
Rebirth: The strongest

I was alone there for long time. I don't want to be there anytime. I will make sure of it.

DaoistBgj4Rt · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Chapter 7: Aleric's Plans

In the opulent study of the Valeguard estate, Alaric approached his father, Lord Edmund Valeguard, who was engrossed in a leather-bound book detailing the noble ranks.

Alaric: (bowing) "Father, I've been delving into the intricacies of noble ranks. I'm fascinated by the different titles and their meanings."

Lord Edmund: (looking up with a smile) "Ah, noble ranks—a subject every heir should be familiar with. Come, sit. Let's discuss."

Alaric took a seat, and Lord Edmund gestured to the book.

Lord Edmund: "We, as the Valeguards, hold the title of Grand Duke. It's a position of great honor and responsibility."

Alaric: (curious) "What sets a Grand Duke apart from other titles, Father?"

Lord Edmund: "A Grand Duke oversees a vast territory, often with considerable autonomy. We have the responsibility to govern wisely, ensuring the prosperity and well-being of our subjects. It's a position that carries both prestige and duty."

Alaric: "And how does it compare to other titles?"

Lord Edmund: "Let's look at the hierarchy. We begin with Ser, typically used for knights and lower nobility. Then there's the Baronet or Baroness, followed by the Baron or Baroness, who governs a specific territory. Viscounts, Earls or Countesses, and Marquesses hold positions of increasing responsibility."

Alaric: (nodding) "And then come the Dukes and Duchesses."

Lord Edmund: "Indeed, the Dukes wield significant political influence and oversee extensive territories. Archdukes or Archduchesses may rule over multiple duchies. Finally, the Grand Duke or Grand Duchess holds a prestigious title associated with sovereign or independent rule."

Alaric: "It's a complex hierarchy, each title with its own significance."

Lord Edmund: "Precisely. Understanding this hierarchy is essential for a noble heir. It shapes our role and responsibilities, ensuring the continuation of our noble legacy."

Alaric: "I'll strive to uphold the honor of House Valeguard, Father. The responsibilities of a Grand Duke are great, but so is the legacy we carry."

Lord Edmund: (placing a hand on Alaric's shoulder) "I have no doubt you will, my son. Embrace your role with wisdom and compassion, and our noble house will thrive under your leadership."

Lord Edmund: "Ah, speaking of nobility, there is a grand event on the horizon. The birthday celebration of Princess Eleanor, who is turning seven, is approaching."

Alaric's eyes widened with curiosity.

Alaric: (enthusiastically) "I look forward to it! What can I expect at the celebration, Father?"

Lord Edmund: "The festivities will be grand, with feasts, music, and various entertainments. It's a chance to build connections with other noble families and learn more about the world beyond our estate."

Alaric, though outwardly displaying enthusiasm about the upcoming celebration for Princess Eleanor's seventh birthday, couldn't help but let his mind delve into the darker intricacies of nobility.

Lord Edmund: "Princess Eleanor is a young and spirited royal. This celebration marks a significant milestone in her life, and it is customary for noble houses to present gifts to honor the occasion."

Alaric: (smiling outwardly) "A celebration for Princess Eleanor, a splendid occasion indeed. I am eager to represent House Valeguard and build connections."

In the privacy of his own thoughts, Alaric's mind schemed with a calculating edge. He saw beyond the festivities, viewing the event as a strategic opportunity to further his own ambitions.

Alaric: (inner monologue) 'Princess Eleanor, the key to a kingdom. If I charm her, aligning her affections with House Valeguard, it could lead to alliances that secure our ascent. A strategic marriage, perhaps? The path to a throne becomes avaliable'.

As his father discussed the details of the celebration, Alaric contemplated ways to captivate the young princess, recognizing the potential benefits it could bring to House Valeguard.

Alaric: (smirking inwardly) 'A thoughtful gift, yes, but one that ingrains itself in the princess's memory. Something that sets House Valeguard apart. I can use this opportunity to plant the seeds of influence, ensuring I have an ally in the royal court'.

While the world saw a charming heir preparing for a noble celebration, Alaric's dual nature became evident—a charismatic facade concealing the strategic mind that sought to leverage every opportunity for personal gain and the advancement of House Valeguard's standing in the political landscape. The upcoming event, once a mere celebration, now held the potential to be a stepping stone towards realizing Alaric's darker ambitions.


Alaric fixed his gaze upon a child named Sokkwi, one of his age, a 'friend' tethered to the lowly hierarchy within his mansion. This young one, the offspring of a humble worker, would soon become more than a mere companion — he would serve as Alaric's 'aether core.'

As nearly five years had elapsed since the Alaric's birth, Alaric had unraveled the peculiarities of his own constitution. It was not just a conduit to transform into aether; it bestowed upon him the ability to assimilate and reform into any creature whose essence he 'devoured' in aetheric form. A clandestine episode involving an ant had illuminated this dark secret; Alaric had entered its tiny form in his aether state, 'eating' away at its structural essence. Alone in that pivotal moment, he gained the power to replicate the forms he consumed.

With this newfound revelation, Alaric plotted to comprehend and absorb the structural essence of the aether core that this child would inevitably develop upon reaching the requisite age. How could he be so certain of his ability to recreate the aether core, one might inquire? Through his soul sense, the uncanny ability he had honed over the years to decipher the energy manipulations of his guards — an aptitude acquired within the mysterious VOID. Alaric had discerned that aether cores were not merely highly condensed forms of aether; they also encapsulated a protective shell, preventing aether from naturally dissipating. His theory postulated that these shells, once condensed within his own body, would allow him to infuse them with his aether energy, presenting to others the semblance of possessing an aether core.

However, for this elaborate plan to succeed, the child, destined to awaken a core due to the density of aether in his bloodstream, would have to relinquish his aether core permanently, or perhaps even forfeit his very life.

Sokkwi: "Hide, Young Master Alaric. I'll be the seeker this time; the others have already scattered to hide."

Alaric (while planning his dark actions after 2 years): "Yes, yes. I'll find the perfect hiding spot, and you won't stand a chance... Hehe."

Alaric's eyes gleamed with a sinister determination as he pondered the path ahead. Every second was a precious drop in the hourglass of his ascent to power. Relationships, a mere distraction, threatened to entangle him in the ephemeral threads of sentimentality. He dismissed such entwining emotions with a scoff, for his ambitions reached far beyond the trivial bonds that sought to anchor him.

In the depths of his calculating mind, he recognized the potency of seizing every opportunity, a hunger that clawed at him from within. The allure of strength, unbounded and unapologetically ruthless, whispered promises of dominion over all. Alaric, fueled by this dark flame, understood that complacency was the antithesis of supremacy. Every wasted moment, a concession to weakness, an indulgence he refused to grant himself.

Relationships, like fragile illusions, crumbled beneath the weight of his singular purpose. The cacophony of doubt and sentiment was drowned by the ominous melody of his ambition. Alaric, driven by the insatiable thirst for power, saw each endeavor as a stepping stone towards an apex where shadows bowed before him.

In the crucible of his thoughts, he forged a resolve to grasp every opportunity, to relentlessly cultivate strength. The allure of dominance, the pursuit of a power that eclipsed all, propelled him forward. Alaric reveled in the sinister echo of his aspirations, a symphony that resonated with the ruthless essence of his ambitions. Every stride, every calculated decision, was a dark dance with destiny, a relentless pursuit of becoming a force that could cast a shadow over all existence.