
Rebirth: Sweet Newbie Gamer Is The Ancients' Mate

Humans have created a new world. It is their escape. Not just from everyday life, but also from mortality. It is virtual, but it is becoming more and more real as time passes. They believe it will only take 15 generations before it is self-sustainable. Then the human race can shed their mortal bodies entirely. Su Ting resents this ‘real virtual world’ and everything to do with it. Then her fiance is schemed against and she kills herself in retaliation. Su Ting returned to the year she was 18 years old. This time, she wants to remedy the relationship with her family. The way to do that is to have a talented up-and-coming gamer bring her into the virtual world. His condition is for Su Ting to become his mate.

NikkiNiHon · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

New Life: START

Su Ting recalled all those times in her past when she cursed the woman out. She would scream and throw things around while the servants tried to calm her down. She'd spend hours beforehand coming up with strings of curses with the intent of breaking Hao Kaiming's indifferent facade.

Su Ting didn't realize until now how odd their interactions were. Hao Kaiming would either sit calmly and watch with no expression or leave if the meeting was over. But Su Ting realized now that, no matter where or when Hao Kaiming always listened to her. She listened to every carefully-thought up ridicule, imprecation, and tirade a moody teenage child drafted. She never said a word to contradict her. Not even the twitch of a finger or blink of an eye to show her discomposure. It was one of the things Su Ting had always hated most about her.

Now, she saw it as an adult taking time for a child. A wild child that could not be tamed, but nonetheless. Hao Kaiming had been acting as a parental figure all this time. She'd given Su Ting her time and an ear. Even if she didn't give Su Ting gifts, advice, messages, or other things like her mother did, this woman was still willing to do such a thing for another man's disabled, crazy, wild child.

As Su Ting's thoughts drifted and she stared at the woman, Hao Kaiming didn't move or drop her gaze. She silently and calmly waited for her response.

Su Ting blanked out for a few moments. Her cheap sister's snicker brought her back. She glanced at the doorway. Black permed locks and the pleats of a short skirt could be seen. Su Ting ignored her.

"If I wasn't, what would you do?" Su Ting calmly and curiously stared up at the woman.

Hao Kaiming didn't raise a brow at the girl's 180 change in treatment. "With a viable reason, the illusion contract requires a few hours to process."

A glimmer passed through Su Ting's eyes. "You would intervene? Why?"

"As your guardian, I made a choice pertaining to your future. You have a right to refuse it."

"You said I would need a viable reason. So, I could potentially cancel it if I can convince you that there is a better option?"

"Indeed, this is the case."

Su Ting noticed something unusual. She felt like Hao Kaiming could have just nodded her head. It felt like she purposefully used a spoken agreement to confirm this. Earlier, she also waited for Su Ting to speak. Su Ting vaguely recalled someone mentioning once that one must be careful when doing official business because they can trick you. A head nod does not equal an affirmation in official business, it must be verbally spoken.

This must be a habit pulled over from her work as a capable businesswoman. Is that also why she had a perpetually emotionless face? It would explain a lot of things.

"Mother!" A screech hurt Su Ting's ears. "You can't do that! This bitch deserves that commoner! Isn't a cripple suitable for the slums? That's the only kind of place she belongs to! You can't give her that one from the Chen family! You can't!" Su Huiqing stomped her feet and screamed. In the unusual instance that Su Ting didn't immediately put up arms to Huo Kaiming, she was shocked and outraged which made her burst out in anger.

Su Ting watched her throw a fit silently. She turned back to Hao Kaiming, who was still looking at her. It was as if she didn't even hear her daughter.

Su Huiqing stared at Su Ting with red eyes. She looked seriously worried as if one word from Su Ting would change anything. Su Ting was confused. After all, who would listen to her? Su Ting was the unwanted daughter; Nobody even cared when she went to live alone in a forest.

The moment she made that decision was the first time in her life she remembered her father ever sparing her a glance. After he glanced at her he waved his hand at the butler. With that, it was settled where she would live from then on. Only a few days later she had her own land and a cottage on it. She woke up one day to find that even her bags had all been packed and stuff moved into the cottage in the cleared forest. It had only taken a few days.

However, the more she looked at the scene in front of her the more she felt everything was wrong. If it was before, Su Ting would have taken Hao Kaiming's words as a provocation. Su Huiqing would watch from behind as if it were an interesting movie. She had always thought of them as on the same side. But if that were so, why would Hao Kaiming ignore Su Huiqing's wishes?

Su Ting quickly figured it out. Hao Kaiming had just told her.

Su Huiqing was unable to convince Hao Kaiming with a 'viable reason'. Su Ting was astounded. The fog over her eyes was much thicker than she'd thought. No, this may not be because of the fog that covered her in her past life but because she herself was unwilling to look properly. She had used her eyes but did not see the mountain. How embarrassing.

She made a resolution to see in order to understand what was in front of her and ponder in order to assess the unseen from here on out.

With her outburst, Su Ting remembered what she'd said earlier. She was showing off her rich fiance and the influence he had. She was trying to imply that she'd stolen her fiance. But Su Ting knew that it wasn't the Chen family that had that technology.

It was the second eldest of the Mo family, Mo Ping who thrived off the short-lived popularity of the hover pods. After the initial thriving the upstart quickly fell and disappeared from the view of society, however. Su Ting had been scared for a moment earlier, but she remembered Mo Ping's fall shortly afterward.

No wonder the cheap sister of hers looked so arrogant. Right now, the second son of the Mo family was a hot commodity. Those in the know knew he had a big potential.

Su Huiqing didn't expect to be ignored even by the impulsive Su Ting.

Su Ting looked away from her calmly and back at Huo Haiming, "You said you made a choice regarding my future as a guardian. Does that mean you decided to marry the Conners family into the Sus'?"

"This is indeed the case."

Su Ting observed her carefully, "Why?" She added to be clear for the straightforward businesswoman, "Can you tell me why you thought this was a good choice?"

"According to his recent gaming experience, he has exceptional talent in the expanding area. It is to the extent that he will not be beneath some two-bit nouveau riche. Other characteristics include being hardworking, steady, devoted, and loyal. He knows when to push forward and when to pull back. Outstanding EQ. Due to his upbringing, he has a steadfast character. He has old values; which make for an excellent partner. Despite his recent exemplary progress, he is humble, and it hasn't gone to his head. It is highly likely he still has a number of cards held close to his chest. However, it is doubtful these cards are threatening to the family." In two minutes, she spoke more words to Su Ting than Su Ting had heard from her in her whole life.

Su Ting nodded. The first point need not be mentioned. For Hao Kaiming to think so highly of it, that it even rates above So Huiqing's fiance, it must be legendary. His 'exemplary progress' must have been kept from the public because--according to the articles she'd seen--he hadn't made a huge splash yet. Big families and businesses are privy to more information. It's also possible that he was able to keep himself anonymous and what Huo Kaiming is talking about is just what she surmised. However, it was true that his talent alone could stand up to her family. It didn't surprise her that an insightful onlooker may notice his potential. If they were paying close enough attention, that is. It was obvious this was the main takeaway from Huo Kaiming's speech.

The second takeaway was his honest character. She was a little surprised Hao Kaiming took account of such a thing. Thinking about it again, perhaps it wasn't that strange. Even when looking for business partners you had to consider reputation. It would be a problem if they didn't follow through on their end of the deal.

Su Ting felt relieved. "Thank you. Although this was a decision made for the family, I am also very satisfied with it." She bowed.

Huo Kaiming didn't reply to her and directly turned and walked out. Su Ting did the same. She hoped he hadn't gone on without her.

"Is this some new scheme? You were just in tears! I saw it all! You will never be happy with him! You hate him as well, right? I saw it! I'll tell him! I'll tell everyone! What are you up to? I won't let you get away with this! You bitch, are you listening to me? Get back here!"

Su Ting ignored the screeching and walked through the open front door. William Conners was waiting at the door of a hovercar with a relaxed expression on. He didn't look as if he'd waited for her at all. His expression and posture looked like he was simply escorting her to the car. Her tense heart suddenly loosened. She felt as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. This was her second chance. Her second life started now. She smiled and took a step forward.