
reborn as a goblin

my name is Kevin I been reincarnated in a magic fantasy world but why am I a evil goblin

Yeet_Ter · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs

a new home

One week later.

One week later, the captive white wolf, now named Nova, exhibited signs of impending motherhood. Her once-slender frame had blossomed, a testament to the new life stirring within her.

With Nova's pregnancy advancing, Kevin's thoughts turned to securing a more permanent shelter. The makeshift camp he had constructed, though functional, lacked the durability and protection he desired. The forest's unpredictable nature demanded a more formidable refuge.

Amidst the verdant expanse of the forest, Kevin scoured the landscape for a suitable haven. His quest led him deep into the heart of the woodland, where ancient trees loomed like silent sentinels, and the earth whispered secrets known only to the wind.

After hours of exploration, Kevin stumbled upon a hidden cavern, its entrance shrouded in shadow and overgrown with ivy. The cave beckoned to him, a natural sanctuary hidden from prying eyes.

With newfound determination, Kevin set about the task of relocation. His belongings were carefully transported to the cavern's depths, each item finding its place amidst the rocky embrace of the earth.

He then walked back to the camp where only the breeding den was left he opened the door and looked at Nova she not on her stomach because of her pregnancy with the injury own her back legs were almost healed but she would not be able to walk for awhile.

His eyes fell to her stomach it looked like she would give birth in the next few days he then prepared to move her to the cave removing the rope Keeping her in place he put her own her back so he can drag her to the cave.

With the ropes on his shoulder and dragging the immobile Nova he arrived at the cave entrance pushing the vines aside he put down the rope and picked Nova up to the Best of his ability putting her into the cave he moved her to the new breeding den a room in the cave near the back.

With her there he looked around the cave for heavy rocks and moved them slowly toward Nova he the tied her to the rocks giving her room to turn herself but not enough to attack anyone if she got her muzzle off.