
Rebirth: The Heiress Plans Her Revenge

Xin Yan was betrayed in her past life, brutally killed by her boyfriend and her best friend. But she didn't expect to get reincarnated. "In this life, I will plot my revenge against those who have harmed I and my family," Xin Yan vowed. "Darling, don't you need me to help," a coquettish male lead asked. Xin Yan felt her scalp tingle as she gritted her teeth. "Fine," it wasn't bad to have someone take revenge on her behalf, was it?

Favy2007 · Thành thị
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26 Chs

Chapter 4: Break Up

"I'm not, I really want us to break up, it's inconvenient for the both of us," Xin Yan was determined to break things off with him.

"Don't you love me anymore? Have I done something bad? If I have, do tell me, I really love you Xiao Yan, why do you act this way?" Yuan Renshu complained.

"I don't think you do, and you can't blame me, your actions lately makes me have second thoughts."

Xin Yan sneered at him, the feeling of disgust overwhelming.

Did he even know the word 'love', it was a sacred emotion and he wasn't capable of it.

She didn't say anything but let her expressions do the talking for her. If he was smart, he would understand.

Thankfully, he didn't disappoint her. His face changed on seeing her expression. He knew she was mocking him.

"What do you mean by this Xin Yan?" He questioned calmly even though he was angry. Her mocking him was just too much for him to take. He didn't even bother to call her with the affectionate term.

"I'm breaking up with you, it's that simple," Xin Yan said simply as she watched him.

"But why? If you are breaking up with me, at least, I deserve to know the reason," Yuan Renshu questioned.

He felt that she was crazy. Why will she just decide to break up with him out of the blue.

"Because you and Jiang Lanfen are clearly together, why should I waste my time with you when you clearly don't love me? Or do you think I'm not aware that you both are seeing each other secretly, you are two-timing," Xin Yan snorted.

She felt that he wasn't really that smart despite graduating from the top university in the country.

Yuan Renshu's face changed.

'How did she know?' He looked at her with fear in his eyes. She knew, it was over. That was the only thing running in his mind.

"You know what, we are done with this conversation, we are over, don't pester me in the future again," Xin Yan warned before walking out of the conference room alongside Chen Wenling, leaving Yuan Renshu in a state of disbelief.

"Did she just break up with me?" He asked no one in particular.

"She's also aware that Lanfen and I are dating, it's over," He held his forehead in disbelief.

"Miss Xin, is your change really permanent? Are you really going to break up with that scumbag?" Chen Wenling asked.

You really can't blame Chen Wenling for asking such a question. Xin Yan's change was way too drastic and exaggerated. She really didn't know if she could count on her change.

"I know that my change is too drastic and you might not believe my change but I had a really long dream and I got a lot of clarifications from that dream and now, I am back to my senses, rest assured, I will focus on the company now," Xin Yan solemnly promised.

Chen Wenling was very happy with the change in Xin Yan. She only hoped she continued this way. The chairman will be happy seeing her change.

"President Xin, I have been meaning to ask, how were you able to find such incriminating evidence against manager Xu?" Chen Wenling asked after they had arrived at her office.

"I am also not sure, it was delivered to my house the previous night," Xin Yan replied as she picked up a document to study.

She needed to fully understand the Xin Corporation so she could create plans for it. She didn't study business management for nothing.

"Then, won't you investigate this matter?" Chen Wenling inquired. The situation did call for an investigation.

Xin Yan frowned. If Chen Wenling didn't talk about it, she would not see a need for an investigation.

"Forget about it, I have to visit my grandparents for dinner," Xin Yan spoke up as she hastily packed up.

She had promised her grandparents she would be home early for dinner, she didn't want to go back on her words.

"Okay President, I won't hold you back then," Chen Wenling immediately said.

"Thank you Lingling," Xin Yan thanked her with a smile as she patted her shoulder.

Chen Wenling widened her eyes. She wasn't expecting a pat on the shoulders from the president.

'Oh my goodness, the president is too cute, she even called me by my nickname, I feel so fulfilled,' while the young girl basked in delight, Xin Yan had already made her way out of the office.

While she made her way to her exclusive parking lot, she didn't expect to be intercepted by Yuan Renshu.

'What is the meaning of this?" She asked with a frown. If this person caused her to be late, then he shouldn't blame her for being vicious.

"Xin Yan, we need to talk, why are you acting this way?" Yuan Renshu tried to negotiate with her.

He had no idea as to why she was acting this way. If she breaks up with him, then there's no doubt there will be issues with his job at the company.

"There's no need to discuss, I have made my decision, I don't want to be with you anymore, it's not that hard to understand, is it?" Xin Yan pursed her lips.

She was running out of time and it took everything in her not to punch the person standing in front of her.

"But, Xin Yan," he stopped when he noticed the glare she had directed towards him.

He suddenly felt fear. For the first time, he felt afraid and this was attributed to a female.

"Yuan Renshu, it's over between us, if you don't want to lose your job, don't come in front of me again, you can meet with Jiang Lanfen, I bet she will be happy I broke up with you," Xin Yan squinted at him before she walked around him.

She would be a fool if she thinks he was going to make way for her. It was better to walk around him.

Yuan Renshu turned to look at her. His brows were knitted against each other as he wondered what might have happened.

She knew that he and Jiang Lanfen were together but how did she know? He frowned, could Lanfen have exposed it to her?

He shook his head immediately, dismissing that idea. Jiang Lanfen wasn't such a person.

"President Xin, where are we headed to?" The old driver who was waiting for her asked immediately she entered into the car.

He had seen what had taken place and he had never felt so proud of the president. It was good that she saw he wasn't a good man.

"To the old residence please, grandpa and grandma misses me," she replied with a small smile as she looked at the window.

She was excited at the prospect of meeting her grandparents again.

"Alright president," the old driver replied and zoomed off in the direction of the old residence.

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