
Rebirth: Sweet Newbie Gamer Is The Ancients' Mate

Humans have created a new world. It is their escape. Not just from everyday life, but also from mortality. It is virtual, but it is becoming more and more real as time passes. They believe it will only take 15 generations before it is self-sustainable. Then the human race can shed their mortal bodies entirely. Su Ting resents this ‘real virtual world’ and everything to do with it. Then her fiance is schemed against and she kills herself in retaliation. Su Ting returned to the year she was 18 years old. This time, she wants to remedy the relationship with her family. The way to do that is to have a talented up-and-coming gamer bring her into the virtual world. His condition is for Su Ting to become his mate.

NikkiNiHon · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

Partner with and Adjunct

[You told Mrs. Su you are satisfied with the arrangement. Is that true?]

Su Ting blushed. "You heard that?" She stared at her hands in her lap. "I um… I actually have something to ask of you. But… I don't want you to feel like you have to do it or go out of your way or… or that it's like some duty or something. Oh! I don't mean that's the only reason! I mean, I wouldn't have a choice regardless of something my father decided." She realized she did have a choice though. "I mean, I do think you are a good choice to… Um…" After rambling, she snapped her mouth shut. What was she even saying?

[I also have something to ask of you. This has nothing to do with our relationship now or in the future. It would be asking a lot of you, so I had some trouble bringing it up. I was going to explain and give you the choice of how much you want to be involved-or if none at all--and offer you something you wanted in return.

[How about we describe our favors to one another and decide after? No hard feelings.]

"Yes! Yes! That sounds perfect! Would you like to go first?" That's exactly what she was intending. On top of that, if they both did each other a favor, then she wouldn't have to feel guilty about requesting his help.

[Are you aware of what adjuncts are?]

Su Ting shook her head. She'd heard the word before, that it was people who could do extraordinary things, but she didn't understand what it was.

[An adjunct is a special item or ability someone has. For example, someone who has an innate instinct for something. Maybe they can sense bloodthirst, or when the baking is done without knowing what's in the oven, or how to mix colors on a color pallet. Maybe someone can turn back 5 seconds of time every day. Or an item like a gold necklace that makes the wearer more beautiful or a water bottle that will make the user not have to go to the bathroom from drinking that water.]

Su Ting's face paled. Her fingers touched her ear.

[I have one as well. It allows me to have a basic understanding of 'anything that can communicate' when I come across it.]

"Communicate?" She was dumbfounded, "What's a basic understanding?"

[If I were to meet someone who has a culture I've never come across before, I will be able to communicate with them. If you were to meet someone that pounds their chest and huffs at you at your first meeting, what would you think?]

She imagined an ape facing off against a human. "They don't like me. Are they violent?"

[I would be able to surmise whether this is a friendly greeting or a warning.]

"A friendly greeting?"

[This is particularly helpful when communicating with those of other cultures or races.]

She suddenly understood. If apes greeted each other as such, he could beat his chest back and become friends with them. "Like in the game?" She'd heard of there being species such as werewolves and fae in the game. That was one of the biggest draws of the game.

[My favor is to do this on a much deeper level with you. It will create a link between our minds. This will allow us to influence one another, and for me to use my ability to influence those around you.]

This sounded quite intimate. Would they be able to read one another's minds? She grimaced, "Why do you want that?"

Why would he need her if he could do it himself? Was she going to act as a spy or something?

She wanted to do him a favor so she could ask for hers in return. However, she began running through other options.

[I need to influence the starter pack the game gives for the first login. When you first log in, you will obtain something like an adjunct in your starter pack. Only the starter pack is strong enough to create it.

[The connection will allow us to subconsciously cater to one another, so you will instinctively want what I want. As long as your own desire or will is not stronger than mine. This will allow the system to read that subconscious need and take it into account as they are putting together your starter pack.]

"Why is it so important that you get this item? Is it a sword or a staff or something? Is it a power-up item or something? Something that will make you stronger?"

[My purpose is to kill the monsters that roam outside of the living zone and exploring zones. The item or ability I want will make them unable to respawn.

[I'm not certain what form it will take. It may be an item, information, or even ability. The system will ultimately control it.]

"Aren't monsters in games supposed to respawn? What's the living and exploring zone?"

[The living zone is the city. It's mostly safe from monsters and other dangers. The exploring zone is where people go to level up. Outside of these zones is a field some call the world boundary. Some kind of barrier made of impossible-to-defeat monsters. These monsters never roam into the exploration area, but adventurers can't pass through them.]

He first explained the basic gaming terms to her. He didn't get impatient with her for not knowing this common sense. Others may look at her strangely for her 'disability' or cater too much to her and make her feel like they are looking down on her.

[They call it this because nobody has been able to enter it without being killed by the monsters. No matter the low level or high level, nobody can get past this boundary. Most believe it's a barrier. That the monsters are a game mechanic to make the barrier more interesting, to make it seem like it's the real world.]

"You think there's more beyond them?"

[I know there is.]