard on my back.

I pushed through the pain and got up.

If I was going to die, I would make this spider hurt a lot more.

I crouched low, using [Dash] and [Hop] in tandem by purely beastly instinct. I nimbly leaped towards the spider, bending backwards as I flew through the sky to deliver a [Kick] to the annoyed spider, sending it falling towards the ground and rolling in the grass.

I fell too, landing ungracefully, everything hurting.

Only a few seconds to live.

And with a [Dash], I closed the distance between me and the spider. Angry, angry, angry, I would kill this spider, I would.

I looked at the struggling spider who seemed to take me seriously now as I rushed towards him. Wasting no time, I finished the creature off with a [Nibble] to the neck, biting through flesh. I felt warm liquid coat my mouth.

<You killed a Black Widow Spider!>

<75 EXP gained!>

<You leveled up!>

<You leveled up!>

<You leveled up!>

<[Nibble] has evolved into [Bite]!>

<Consumer has gained a new skill! [Acrobatics]!>

<[Kick] is now level 2!>

<[Dash] is now level 3!>

<[Hop] is now level 3!>

'H-How? Did I do that? I'm still alive?'

I thought, mentally asking Syndria. I felt healthy again, or refreshed, like I just had a nice shower. I assumed it was due to leveling, but I expected my chest to still be sore or have a scar.

{It was quite simple. The spider was weakened since it applied mana to its threads. Because of that, when you bit it, it cause the spider to reflexively react. You too reacted with your beastly instincts and used your skills to finish the Black Widowed Spider off. I recommend eating the corpse.}

'I see, I see... I don't think I'm ready to eat the corpse, yet. I'll just drag it back to the clearing. There's a tree in the middle that could make a good home...' I thought to myself.

'Syndria, direct me black to the clearing, please.'

A map appeared in front of me, holographic. Like any videogame map, the areas I hadn't explored were black. The clearing was marked with a orange circle and showed me as a cursor some way from it.

{The circle is the clearing. You registered it as a checkpoint mentally, as such, it is saved within my database.}

'Time to head back.' I sighed, looked up at the moon, and closed my eyes.

And breathed.

This was my life now, life or death.

I picked the spiders corpse by my teeth and started towards my newfound home, and towards my uncertain future.

First monster killed! More to go!

Of course, not all fights will be like this, but I like them realistic.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Olympucreators' thoughts