
Reborn as a Pig: Kingdom

Takashi is a company worker who found himself unemployed after offending his boss.The reason for his termination was he was not listening to his boss, which angered the boss. As Takashi sat on a bench, contemplating his next move, he was struck by a meteorite and died. However, that was not the end of his story, as he soon found himself reincarnated as a pig with a system panel. Determined to become powerful, Takashi sets his sights on achieving greatness. Follow his journey as he navigates the World and strives to reach the top. --- Discord link ↓↓ https://discord.gg/TzScrr33S2 ↑↑

Godfather_Gambler · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs

Chapter 4 Cold Resistance

As time passed, Takashi's body began to tire from the day's activities. He could feel his eyes growing heavy as he lay down in his makeshift shelter. The cool night air filled his lungs as he took a deep breath, trying to relax his body.

As he closed his eyes, he could hear the distant sound of crickets and other nocturnal creatures stirring in the forest around him. The rustling of leaves and branches in the wind provided a soothing background noise as he drifted off to sleep.

Takashi's body gradually relaxed, and his breathing became slow and rhythmic. He could feel himself slipping deeper and deeper into a peaceful slumber, the stresses of the day fading away.

But as he slept, his mind was still active, processing the events of the day and trying to make sense of this new world he found himself in. He dreamed of swimming through the cool, clear waters of the river, his enhanced vision allowing him to see every detail of the underwater world around him.

As the night wore on, the temperature dropped, and a cool breeze began to blow through the forest. Takashi stirred slightly, feeling the chill in the air. He snuggled deeper into his makeshift shelter, trying to find warmth and comfort.

But despite his efforts, he could feel his body growing colder by the minute. He shivered involuntarily, his teeth chattering as he struggled to stay warm.

Eventually, the cold became too much for him to bear. Takashi's eyes snapped open, and he sat, He could feel his body trembling with cold, and his teeth were chattering uncontrollably.

Desperately shivering in the frigid cold, Takashi's mind raced for a solution to fight off the chill that had begun to seep into his bones. He knew he needed something warm to stave off the cold, but in the wilderness, options were limited.

Suddenly, he remembered the fish he had caught earlier, still fresh and warm. Without hesitation, he quickly retrieved them from where they were stored, hoping that their warmth might help him fight off the biting cold.

Takashi held the fish close to his chest, feeling their heat transfer to his skin. The fish still held residual warmth from being freshly caught, and he could feel his body responding positively to the added heat. He tucked the fish under his arms and huddled closer to them, hoping to maximize their warming effect.

As time passed, Takashi's body began to adjust to the temperature, and the warmth from the fish had helped to stave off the worst of the cold. Though not an ideal solution, it was a practical one that had allowed him to survive the night.

Eventually, Takashi settled back down into his makeshift shelter, cradling the fish close to his body to stay warm. He closed his eyes once again, feeling the fatigue returning to his body as he drifted off to sleep, grateful for the fish that had kept him warm and alive through the night.

"As the sun rises, its light filters through the trees and illuminates Takashi's pig face, stirring him from his slumber. The warmth of the sun's rays is a welcome sensation on his fur, and he stretches out his limbs, relishing in the feeling of his muscles awakening after a night of rest.

As he rises to his feet, he takes a moment to survey his surroundings. The forest is alive with the sounds of birds chirping and insects buzzing, and the air is filled with the scent of fresh vegetation and earth.

Takashi shakes himself off, sending dirt and debris flying in all directions. He scratches behind his ear with his hoof, letting out a contented snort. Despite the unfamiliarity of his situation, he can't help but feel a sense of freedom in his animal form.

Takashi opened his system panel and studied the information displayed on it.

Name: Takashi (Pig Form)

Species: Pig

Level: 1

Experience Points: 1/100


Strength: 3

Dexterity: 2

Constitution: 3

Intelligence: 105

Wisdom: 22

Charisma: 7


Foraging: 2

Rooting: 2

Running: 1


Adaptive Evolution

Improved Underwater Vision

Cold Resistance ( Minor Cold Resistance )


Health: 100/100

Hunger: 37/100

Thirst: 31/100

As Takashi opened the system panel, his eyes quickly scanned over his current status, taking note of his health, hunger, and thirst levels. However, his attention was quickly drawn to the ABILITIES section, where he noticed a new addition - Cold Resistance.

Curiosity piqued, Takashi clicked on the ability to read its description. The words appeared on the screen before him, explaining that he now had the ability to withstand cold temperatures slightly better than before. He could endure low temperatures for slightly longer periods of time before feeling uncomfortable.

Takashi's mind raced as he thought about the potential benefits of this new ability. In this harsh wilderness, where the weather could be unpredictable and temperatures could drop rapidly, this new resistance could be a lifesaver.

As he closed the system panel, Takashi felt a sense of excitement building inside him. He knew that he was becoming more and more adapted to this environment, and this new ability was just another step in that process. He couldn't wait to see what other abilities and skills he might develop in the future.

Feeling pleased about acquiring his new ability, Takashi made his way towards the nearby river to quench his thirst and perhaps catch some fish for his meal. As he walked, he marveled at how much easier it was to move through the forest in his pig form, his animalistic senses alert to any signs of danger or prey.

As he reached the riverbank, he paused to take in his surroundings. The water was crystal-clear, reflecting the sunlight and sparkling like diamonds. The sound of rushing water filled his ears, a soothing melody that reminded him of home.

Takashi knelt down at the edge of the river, dipping his snout into the cool water. He took a deep drink, savoring the refreshing taste. As he lifted his head, he noticed a school of small fish swimming in the shallow water near the shore.

With a grin, Takashi activated his Improved Underwater Vision ability, marveling at how much clearer and more detailed everything looked. He could see the fish more clearly than ever before, their shimmering scales and darting movements mesmerizing him.

Feeling a surge of excitement, Takashi waded into the river, the cold water rushing around his legs. He moved carefully, his senses alert for any signs of danger. As he approached the school of fish, he took a deep breath and prepared himself for the strike.

Using his enhanced vision and reflexes, Takashi was able to catch a fish with ease, feeling a sense of satisfaction as he held it up triumphantly. He repeated the process, catching several more fish, knowing that they would provide him with sustenance for the days to come.

After catching enough fish, Takashi made his way back to his makeshift shelter, his hunger satisfied and his thirst quenched. He settled in for the night, feeling grateful for his newfound ability and the ways in which it would help him survive in this harsh environment.

As Takashi finished eating the fish, he felt a sense of satisfaction wash over him. His hunger and thirst bars were now fully replenished, and he knew that he could focus on other tasks without worrying about food and water for a while.

But as he sat in his makeshift shelter, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. He had been in this wilderness for some time now, and he had learned to trust his instincts. And right now, his instincts were telling him that he was not alone.

He looked around, scanning the area for any signs of danger. The forest was quiet, with only the sound of rustling leaves and chirping birds breaking the silence. But Takashi knew that silence could be deceptive.

Suddenly, he heard a faint rustling sound coming from the bushes nearby. His heart rate quickened, and he readied himself for whatever might come his way. He could feel his animalistic instincts kicking in, preparing him for a fight or flight response.

Takashi waited, his senses on high alert, as the rustling sound grew louder and closer. And then, just as suddenly as it had started, the sound stopped.

Takashi sat there, waiting and listening, but there was no movement, no sound. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was out there, watching him.

As the night fell and the darkness engulfed the forest, Takashi knew that he would have to be even more vigilant. He settled into his makeshift shelter, his mind racing with thoughts of what might be out there, lurking in the shadows.