
Reborn As a Pirate

When Ryan opened his eyes, he found himself in an unfamiliar world, marked, accused of murdering a noble and condemned to the life of a pirate. Shipwrecked from the start, his fortunes changed when he was rescued by the enigmatic Captain Freni, a ruthless witch who commands the "Black Rose" without a shred of mercy. But Ryan is not just any ordinary castaway, he is equipped with a mysterious system that allows him to level up and unlock new abilities, guiding him on a bizarre and fantastical journey. [Save the dying shark to gain a secretive ally] [convert a dead planet into a powerful warship] such were the choices offered to Ryan offered by the system.] Unbeknownst to others, Captain Freni is the fugitive fifth princess of the Augustus Dynasty, masquerading as a novice pirate while seeking to recover her family's lost treasure and restore her fallen dynasty. As she navigates through treacherous waters, Freni saves Ryan, who proves to be a knowledgeable navigator for the Black Rose, despite his odd tendencies to spout bizarre statements and collect strange artifacts. Welcome to the Age of Discovery! #Pirate #VirtualReality #+18 #Reborn #Funny

Rqmk · Kỳ huyễn
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Son Of Blood!

The inky, dark blue energy cascaded onto the deck like a viscous torrent, swiftly spreading beneath each unsuspecting pirate. As they stood frozen, the ethereal fluid seeped up their limbs, shrouding them in a chilling embrace. Their eyes widened in terror as a shimmering, light blue sigil, a crescent moon cradled by a fang, branded itself between their furrowed brows.

Freni's voice, icy and sharp as shattered glass, cut through the tension. "Let it be known that any soul daring enough to flee or defy me will meet their end by the mark of my curse," she declared, her words echoing ominously across the rain-lashed ship.

"Resume your duties immediately and take control of the ship," she commanded. The air thick with dread, the cursed crew, now slaves to the Crescent Curse Seal, mechanically returned to their stations. They grasped the weather-beaten helm and tugged at the sodden ropes, their movements precise and robotic. Under their haunted guidance, the massive three-masted galleon plowed forward, slicing through the stormy seas with grim determination.

Ryan remained apart from the ensorcelled pirates. Having set the ship's course southward as per Captain Freni's stern instructions, he trailed behind her and her confidant, Cecilia, as they made their way to the relative shelter of the cabin.

Maintaining a respectful distance of two meters, Ryan's gaze fell to the soaked deck, his clothes heavy and clinging to his skin. In stark contrast, an invisible barrier shielded the two women ahead of him from the relentless downpour, their figures dry and untroubled by the storm.

His mind replayed the ominous warnings issued by the mysterious gray panel upon his first encounter with Freni and Cecilia, chilling him further than the cold rain ever could.

[Freni Augustus: 18 years old, 158 centimeters tall, current captain of the "Black Rose", a first-class [scholar] and a newly awakened sea witch. This individual surpasses your strength exponentially and is deemed invincible. It is advised to maintain distance for your safety.]

[Cecilia Howard: 18 years old, 172 centimeters tall, trusted bodyguard of Captain Augustus and acting first mate, a first-class [soldier] with expertise in thorn swordsmanship (proficient). This individual surpasses your strength exponentially and is deemed invincible. It is advised to maintain distance for your safety.]

The ominous text "This person is far stronger than you and is invincible, please stay away as soon as possible" glowed in a foreboding bright red hue on the panel. Ryan had encountered formidable foes like the [Beach Cancer] before, but never had the panel flashed such a dire warning. This revelation starkly highlighted the chasm in power between him and the two women, an insurmountable gap that skills or combat experience alone could not bridge.

Ryan pondered the titles "First Order [Scholar]" and "First Order [Soldier]" listed under the profiles of Freni and Cecilia. They reminded him of the [Path Profession] category on his panel, underscoring their formidable abilities. Their prowess was precisely why Ryan had treaded with utmost caution since setting foot on the ship.

He had come to realize that the panel's gray font seemed to activate only for beings or entities of spiritual significance. It had happened with the [Beach Cancer] and now with Freni and Cecilia, confirming his suspicions about their exceptional nature.

The trio soon entered the captain's quarters. The austere decor of the cabin drew a slight frown from Freni. She waved a dismissive hand, conjuring the dark blue energy to cleanse the chair before she seated herself with a satisfied nod. Cecilia remained a silent sentinel behind her, her posture alert and watchful.

Freni, with her hands folded delicately in her lap, sat poised and serene. She lifted her gaze, fixing it on Ryan who stood uneasily before her. The thick silence stretched, amplifying the tension until it was almost palpable.

After a lingering minute, Freni's voice, smooth and measured, finally broke the silence. "Mr. Ryan, Son of Blood," she began, her tone both inquisitive and commanding, "might you disclose the identity of the noble whose life you claimed?"

Ryan's face betrayed no emotion, but his heart skipped a beat, a slow, heavy thud that echoed his rising panic. The urge to flee surged within him, yet, after a fleeting moment of internal turmoil, his rationale prevailed over his fear.

Ryan was acutely aware that with his modest abilities, any attempt to escape from these two formidably powerful women would be futile.

After the initial wave of panic subsided, Ryan considered the situation more strategically. If Freni and Cecilia had intended to eliminate him or surrender him to the "Royal Navy" for a bounty, they would have seized the opportunity by now. This realization led him to ponder their true motives.

Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, Ryan responded in a grave tone, "Captain, may I inquire how you came to discern my identity?"

Freni offered a slight, enigmatic smile in response. "To the untrained eye and even to low-level practitioners, a bearer of the [Golden Rule]'s 'Blood Son' mark appears no different from any other. But I am not like them," she explained softly, yet with an underlying edge of authority.

"I possess a unique ability to see the scarlet aura that marks your soul, the unmistakable signature of the 'Bloody Mark.'"

"Mr. Soros, I appreciate your forthrightness. My query wasn't meant to intimidate or manipulate. I am simply intrigued. In the Kingdom of Augustus, what compelled you to commit such a deed against a noble, a deed that has left many shaken and fearful of such acts?"

Ryan's expression turned somber, reflecting the weight of his memories. "Since you're interested, I'll share my story. There's no point in concealing the truth anymore," he began, his voice tinged with bitterness.

"I found myself abducted aboard a pirate ship flying a flag emblazoned with a bloody shark. When I regained consciousness, I was clutching a flintlock pistol, its barrel aimed at the noble who ultimately fell by my hand, as soon as I woke up."

"But I must confess, it wasn't my intention to harm him. At that critical moment, I felt an overwhelming force compelling me to pull the trigger."

"I do not even know the identity of the nobleman whose life I took."

"After his death, the pirate ship was engulfed in a terrible explosion, but fortune favored me, and I survived the ordeal."

"After that encounter, I found myself with you," Ryan concluded, his voice tinged with a resigned bitterness. "Caught in the dark, utterly confused by the events that unfolded, that's how I ended up marked as a 'Blood Son.'"

As he spoke, his face mirrored the turmoil of his soul, a mixture of relief and concealed dread.

He wasn't lying, but he did omit certain details about how he survived the massive explosion on the pirate ship.

Freni pondered the flag Ryan mentioned. "The bloody shark... that must signify the [Blood Shark], a pirate group infamous in these waters," she mused silently. "Its captain, [One-Eyed] Horberry, is a notorious first-order [pirate], and there's a hefty bounty of 10,000 pounds on his head by the Royal Navy. How intriguing..."

Freni's gaze upon Ryan deepened, absorbing his tale, yet she decided not to probe further. Instead, she shifted the conversation. "Mr. Ryan, as you see, I have recently taken command of the [Black Rose], and there's much about its navigation that could use your counsel," she stated, a strategic tone to her voice.

"The storm has been harsh, and you look weary. I suggest you rest in the second officer's quarters. The amenities there are superior. I'll ensure that food and fresh clothing are sent to your room."

Ryan, acknowledging her kindness with a nod, replied gratefully, "Thank you for your generosity, Captain." With those words, he turned and left the cabin.

It was only after the wooden door swung shut, obscuring Ryan from view, that Freni allowed herself a moment of reflection. She glanced down at her palm, as pale as moonlight, and noticed the faint blue glow emanating from her eyes. Her vision, enhanced by mystical powers, pierced beyond the physical realm, observing the spiritual essence intertwined with blood deep within Ryan's being.

"Son of Blood..." she whispered to herself, a hint of both curiosity and foreboding in her tone.