
Rebis - The Dotta

《Intergalactic Travel Guide》 — "Top 100 Interstellar Vacation Destinations," No. 55 "Datta Vadhi Planet" Amid the frequent interstellar conflicts and adventure narratives, Datta Vadhi stands out with its tranquility and understatement. Despite only securing the 55th position in the "Top 100 Interstellar Vacation Destinations" from the 219th issue of 《Intergalactic Travel Guide》— an awkward and easily overlooked spot — it continues to attract tourists with its unique charm. After all, beyond the label of a vacation destination, it's hard to encapsulate this planet with mere words. A constant influx and departure of tourists encapsulate the daily life of this planet. And similarly, it encapsulates the everyday life of Leen. "If everything could stay the same, I wish for these days to loop endlessly to my end." So, what exactly shattered the routine? A casual gathering on a day off, An unexpectedly assigned task, Or perhaps, a raindrop falling on the brow? Leen keeps retracing the past, tugging at the threads, attempting to find the tangled beginnings. "Just a little more, just a little more, just a little more..." Eventually, all threads led to that day, a day ordinary yet extraordinary. When he looks back, The past has become a whirlpool. "What does it feel like to put your hand into the whirlpool?" "Surprisingly, I don't want to pull it back."

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The Amnesiac at the Ruins on the Beach (Part 1)

Under the gloomy and overcast sky, the cluster of white rocks in the sea appeared like scattered shark teeth, sharply outlining their distinct shape.

On the black sandy beach, a line of CycArray-12 modular robots was slowly advancing, leaving neat rectangular imprints in the sand. These robots, commonly referred to as "One-Eye 12s," feature a simple yet robust rectangular design, painted with the iconic yellow of the Ecological Security and Order Bureau. Each robot is made up of fourteen autonomously sliding and reconfigurable modules, enabling them to easily adapt to a variety of task environments.

The most prominent feature of these robots is the large eyeball in the center of their top screen, tightly guarded by mechanical arms— the "Cyclops :Eye of the Cycle" control system.

Following system directives, these One-Eye 12s were swiftly and orderly constructing a gel crystal barrier. As they moved forward, a smooth, semi-transparent cubic structure was rising, extending its coverage laterally.

Two figures in blue-gray uniforms stood side by side, almost blending into the gray-brown hue of the beach.

The taller man, with his arms folded behind his back, gazed intently at the rapidly expanding quarantine zone, resembling a massive iceberg standing on the shore…

"Captain Anmu, what part of the task am I responsible for?" asked the voice beside him, brimming with enthusiasm and anticipation.

Anmu turned his head, his eyes sweeping over the novice's eager and inexperienced eyes. "Ah…" He inhaled deeply, let out a long yawn, and then pointed indifferently behind him, "Over there, start with evacuating the crowd."

"Roger that!" The rookie immediately responded and briskly walked towards the crowd.

Anmu scratched his eyebrow, his gaze following the figure. A-Le, the intern patrol officer who had just reported to the team this morning, hadn't officially graduated yet. His slender build was distinctly different from the robust students at the supervision academy, more akin to those from Maple Academy. Perhaps, seeking better internship grades, he chose what seemed like an easier patrol team. Anmu's thoughts involuntarily drifted to the past, reminiscing about his old partner who was always cheerful, loved mountain climbing, and brought back quirky souvenirs…

However, he quickly refocused his attention, reminding himself that now was not the time to dwell on memories.


The sudden evacuation caused confusion among the tourists, who stopped in their tracks around the quarantine area, trying to figure out what was happening. A group of excited children started chattering first.

"Wow! Did they find Mike Wazowski?" a child perched on an adult's shoulders waved a toy lightsaber.

"Is Mike Wazowski a new type of E.T.? I hope it's colorful and sparkly!" another child interjected.

"That's nothing special! It must have superpowers so I can save the universe with it!" a third child excitedly added.

"I want to touch its fur; I wonder if it's fluffy or smooth?"

"Mike Wazowski is green! He doesn't have fur!!" the first child insisted loudly.

While the children babbled, the adults hesitantly stared at the towering quarantine area ahead, seriously analyzing the situation.

"Could they have really discovered a new type of creature?"

"Why do you think that?"

"I just saw something gray moving in the sea."

"Are you sure that wasn't someone swimming in a bio-suit?"

"Stop guessing, it's definitely related to the prohibited interstellar free-jump point!"

"How do you know?"

"I saw someone racing over the sea in a DMC-12 Delorean…"

"Ha, you're all wrong. Look at the circles in the sand; they seem to form some sort of special symbol. This might be related to a secret cult," someone said gravely, pointing to the sand near the quarantine area.

"Hmm… if you look from another angle, doesn't it look like a face with a basket on top?" another person leaned in, tilting their head.

"I can't see it. To me, it looks more like a bull's head," another countered, also tilting their head.

"Everyone—" Ale's voice carried urgency, "please cooperate with our work, leave the quarantine area. This is for your own safety, thank you for your understanding and cooperation!" He waved his hands in the air, trying to direct the crowd.

However, his efforts were largely ineffective. Driven by curiosity, the crowd kept pushing forward.

At this moment, Anmu calmly walked in front of the crowd, standing like a high wall between them and the quarantine area. Even without saying a word, his towering height of 195 cm, deeply tanned skin, and a face exuding both determination and charisma naturally commanded an undeniable presence. The surrounding hubbub gradually subsided as all eyes were drawn to him involuntarily.

"Everyone, stop here," Anmu spoke calmly and evenly, "We've been notified of a task. This coastline will soon receive an outer sea creature infected with Yodao. For your and your children's safety, it's best to leave promptly." His words were succinct, but they stirred a murmur in the crowd.

He glanced at Ale beside him, signaling him to continue.

"...Oh! We are closely cooperating with the Ecological Security and Order Bureau to control the impact of the infection. Please do not panic, and stay away from the vicinity of the quarantine area to avoid any accidents! If you feel unwell later or need assistance, please contact the CycArray-12 type patrol robots. They will provide you with help and guide you to the nearest medical center..." Ale's voice transitioned from nervous to increasingly clear and confident.

Before long, the crowd gradually dispersed, leaving only the two of them standing on the beach.

"Captain Anmu, I really admire your presence," Ale said, fidgeting with his fingers.

Anmu turned his head to look at him, a flicker of curiosity in his eyes, "You're not a native of Dotta?"

"No! I came to Dotta for the Supervisor Academy. I originally lived with my family in Poti!" Ale quickly explained.

"I see, no wonder you didn't know. Dotta residents are somewhat apprehensive about Yodao, even if they don't say it out loud."

"Is that so? I only learned about Yodao after coming here for school. It feels a bit like the Grey Naught from my hometown, which likes to attach to living beings, making them dazed... almost like being drunk!" Ale enthusiastically began to share.

Anmu pulled out a sugar slab from his pocket, caressing it thoughtfully, "It's different. Yodao is more complex."

"It doesn't have toxicity, but it can induce strong hallucinations. Even adults with stable minds can hardly resist its influence, and it's especially dangerous for children. Mild cases lead to insomnia, while severe ones can cause mental instability lasting up to half a year. This is why in Dotta, Yodao is considered ominous and people avoid it at all costs."

After finishing, Anmu swallowed the sugar piece, and instantly, the tiredness in his eyes vanished, replaced by a sharper gaze.

Ale quickly nodded in agreement, "It seems that Grey Naught is completely different from Yodao. But I've never dealt with a Yodao infection case at the academy. I heard from classmates that there were several outbreaks in different areas here in the past, and then Yodao disappeared—"

"Who told you that," Anmu suddenly turned around and interrupted him sternly, "Yodao never disappeared; it's just been suppressed in the outer sea and hunting zones." His voice carried an undeniable weight.

As for the infection five years ago...

Anmu had no recollection of it, only remembering that he wasn't in Dotta at the time. His gaze dimmed, his thoughts seemingly drifting to the distant past, and he didn't continue.

"There's an old saying from my hometown, 'In the grey marshes, silence abounds; when rabbits fall, disaster surrounds.' Sometimes the disappearance of things is not a good sign…" Ale, oblivious to the change in his captain's demeanor, went on.

Anmu stopped in his tracks, his brows furrowed deeply.

Above him, the dense and heavy storm clouds churned, swirling like a churning river in the underworld.