
Family Meeting*

Right now, I am in the heavy atmosphere. My mother just finished telling about all the events that happened with Sherry-san. Can you imagine my situation right now. Everyone in my family gathered in the living room and they are just finished listening about my past and all of the things we had talked with Sherry-san. They are now just totally silent. Yeah, they are saying nothing. Can you imagine that? I feel like I am in the middle of the interview.

"I can understand now, why she was so reserved. I mean, I do understand that she is a bit shy type of girl. But I just can't imagine that she used to be a boy." Sumiko-neesan was the first one to talk.

*Ba-doom *Ba-doom

Holy shit, I am totally nervous. I know that they will accept me as I am. But I am still nervous.

"Yeah, that's why she gets easily embarrassed. She try to control her deep desire. Even though, it's okay to do what she want." Sylvia-neesan said.

Wait, what does that mean?

Rather, I feel like they have found out that I sometimes gets turned on by seeing them naked.

"Yeah, Serene, you don't have to be so reserved. If you want to feel you sisters warmth, you should do so. It's not like we don't like it. We are family after all. Almost all families do these kind of things." Sumiko-neesan said.

Wait, their reactions are somewhat similar to mom. I have guessed that they would act like this. But I still don't understand these confusing otherworldly common senses.

"Umm, Are you guys really okay with this? I mean, I used to be guy, you know." I said with a bit hesitant look.

"So what? I do understand that you were a guy, but what about it? You're a girl now. You have born as a girl. You're not really bothered by the fact that you're girl now. Or rather, you're enjoying it." Sylvia-neesan said.


Somehow I took some damage. My dignity as a guy has fallen this much, I had no idea.

"To be honest, we don't like being seen by someone other than family. Specially, guys. But you're a part of our family. You should understand the fact that you have born in this family as a girl. That's all, we need to know. What kind of person you were back then is not really important. What's important the most is that you're my sister. So, don't worry. Besides, I don't think you should forgot the common senses you had in your previous life. I mean, this world is so diverse in terms of odd things that you might have some serious headache when you try to put both worlds common senses in your head. Well, I do understand that in your world doing these things with family might be disgusting. But here it's the normal occurrence. Can you just imagine my situation a bit when my subordinates boosting all about their nights with their families in front of me and here I am can't even say I haven't seen my cute little sister naked. I have to listen every day that my subordinates are doing this and that with their newly born sisters or daughters. I feel like crying you know." Sumiko-neesan said the last words with teary eyes.

I feel sorry for her somehow, even though I am the root of this problem.

"Some goes for me. We can't even do our regular weekly night entertainment now. It's been a week now." Mom said.

Weekly night entertainment? What's that? I have a bad feeling about it.

"Umm, What's that weekly night entertainment?" I asked.

"I am glad that you asked. It's a special night when we all sleep together and do these kinds of things. You see, we usually can't do it with everyone. We have to work in night shift most of the times. So, doing once in a week with everyone gathering in a room is awesome feeling." Mom said with sparkling eyes.

"Are you guys sure that you guys are angels not succubus? Besides, you said everyone in the family, does that count dad too?" I asked.

"Obviously. But to be honest, you dad remain busy sometimes even our special nights. He is a workaholic." Mom said it cute way.

Wait, three girl with dad? I somehow don't like it. Or rather, I don't like the whole fact. Why are they so sexually active? Shouldn't angels be reserved and refined?

"I get it what you're thinking now. But I have to confirm you few things. Dad usually join us once in a month or two months, due to his work. We have a rule that we will only enter that room with our true self. Which means dad has to become mommy. You know dad's actually born as a girl. He just use this form for work. He is a girl both in his body and mind." Sumiko-neesan said.

Oh, I sometime forgets that my parents are a yuri couple. It's just one of them has ability to change gender that's all. One of the reason is that I haven't seen dad in his real form and other is his name. No matter what you think it's a males name.

"I can't imagine him as a girl. You see, dad is handsome, I haven't seen him in his real form and his name is kinda like male. So, you see no matter what I won't be able to get used to it. I was a boy in my previous life. But I am a girl now. I have both mixed feelings about it. I don't want to have sex with a male or seen by a male. I only like girls." I said my true feelings.

"Mom likes girls too, same." Mom said in a cute tone.

I know that. You're the odd one. Wait, I can't say it now. I have a feeling that I am the same too.

"I see. I somehow understand your problem. But don't worry Andras is not dad's real name. Besides, the moment you see him as his usual form, you won't be able to think him as a guy. He is so much beautiful that even most of the angels would lose in front of his beauty." Sumiko-neesan said with a conference look.

Wait, what does that means? I can't even imagine him as a beautiful girl. It's somehow impossible for me. But why the heck he has to use this form all along? Can't he just use his real form like Sylvia-neesan do? Mom did said that dad has a complex. But still I can't even imagine him being a girl.
