
Enzium the Living Fortress is Born

(General POV)

Location the Chaos Wastes/Outside of the Fortress of the Damned

As the Warp Tesseract/FGDCs struck the Fortress of the Damned it was coated in white light, turning into a bright column of light that shot straight into the sky.

This alerted all races as the Winds of Magic were depleted for a time, and now their seeing another unknown event occurring in the accursed North, many were threatened (or excited in the orcs and ogres case) and are preparing to either defend their respected land of march out to war, while other were either drawn to find this source for greed or devotion...

But that was just the mortal races, the Gods across the Old World were in complete panic...with the exception of the Four Chaos Gods, their fears and worries are directed to this new rival, the Dark One what their champion is doing is unbelievable...they felt not just the essence of Chaos but...life, itself coming from the old Chaos fortress...

Ixion/Warp Gods watched as the Chaos fortress, started to expand and grow into a grand daemonic, gothic castle...to Nurgle and Khorne uncultured and unknowing eyes it was unique...well, it is...for the series that Laharl took most inspiration for Enzium's design.

He based it on the combination of several castles from the Castlevania series, mostly from his favorite and arguably the best installment in the franchise, "Symphony of the Night" with the throne room being on the tallest tower at the center, this made up 40% of the new beast, and the other 60% is composed of either three Warp Gods at the moment...Carnage, Blood, and Plague.

As it buckled back and roared as it was stepping out parts of itself outside of the pillar of light.

As it was revealing its head a colossal daemon head being skull white with a triceratops or stegadon frill with razor sharp spikes of various shapes and angles.

Enzium's head resembles a titan humanoid skull that has colossal jagged sharp-teeth, empty eyes and nosehole with ghostly cyan colored flames blazing out said holes, with four curved bull like horns in maroon, scarlet, and black gradient in that order with the smaller pair above the longer and larger pair on the side of the upper-forehead.

This daemonic greater beast/fortress also possess several appendages from four extremities two being violet, and maroon scaled covered arms that end with huge razor-sharp scythe-like blades, and the other arms being made from all the materials of the fortress/castle that rests on its back, they are massive, bulky and have three colossal crushing claws.

Enzium appendages include eight red brass armored covered spiked spider legs, and five utterly toxic and hazardous scorpion stingers tails, with the ends of said tails being rancid as fleshy parasites crawl through the various holes that litter the tip of all five tails, with sharp-stingers bright yellow green constantly secreting poison from the tips.

These are Enzium's most obvious close range "weapons" crushing claws, scythe arms, and deadly toxic stingers.

As the light fade more revealing more of Enzium's body, as it crawled toward its masters, inside of Ixion roaring revealing seven massive flesh colored worms covered in vile, slime, and drool as these worms have large maws that split open in seven sections revealing their rotting but still razor-sharp teeth, drooling thick green slime and ooze from their mouths.

The worms wiggle and sway around in the air, greeting their masters Nurgle was most pleased with the numerous parasites and worms that now resided in Enzium.

It clear that the scythe arms are based of Laharl, the legs are Khorne's, and the tails and worms Nurgle but that was not all.

On various parts of the rock and earth cloister that makes up Enzium's back several daemonic armaments were station, to be either operated by stationed troops or Enzium itself.

Some of the armaments include Khorne's skull-cannons along with what can be called magma-rite catapults which hurl massive fiery, explosive spheres of destruction, since Nurgle still hasn't gained his traitor legion, of Astartes, Laharl aided his design of range armaments...

Which are the Death Heads Launchers of Nurgle, death heads are common explosives of war used by the thralls of the Plague God in the future, with the FGDCs it immediately took all the steps needed to create a death head such wax-sealing, and adding pus from a Great Unclean One into the skulls brain cavity before sealing it with more wax, instead it took all the skulls that fallen to any aligned with Nurgle, these launchers are fast-action acting as ballistas but shooting rotting heads filled with foul chemical weapons...these launchers were scattered all over Enzium's body some were even on the Nurgle-Towers on the Castle Fortress, far from Khorne's areas for safety reasons.

The Death Heads are crawling with flies and maggots, such profane relics reek of evil, being used as grenades that erupt with clouds of Nurgle's Rot upon hitting the ground.

When Nurgle saw and sensed these death heads, he was completely ecstatic and jolly!!!

He demanded the process and recipe, Laharl said and responded, "Don't worry brother I'll show you all you need to make them...and Khorne I'll teach you how to make those catapults as well, soo don't bother asking..." both Plague and Blood Gods were pleased as continue to inspect the titanic Greater Daemon which could match both Stigeon and Nidhog in size.

That wasn't all the khornate and nurglish additions to Enzium, their are pools and trenches of vile, slime, blood, and magma scattered all over outside and in Enzium.

Next were Laharl's Carnage additions and armaments added to Enzium.

Like the Carnage Towers that the Dark One, discarded and gave exclusively to his second son, Mordred Deathharbinger all throughout the cloister, lashing burgundy colored tentacles with violet barbs and spikes lash out at all attackers and invaders.

Lastly he added his own heavy artillery, which eventually he'll create a daemon-engine inspired by this armament, to rival Khorne's Skull-cannons.

Above Enzium's frill placed in a location that won't impede its head movements he create what shall be known as the "Anarky Cannons" since GW changes letters and words for the same name so can him, the anarky cannons are purely for long range, with zero accuracy in close range but makes up for that drawback with unbridled power, the three massive tank-barrels can fire raw-darkness energy is powerful blast or even void-energy for a beam that can of weaponry in any fantasy world its a sure-kill.

Laharl was very pleased with the base creation of his future daemon-engine, that when Khorne spoke, "Quite impressive brother. But perhaps...are you admiring my daemon-engines, soo much you need to imitate the Lord of Skulls!?" then he and Nurgle started laughing...the Dark One, was shocked that his brother, the actual God that represents rage and murder was joking and teasing him...true they shared some brotherly banter before, but it was always the Dark One that initiates them, not the Blood God.

Seems like they truly growing closer as actual brothers, but the Dark Harbinger quickly got over the shock and started telling them about some of the few facilities installed inside of Enzium, such as vaults, armories, a grand library, a laboratory, a inner garden...those last two which pleased Nurgle...sections dedicated to each of them specifically and much more along with the more power they feed their fortress and hellbeast, the stronger it will become along with adding more rooms and facilities at their desire.

Not only that, Laharl then told Khorne and Nurgle, that there is a chapel in the lowest part inside of Enzium, were their worshipers, shamans, cultists and sorcerers can pray to them and perform ritual directly empower by a crystal connected to them and the Warp, making any and ritual much, much more stronger granting them a huge boon in battles, invasions, and simple worship.

Laharl said to them, that this chapel shall soon become a sacred and guarded place by all their follower...let alone the Word Bearers, when they learn of it and Enzium...his brothers agreed, and it was actually Nurgle who suggested the name, that they decided to bestow it, the "Dark Chapel of Endless Woes".

As the light completely faded away, and they can marvel at the daemonic creature that they have created clearly, Enzium retracted the worms back into it mouth, letting out a low grumble as it lowers it head to them, a sign of fealty and utter submission to them.

Ixion then turned to his forces, while the daemons were rejoicing at the sight of such a powerful and mighty infernal creature, the mortals including the shi'lanorai were intimidated by such a powerful beast...more so the Norscan than the frost eldars, but still it was clear what the Warp Gods are sensing from their followers.

They made their avatar, turn completely to face their warband now turn into a small army, and address them, "BEHOLD!!!! THIS IS THE POWER OF A WARP TESSERACT!!!!! OUR BROTHER, LAHARL'S CHAMPION TOLD US, THE MORE WE PLEASE THE DARK HARBINGER, THE POSSIBILITY OF MORE WARP TESSERACTS WILL BE BESTOWED TO ME!!!!! WITH THEM WE'LL SHALL US THEM TO DROWN THIS WORLD IN CHAOS, CLAIM IT FOR THE DARK GODS!!!!! WILL YOU SERVE US, FAITHFULLY AS WE OFFER THIS WORLD TO THE GODS!!!?" all their warriors and followers, cheered while their daemons and Laharl's shi'lanorai know the truth about Ixion the avatar of their respected dark masters.

Even the Four Chaos Gods were pleased and all four of them greatly desire to obtain one or..all these "Warp Tesseracts" that their champion mentioned...so for now they'll allow the worship of this rival, and once he shows himself they'll destroy him and claim all he possesses as their own.

They have plans...tests ready for Ixion, one which was making his way towards him, not only that but many other champions of their are aiming at this new aspiring champion, that they'll stop at nothing to claim exclusively for their own!!!

Soon Kholek Suneater and Kuurath'gaad shall challenge Ixion and their army, should he succeed not only will they all bless him, they'll summon him before each of them.

Eventually as his campaign of destruction, progresses that he and their Everchosen, Archeon should clash finally answering which of them is truly worthy of their unquestionable favor, and be the sole "Champion of the Gods"!!!!

They'll watch over Ixion closely, and truthfully they were also interested in claiming this...undivided daemon...Enzium as their own daemonic beast/fortress/carriage for the end of all...

Ixion/Warp Gods mentally commanded Enzium to open a special secret entrance on the side of its cloister, Enzium laid down allowed all of them access to it as a massive piece of rock, shuke and move opening a path, that leads to a stairway that led all the way up to the inner-depths of Enzium.

The Warp Gods commanded through Ixion, to come and enter their new mobile, living fortress as they started to enter, they were soon joined by the rest of the Dark Legion.

(Ixion/Laharl POV)

Location the Chaos Wastes/Inside of the Living Fortress, the Throne Room of Enzium

In honor of the count himself, I designed thus throne room mostly after Dracula's Room in Castelvania-SOTN.

True it took sometime for me and my brothers to climb up the levels of Enzium's Castle Fortress but just like some of the games I installed a special lift, large enough for a squad of 80 can fit and go through the levels quickly and also defend against anyone who actually managed to get pass Enzium itself.

The Throne Room was massive already some of my mortifinis and Khorne's flesh hounds have arrive to act as our guards it seems.

On the floor a crimson carpet that stretched from the entrance to the other side of the chamber with a elongated eight-points star on its center, on the side of said carpet were rows of skull torches lit with hellfire, a lined on each side.

As skulls with one of our marks were hanged on the blackstone walls, along with wall scones with nurglish flowers somehow intertwined with my own daemonic plants that sprout around my Nethervoid, I'm surprised that neither plant were overtaking or corrupting the other...must be because we created Enzium to the first, official and possibly only Undivided Daemon.

At the top of the stairway all the way on the back of the room was our dark, huge, gothic throne with skin cushioning to sastify Nurgle a bit, but the most important feature in this chamber is the crystal ball pedestal standing in front of the throne.

That crystal ball, allow us to not only see all Enzium sees, but also command it without having to use other means, plus that crystal ball will act as a security system allowing us to inspect and feel everything that goes on inside of Enzium.

As I heard my brothers admire the throne room, I told them, "As much as I love to inspect everything there is inside of Enzium, we can do so easier from the throne." with that we commanded our avatar, Ixion to walk toward the throne.

Once we were sitted I spoke again, "This before us, could be compared to Enzium's brain or core. Through it we can inspect everything inside our fortress and whatever Enzium is seeing at the moment. So go wild my brothers, inspect everything you like." and like that they activated the crystal ball, and started checking everything currently installed in Enzium...

Sometime later, after both Khorne and Nurgle were satisfied with inspecting our base, and even complementing my architectural abilities which I appreciate but we need to finally make a move.

That's when Aillia contacted us, telling us, (Pardon my Lords. But might I suggest you all head east. In the east there are a large number of souls which seems to have Blood-touched, might prove to be a great source of entertainment and power for you all.) Aillia advice, of course this made Khorne excited and eager to challenge these warriors but I reminded him, "Khorne!! Remember we swore that the next battle shall be Nurgle's to enjoy."

Khorne grumbled but responded, "Yes, I remember. I'll shan't break an oath I made, especially in front of the God of Promises." that was when Nurgle spoke to us, "Thank you...Laharl. Worry not...Khorne...once...the battle...is...over...claim those...souls...for...your...own, thou...it's a...shame...I swear...I...shall...not send...my Infectors...into...battle. They're...your...the living...but the...dead our...mine...agreed?"

Khorne remained quiet for a moment before agreeing, and whispering a appreciation to Nurgle's unexpected mercy and compromise, seem that progressing with them individually, will also affect how they interact with each other...as family.

With our plan and destination set, we order Enzium to travel east to the Monolith of Kjarl Deathaxe, as I remember from tabletop was the closest area in the Wastes to the Fortress of the Damned...or should I say Enzium, now.

Enzium roared as it began moving to the direction we've commanded it as Khorne and Nurgle return to testing the crystal ball and its functions, Aillia privately contacted me.

Aillia said to me, (My Lord!!! I so glad the ladies are starting to heal♡ But I've have news, not only have you become stronger, I detect magic now flowing inside you, along with psyker energy. Do you want to check? (^v^))

Interesting...I told Aillia to discreetly pull up my Stats and Skills lists, as I want to check them and like always those screens appear right in front of me.

I started to check them...


Name: Laharl

Other Aliases-Na'nag Othah, Adrak'Maal, Alka'lkarnak, Valboga, the Dark One, the Dark Harbinger, the Bat, the One that Dwells in the Void

Titles-Warp Bender, Keeper of Oaths, Breacher of Realities, Cultor of the Universe, the Great Seductor, the Void Lord of the Shi'lanorai, the Defiler of Reality, the Dark Creator, the Sacred Creator, the Father of the Neverborn, the Arch-Daemon of Chaos, the First of the Chaos Gods of the Immaterium, the Force Within the Void

Major Divinities: Carnage, Infernals, Oblivion, Creator, Lust & Love

Dark Divinities-Greater: Void, & Desacration

Lesser: Horrors, Madness & Punishment

Noble Divinities-Greater: Promises, Relics & Domination.

Lesser: Trust.

Sacred Number # 13

Chaos Colors-Dark Purple, Maroon, Burgundy & Black

God-Tier: Primordial Force of Creation (Mid-High)

FON: The Void

Army Size-4.5B

Soul Collection-2B

Strength: 305M

Durability: 301M

Psychic: 244M

Resistance: 206M

Domination: 202M

Worship: 360M


1.Warp Manipulation-Lv: 104

Manipulations-Lesser Daemons Success 100%

Higher Daemons Success 90%

Greater Daemons Success 65%

Elder Daemons Success 24%

Lesser Daemon Constructs Success 34%

Higher Daemon Constructs Success 7%

Lesser Warp Items Success 100%

Higher Grade Warp Items Success 87%

Greater Grade Warp Items Success 57%

Low-Level Chaos Realm Structure Success 80%

Mid-Level Chaos Realm Structure Success 58%

High-Level Chaos Realm Structure Success 24%

2.Daemon Creation-Lv: 76

Lesser Daemon Boost Rate 79%

Higher Daemons Boost Rate 68%

Greater Daemon Boost Rate 31%

Daemon Prince Boost Rate 61%

Lesser Daemonic Construct Boost Rate 26%

Greater Daemonic Construct Boost Rate 21%

Ancient Daemonic Construct Boost Rate 11%

Lesser Beasts of Chaos Boost Rate 80%

Greater Beasts of Chaos Boost Rate 77%

Daemonic Mutations Boost Rate 30%

Daemonic Over-Mutation Boost Rate 11%

3.Daemonic Reinforcement-Lv: 25

4.Daemonic Resilience-Lv: 20

Resistance to Physical Weapons 30%

Resistance to Psyker Energies 25%

Resistance to Magical Energies 15%

Resistance to Holy Energies 5%

Resistance to Opposing Corruption 10%

5.Physical Shift-Lv: 50

Forms-1.Laharl, Chaos God Base Form.

2.True Chaos God Colossal Form/The Arch-Daemon, Valboga.

3.The Shadow. 4.Dark Spirit of Corruption.

5.Visage of Atrocities.

6.The Embodiment of Truth.

7.The Void Hydra.

6.Avatar Possession+ 7.Avatar Operation Bonus

8.Ascension-Lv: 35

9.Greater Ascension-Lv: 35

10.Dark Bolt+-Lv: 36

11.Darker Rip-Lv: 20

12.Black Haze-Lv: 15

13.Calling of the Void-Lv: 10

14.The Grasp of Laharl-Lv: 8

15.Soul Rend-Lv: 10

16.Smite-Lv: 22

17.Mechanomancy-Lv: 30

18.Chaotic Architect-Lv: 5

19.Warp-Devastation-Lv: 12

20.Warp-Ray-Lv: 32

21.Chaos Strike-Lv: 20

22.Magic Core of Fire-Lv: 5

Magical Fire Damage + 8%

Magical Fire Resistance + 10%

Fire Spell Range + 2%

God Abilities

1.Materium Manipulation.

2.Materium Communication+.

3.Materium Breaching.

4.High Chaos Dominion.

5.Lesser Magical Core: By absorbing magical energy it has been assimilated, and formed into a core of the lowest rank, that allow the use, sense, and control over mana/magical energy.

6.Bestow Blessings Blessings-Bestow the Mark of Carnage.

Bestow the Horns of Ruination.

Bestow the Influence of Carnage+.

Bestow the Embrace of Chaos+.

Bestow the Essence of Darkness+.

Bestow the Arms of the Nethervoid.

Bestow the Dark Knowledge of Chaos.

Bestow the Desire of Slaughter+.

Bestow the Madness of Atrocities+.

Bestow the Voice of Convertion.

Bestow the Idea of Utter Desacration.

Bestow the Thrill of Desire.

Bestow the Joys of True/False Love.

Bestow the Bliss of Lust.

7.Blessing Manipulation.

8.Mutation Manipulation Punishments.

9.Immaterium Senses/Detection.

10.Daemon World Domination+.

11.Infernal Worship.

12.The Ancient Moniker.


14.Soul Bound: Iron Maiden 666.

15.Unbreakable Promise.

16.Words of Truth.

17.The Bind of Love.

18.Final Decider of Love.


20.End of Ways of Life.

21.The Fire Against Extablishment.

22.Wave of Madness.

23.The Whisperer of the Mad.

24.Consuming Void.

25.Relic Connection.

26.Empowerment of Artifacts.

27.Artifact Detection.

All and all as Aillia said I've become much stronger than before, but still far off from reaching 1-billion, in all my stats.

Plus seems my desire for magical power, and knowledge has awaken a "Magic Core" within me just like she said, that's when I thought, that if I keep consuming souls with other lores of magic along with practicing my new magic, I might become a challenge to Tzeentch...but I must also remember any spell, magic, and sorcery I bring to 40k will empower and become apart of Tzeentch and his daemons...so I must be smart, and not greedy...I'll hunt for the lore of Metal, Shadow, and Beasts, knowing Nurgle he'll want the lore of Death and Life...

I sigh, as we adjust ourselves in the dark, huge, gothic throne I discreetly dismiss my screens and decided to wait for the upcoming battle while talking random things with my brothers, as Aillia told us before that the closest souls and area worth conquering currently is do east, at a Chaos Monolith location.

This honor was dedicated to Kjarl Deathaxe a famed OW-Khorne Champion that achieve daemonhood, if I remember correctly that character was the leader of a Norscan tribe called the Blood-Drinkers, I let out a small laugh, sometimes it surprised me how much GW bleed their work onto all their different scenarios.

I mean they have a Space Marines Chapter called the Blood Drinkers,and also a norscan tribe called also the Blood-Drinkers, not only that but the Stormcast Eternals of AOS are basically magical Space Marines...no worse, Ultramarines!!

But regardless I must confess I was also excited to fight a mortal Khorne force...but I guess I have to wait, cause it's all Nurgle's turn now...