
Reborn as a hybrid

Dorcas_Adu · Khác
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2 Chs

Chapter two, beginnings

Damien's POV "Dad, don't leave me,don't go" I said in between tears. My dad was diagnosed with brain cancer just month ago and the doctor said there's nothing he can do. Right now my father just died in front of me while I begged him not to go, "I'll talk to drake maybe he can help bury dad properly, after all he's my boyfriend and he and dad got along. I need him right now ". Drakes apartment was far from the hospital so I walked there instead of taking a cab, right now I need to clear my mind as I loved dad and his death was a big blow to me. By the time I reached there it was close to midnight. I had a spare key so I didn't need to call him, "what's that sound, is someone ,never mind I might ruin the moment " I mumbled. But why is the moans getting loud when nearing drakes apartment and I can't hear his friends, I thought, I reached for the door nob when I realized it was open. "Why is the door open". As I slowly but steadily walked in I started crying but drake didn't hear me. Drake my boyfriend was fucking a boy who appeared to be my age and suddenly drake spoke " baby your so tight, don't worry baby only you can turn me on, I'm gonna break up with Damien so I can be with you ". I ran out of there not caring wether they saw me . I ran thinking the two people that made me want to live and be happy had disappeared. I ran crossing the road, suddenly a truck was headed for me and it was just at least three meters away. My body froze and one thought kept repeatingt in my head, l'm coming dad and mom and bang . All my bones and body was damaged and I felt pain run across my entire body. I said one word before the darkness engulfed me " home ". I felt warm and one didn't have to guess it was dark but wait? Was I in hell or heaven but one thing I know is neither of them would keep me in bubble like thingy. I don't know where I am but one thing is for sure I have to get out wherever I am but I feel sooo light and soft, seriously is this what death feels so then I want to live again, oh I nearly forgot what happened and how I got hit by a truck. "FUCK YOU DRAKE "!!!!!!!!! that felt nice. Dad and mom I hope you're together and happy, dad since you always wanted me to be truly happy even if it meant you were to lose everything you had, don't worry I'll be happy now , now that I know my life is behind me I need to get out of here, with all my strength I started moving. Third person POV. In a world where werewolves, vampires , dragons , demigods and mythical creatures exist. In the capital of central city the governor's wife was about to give birth after being pregnant for five straight years. "WOW 👀😅😱😱even nine months was too much for my mom " . The governor was over the moon and teleported to his mansion like home. One step away from seeing his wife but was held back by his five identical brothers which including him are sextuplets but with different characters. The governor who was a self composed and calm leader is now looking worried and restless due to the birth of his child .As he was waiting for a the delivery of his child, his blood pressure was going up seemingly worried and his seemingly handsome face was emitting emotional sign as his light tanned skin was beginning to turn white, his brothers saw his wolf was about to breakthrough so Gander the last born got up and looked into his brother's eyes and said " calm down , you need to be strong for both Mika and your kid since their strength comes from you" . This little encouragement from his brother seemed to calm him down. Right that moment a cry was heard and the governor was informed both the mother and child are safe and that it was a boy. The overjoyed father went into the room to be greeted with the most gorgeous baby he's ever seen in his life, even mermaids species who were known to be the most beautiful in all the land could not compare to this baby he was seeing. Joy overtook him as he asked in amazement "is that really my son " and his wife answered " yes honey this is our son isn't he just gorgeous " he nodded and reached for his son who was sleeping and for the first time, he actually felt what joy really feels like. In the midst of joy he announced the ceremony to celebrate the birth of his son and the most beautiful if not in all the land then in the world