
Rebirth: The Bookworm's Music Odyssey

Excerpt: "Malia Ava Augustus", she read the first page. She cannot remember any female lead or villainess characters that were named Malia in all the books she read; however, the last name Augustus was ringing something that she can't clearly recollect. She was right, the notebook was a diary. She checked it quickly and looked for the last page that could tell her recent events which could give her clues about this new environment she was in. She needs to know quickly if she was thrown into the past or if she's in an entirely new world. Her focus intensified by reading the last words Malia left. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "To my betrothed, Cedric Cromwell, My love may be one-sided, but I did everything to receive just a glance from you. Even as far as going against my family to be engaged to you. I know that I looked pathetic and desperate during our formal encounters. You hated my black hair and my dark brown eyes, and you never smiled nor tried to talk to me. And now I realized that I can't ever be compared to the woman you love. I received and read your letter to break off our engagement. I know you've been meaning to end it since you met her at the Academy. She has everything you wanted and more. Last week, I was so excited to finally receive a confirmation letter from the academy. I was already thinking of ways to get closer to you and spend time creating meaningful memories with you. But now everything will be meaningless and if I can't have your love, then I don't think my life has any value left. I wish you happiness and a life full of smiles. I will love you always and forever. Love, Malia Ava ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Maya quickly checked the bed; there she noticed a very small empty flask. "You killed yourself with poison?! For love?? You're so stupid!", she said angrily. She can't believe someone would just take their life for loving someone so much. "What about your family? Is life all about love for a partner? Can't there be love for family? Love for yourself or love for other things! You're rich AF, you could have just loved shopping!". She suddenly recalled something. "Wait...Cedric Cromwell?! Isn't he one of the side characters who were in love with the female lead's best friend, Andrea? The sexy badass and loud best friend of the female lead of "My Downhearted Noble man"???!!!", She said, almost screaming. 'I transmigrated to "My Downhearted Noble man"? And if I'm the ex-fiancé of Cedric Cromwell, then I'm just a minor character mentioned only in passing to build conflict between Cedric and Andrea. The conflict started when Malia's brother, Matthew, tried to ruin and blame Cedric for his sister's death. Hence, Cedric and Andrea cannot openly shout their love for each other due to feelings of guilt and remorse. Late on, Matthew would start seducing Andrea to get back at Cedric and avenge the death of his sister. Before she could ponder further, she noticed the cream-white mask on top of the bedside table. "No way… don't tell me...".

Diana_Diana888 · Lịch sử
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25 Chs

Chapter 25

Malia got out of bed early; it was still 5:30 a.m., and she pulled her hair back into a ponytail.

"It's time to go jogging! If I want to eat a lot, then I must work out even harder."

Malia was particularly motivated because she had planned to have avocado toast and homemade ramen for breakfast. She'll make an effort to serve avocado toast to Matthew and see if he likes it.

After her run, she can immediately begin making them because she previously prepared the ingredients yesterday.

'Ahhh, fresh air! It's good to work out outside while wearing these comfortable shoes and clothing." Malia had been working out inside her room for weeks while waiting for the outfit to be completed. She was wearing loose pink hoodie and matching sweatpants.

"You're just in time!" Malia looked to her right and saw Matthew standing.

"Heeey, the hoodie and sweatpants look good on you!"

"Stop, it's embarrassing… but… I do admit that they're comfortable." Matthew shyly acknowledged the fact that he likes his shoes and attire.

"I actually asked 5 stores to produce the same shoes, since I wasn't sure which one would provide anything closer to what I wanted. Luckily, they're all skilled for the price I paid. So, there are 4 more of your shoes in my room. You can get them later."

"REALLY?!! Thank you very much! I'll take them now! " Matthew was ecstatic.

"Aish, just get them later. We don't have enough time to run before the sun comes out."

"Ah, yes! Let's go." Matthew was eagerly anticipating getting the other shoes. At the same time, he was planning to suggest to Malia that they turn it into a business because it was a revolutionary idea for shoes. Nonetheless, he already wrote a letter to their father about the business last night.

Matthew took the lead and ran ahead; they were working out while touring the campus. Malia appears to be a little behind in terms of running, but she wasn't too far behind Matthew. After all, she had been trying to slowly build muscle and endurance for weeks now to help strengthen her voice and vocal apparatus. She understands that staying active can help her singing voice sound clearer, widen her range, and reduce strain.

Malia was busy sightseeing and listening to Matthew's descriptions of the places they'd run through, while quietly trailing behind him.

After running for about 30 minutes, as they spent running back and forth near the lake, Matthew suddenly stopped at a place where there were a lot of people scattered around.

"This is a training ground for knights and students who want to learn how to use swords."

"Okay." Malia briefly looked at the people inside who were also looking at the two of them. Who wouldn't look twice at the two people wearing something out of the ordinary?

Matthew grabbed Malia's arm as she was about to run again.

"What? " Malia inquired.

"Did you forget I also train in swordsmanship?" Matthew looked at her like he could not believe she had forgotten about it.

"Shoot, right, okay. Then I'll run by myself."

"No, you're not leaving. Unless you're trying to avoid your ex-fiancé? " Matthew arched his brow.

"Hey, it's not fair to assume I'm avoiding him. Can't I just refuse to participate because I'm uncomfortable with the people here? " Malia peered around Matthew's back and noticed that everyone was staring at them. "Can't I just run on my own?"

"Fine, just run around the lake a—" Matthew could only sigh.

"Matthew! Malia! Come on in!"

Ian was the one who called the two. Malia can't help but widen her eyes when she looks in his direction.

'Pink rose hair and green eyes?!!! The female lead Anastacia Ashmore in the flesh! '

"All right, I'll train with you today, brother!"

'Nice, nice, nice, time to witness the blossoming of love in person!'

Unlike Malia's intention, Matthew assumed she wanted to train because of Everett.

"So, you want to train because of Everett? You should try to hide your feelings toward him from time to time."

"You're assuming things agaaaain." Malia rolled her eyes. However, after closely inspecting where Ian and Anastacia were, Malia realized that if this were a movie, anyone would say that the entire cast was present.

There's the female lead, Anastacia, the first male lead, Daniel, the second and third male leads, Elliott and Everett, and the female lead's best friend, Andrea, right next to her. Behind Andrea is Cedric and Dominic. And there's Kai, who appears to be annoyed by whatever he is thinking.

Matthew was the first to talk when they arrived at their side. "Good morning! By the way, Malia will participate in the morning exercise today."

"Good morning." Malia greeted everyone without showing her emotions. She was looking intensely at the female lead who suddenly looked at her and smiled.

"Hello, Malia," Everett said timidly.

The female lead interrupted her before she could respond.

"Hello, Malia! I'm glad you're here today," Anastacia said, holding her hands. "I hope whatever disagreement you had with Andrea will be forgotten... And I hope you can support their relationship from now on." She said while smiling. Andrea was looking elsewhere, and Cedric looked at her with pity.

"Ahh, sure? I actually don't care." Malia suddenly remembered that she is the ex-fiancée in this situation. 'But bringing it up only makes things awkward...well, maybe she really cares about Andrea, after all, they're best friends.'

"Oh... uhm… Thank you! I'm just really worried about her, I, myself experienced bullying from jealous women in the academy..." Anastacia added.

Malia, like almost everyone else, winced. People close to her would think she was just sharing her experience or worrying about her friend, but there was a very subtle message in her words that Malia picked up on. Even Dominic and Kai both understood her words and murmured in disbelief.

Matthew, who also understood Anastacia's words, grabbed Malia to remove her hands from her.

"Let me fix your shoelaces," Matthew said as an excuse.

Daniel, who felt the situation was rather awkward and didn't want Anastacia to look bad, shifted the subject and asked Matthew about his shoes and attire.

Matthew explained that Malia designed them all and mentioned business around the shoes. Malia was hearing about his plans for the first time, but she didn't mind. Her days will be more relaxed if her family grows wealthier.

The training started shortly after, and they were only asked to run around the training ground.

Everyone was astounded to see Matthew and Malia running continuously even after 7 laps, especially Malia, who does not train like them. The other students and even knights of the academy had to bear the very heavy boots that made them run like they were carrying a kilo of rice on their feet.

Matthew was very happy to be faster compared to other students trying to brag a little bit as it was very rare to outshine the princes of other kingdoms as well.

Malia, on the other hand, was running around like her mind was somewhere else, unable to concentrate as she tried to comprehend what had just actually happened.

'What's wrong with the female lead? She was supposed to be kind and…wait, kind…not the novel didn't describe her as someone kind. It was said that she gives an aura of positivity, that doesn't mean kind.' Malia continued racking her brain to remember the parts of the novel.

'Hmm…the novel was also only highlighting parts where she's always surrounded by other love interests when she's cheering them or whenever she's under the schemes of Thea and Kai. Let's see whether there are any other distinct parts. ... There's a chapter where she's with her family, with whom she doesn't speak much, moments with Andrea, her level of academic achievement... is that it? There was really nothing that says she's—k—'

"Argh! Woah! " Malia was suddenly on the ground, laying down, with another hand supporting her head. She opened her eyes to see Kai looking at her with an annoyed expression.

"We've been calling your name for a few minutes now, but you're not listening," Kai said as he stood up and dusted his trousers. He's looking at Malia and tries to avoid her gaze.

'Damn that ridiculous eyes.' Kai can't help but be pulled by her innocent and unburdened eyes. Eyes that didn't carry any malicious or greedy look, nor does it look like someone who went through betrayal from her fiancé. What Kai also tried to forget was how soft she was and the relaxing smell of her hair.

"Uhm, thank you?" Malia hesitantly murmured when she cautiously stood as well.

"Don't thank me, I'm investing in your talent. Remember?"

"Right... right."

"Are you okay?" When Malia turned around, she saw Everett walking toward them holding a bottle of water.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. Thank prince Kai here." Everett gave her the bottle and his handkerchief as well. "Thanks"

Kai couldn't help but be angry when he looked at Everett. Elliott and Everett's features resemble that of their sister. He recalled having nightmares following their meeting at the academy.

Malia, seeing Kai's expression, suddenly remembered why he despised the Aster Twins. It was about his first love Katherine Aster who was also his brother's fiancé.

'I believe he despised her because she did not choose him. Or something like that?' Malia was oblivious to the underlying story behind Kai's hatred. She assumed it was due to an unrequited love of some kind.

"You should rest, Malia," Everett said, dusting the sand from her back.

"OK, thank you, Everett." Thank you, Prince Kai." Malia bowed briefly before sprinting to one of the training grounds benches where Matthew was standing.

Matthew apologized for not coming to her because his legs were still shaking, and he was struggling to catch his breath from all the running. Malia was unaware that Cedric and Dominic were also looking at her with a worried expressions, and Anastacia was staring with a cold eye.

Malia excused herself from them before they could begin their swordsmanship training, saying she needed to clean herself and prepare breakfast. Malia could not help but notice Anastacia, who was beaming from ear to ear, but her aura was strange.

Malia left the practice field and started preparing breakfast.




--- end of chapter 25 ---




Thank you for waiting <3

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