
Rebirth: Sweet Newbie Gamer Is The Ancients' Mate

Humans have created a new world. It is their escape. Not just from everyday life, but also from mortality. It is virtual, but it is becoming more and more real as time passes. They believe it will only take 15 generations before it is self-sustainable. Then the human race can shed their mortal bodies entirely. Su Ting resents this ‘real virtual world’ and everything to do with it. Then her fiance is schemed against and she kills herself in retaliation. Su Ting returned to the year she was 18 years old. This time, she wants to remedy the relationship with her family. The way to do that is to have a talented up-and-coming gamer bring her into the virtual world. His condition is for Su Ting to become his mate.

NikkiNiHon · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

His Gaggle of Girls

In a high-class community on the small island city floating over the capital stood a handsome young man. He had narrow phoenix eyes that would stop the heart of any man or woman he cast his gaze upon. His soft brows made one want to brush their fingers across them. A sharp jawline drew the eye to his Adam's apple, both of which brought back the eased masculinity from his soft brow.

The slender figure leaned his frame against a floor-to-ceiling window. His narrow eyes stared down at the city below. A vague emotion flitted across his relaxed expression.

His biochip alerted him of an incoming message. He didn't remove his eyes from the scene below as he had it read aloud, "Brother, I've made the switch. Her incubation ends in a few hours, you can expect her call by the end of the day."

The man read the message and smiled at the city below. His fingers reached out to touch the barrier separating inside from outside. It was currently acting as his window.

His stiff shoulders relaxed as if a heavy weight had been removed. "Dre, my Unbinding Crystal is ready for you. I'll see you soon." A gentle smile adorned his lips. His eyes radiated tenderness as he watched the city below.


A gaggle of girls giggled at one another as they slipped out of the incubation room in the Taming Hall. Their VR avatars were elves, which was an uncommon and beautiful avatar for the majority of the population. The leading girl was a Dragonkin. She was half a head taller than the other girls, her faint scales and long ears showed her ancestry and followed both revered bloodlines. She stood tall and dignified as she left the room, but it was clear her steps were more hurried than usual, despite how calm she tried to appear.

Once they felt as if they were out of danger of being seen, they all straightened up and walked tall. They acted as if they had not just ruined somebody's future.

"She should know that treasuring a jade ring is a crime." A blonde girl spoke as she caressed a small sphere in her palm with an expression of disgust and mocking.

A girl with cropped hair and a long, elegant skirt snatched the sphere. She glanced at the blonde out of the corner of her eye, "As should you. This is going to Skylar. She's the one who introduced us to the young master. She will be the tie that holds us to him. Without her, we wouldn't have the chance to even enter his house let alone his bed."

The last one by their side blushed. "Don't be so naughty." She faux scolded to hide her embarrassment.

Skylar, the Dragonkin walking in front, glanced back at the three girls. She was touched by their thoughtfulness.

They had made a pact a long time ago that they would all marry together. Apart from each other, they knew they needed at least one man to satisfy them.

Although they had a few others they enjoyed the company of, it was clear to all of them that the man that suited all their tastes was the young master. In fact, he suited them so well that she was nervous they would try and steal him from the rest of them. No matter how close they were, she couldn't help the frightening thought appear.

Her determination to treat them well solidified. A small smile grew on her cold face.

"Aye, it is so." The blonde put her hands behind her head in a relaxed manner, "I just can't help looking at good things. I want to hold them in my hands for as long as possible, you know? I'm sure that girl thinks the same." Her accent loosened up as she walked. When she was younger, she took up watching Pirate movies religiously. Sometimes she will slip into habits she picked up from them.

The blushing girl, Reese, shook her head, "How could she? Otherwise, why would she let the Young Master go?" She seemed to consider it a crime to break up with such a good man.

"But she kept the Silver Earth Traveling Mount. If she still had any sense in her, she'd know she can't care for it. Mounts require a whole different level of resources. She can't keep up with a mount anymore. Will it end up in the Guild's Stable?"

When a mount can't be cared for by the current owner, it becomes public property. In return for food and a place to stay, the guild rents it out as transport. If the previous owner gets enough to buy it back, they can fill out the papers, but the requirements are higher. This is to make sure that mounts are properly taken care of by their respective owners. Similar to Child Protection Services. Mounts require more than other pets.

The girls all sighed at the thought.

"Poor thing." One shook her head.

"What are you pitying?" The girl in the middle glanced at her, "It would end up with such a fate with us."

"We should come up with a good name for it!"

"Something moon-related or earth-related, I think. What do you think, Sky?"

The girls moved on to happier topics. As they were walking, another Half Elf passed them by. The gaggle of girls glances at her, then at one another before continuing on their previous conversation topic.

The Half-Elf that passed had waist-length hair the color of periwinkle. Her delicate frame paused briefly when she saw Sky and the others. She didn't look up but silently continued on her way. Her blue doe eyes stared straight ahead. After a couple of turns she entered the Incubation Hall.

Today was the day she hatched her egg. She arrived nearly three hours early, but she couldn't allow anything to go wrong. Her brother had saved this egg for her from the resources they'd been scammed away when their mother divorced. They had liquified almost all of their assets. Her brother had only kept a house and this egg. He'd saved it for the sake of her future.

He wanted her to chase after her dream, even if they were butt-poor.

She couldn't mess anything up. She studied hard for today. When she grew up a little bit, she would be able to start providing for her family in the same way they'd been supporting her. She had to succeed. Nothing could go wrong.