
Reborn as a Pig: Kingdom

Takashi is a company worker who found himself unemployed after offending his boss.The reason for his termination was he was not listening to his boss, which angered the boss. As Takashi sat on a bench, contemplating his next move, he was struck by a meteorite and died. However, that was not the end of his story, as he soon found himself reincarnated as a pig with a system panel. Determined to become powerful, Takashi sets his sights on achieving greatness. Follow his journey as he navigates the World and strives to reach the top. --- Discord link ↓↓ https://discord.gg/TzScrr33S2 ↑↑

Godfather_Gambler · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs

Chapter 18 Fox left ?

Takashi had just finished eating his meal, but he was feeling full even though he had only eaten leaves. As he turned his head, he saw his companion, the fox, looking at him with interest. The fox closed its eyes as Takashi looked around, realizing that all the leaves were gone. He wondered if the fox was hungry too.

Takashi decided to look for more food and began to explore the cave where they were staying to recover from their injuries. The cave was dark and damp, with stalactites hanging from the ceiling. The walls were covered in moss, and the ground was slick with moisture.

As he wandered deeper into the cave, Takashi spotted some berries in the corner. They looked ripe and delicious, so he decided to pick them up. However, as he was a pig and couldn't use his hands, he had to pick them up with his mouth.

He carefully plucked the berries one by one and placed them in his mouth, making sure not to crush them. As he started to walk back towards the fox, he felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that he had found food for them to eat.

The journey back to the fox was slow, as Takashi had to be careful not to trip over any obstacles on the cave floor. When he finally arrived back at the fox's side, he dropped the berries in front of the fox, hoping that he would enjoy them as much as Takashi did.

Takashi sat down next to the fox, feeling content with himself. He watched as the fox sniffed the berries and tentatively took a bite. Takashi felt a sense of joy as he watched the fox enjoy the food that he had found.

After eating that food fox lay down in the position of sleeping to recover from his injuries and Takashi also lay down as it is currently night and he should sleep rather than explore the cave for no reason as he was thinking about this he fell asleep after some time.

As the first rays of the morning sun pierced through the dense forest, Takashi, slowly opened his eyes. He blinked a few times to adjust to the light and stretched his tiny legs. He was feeling quite thirsty, so he decided to head towards the nearby pond to drink some water.

As he approached the pond, he couldn't see anyone around. He sniffed the air, but there was no trace of his companion, that little fox. so he decided to wait for her in the cave.

He trotted inside the cave, and his eyes scanned every inch of the place, but the fox was nowhere to be seen. Takashi frowned in disappointment, wondering where his friend could be. He couldn't help but worry about her. After all, the fox was his first friend in this new world after he got reborn as a pig.

He decided to lie down and rest while waiting for the fox to return. The cave was quite spacious, and Takashi made himself comfortable in a corner, hoping that his friend would come back soon. As time passed by, he dozed off for a while.

When he woke up, he realized that the fox still hadn't returned. Takashi started to feel uneasy, and his mind raced with various thoughts. Could something have happened to a fox? Was she in trouble? He knew he had to find her.

He got up and went outside the cave, snorting and sniffing the air, trying to pick up for scent. Takashi started to explore the area around them.

Takashi's footsteps crunched against the dry leaves as he walked through the dense forest. He had been searching for the fox for hours, but so far, he had found no trace of the fox. As he walked, his eyes scanned the area for any signs of movement, but all was quiet and still.

Finally, Takashi came to a stop and looked around. He knew that he had to face the reality that the fox was no longer in the area. His search had been fruitless. The only conclusion he could draw was that the fox had left him.

As Takashi thought about it more, he realized that it was the most logical explanation. The fox was a wild animal, and like all animals, it had a family and a home. It was only natural for the fox to leave the area to return to its family. The more he thought about it, the more reasonable it seemed.

Feeling a sense of disappointment, Takashi sighed heavily and shook his head. He had come all this way, and now he had nothing to show for it. But then he thought about the fox's family again, and a feeling of understanding washed over him. The fox was just doing what it had to do to get back to her family.

With a heavy heart, Takashi turned around and started to make his way back to his cave. He knew that there was nothing more he could do. but he had learned an important lesson. Sometimes, nature had its way of doing things,