
Rebirth: Sweet Newbie Gamer Is The Ancients' Mate

Humans have created a new world. It is their escape. Not just from everyday life, but also from mortality. It is virtual, but it is becoming more and more real as time passes. They believe it will only take 15 generations before it is self-sustainable. Then the human race can shed their mortal bodies entirely. Su Ting resents this ‘real virtual world’ and everything to do with it. Then her fiance is schemed against and she kills herself in retaliation. Su Ting returned to the year she was 18 years old. This time, she wants to remedy the relationship with her family. The way to do that is to have a talented up-and-coming gamer bring her into the virtual world. His condition is for Su Ting to become his mate.

NikkiNiHon · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

Gathering Information

Su Ting tidied herself up in the hotel room's bathroom and left with the man in the suit. Although technically all the men tonight had worn suits. She shuffled in her seat and glanced at the man in the driver's seat of the luxury car.

"What should I call you?"

"Eldest Young Miss Su can call me Ershi Er."

She blinked. "Oh." She paused, "So, how many beneath you?" Her big eyes looked innocently at him as if it were just a casual question.

Ershi Er glanced at her through the mirror. His expression didn't change but she could see a hint of humor at the corner of his eye, "Eldest Young Miss has Master Mu's contact. If you are interested you can ask him yourself."

She paused again then leaned forward with a bright smile, "That sounds like a good idea! I'll tell him you came up with it." She noticed his pupils shake. It looked like he was having a personal earthquake. She bit her lip to hold back laughter. "Or you can call him for me? After all, I still need permission, but if you are his 22nd in command then surely you have his direct contact saved?" She blinked her big eyes at him, "It would save me the trouble."

He glanced at the petite little girl in the back seat. He wondered how such a clever and intelligent young woman had ended up in her situation. Wasn't she known as the waste of the Su family? Yet comparing her to her sister he felt as if he stumbled upon the truth of something.

The two teased each other back and forth before returning to silence. The quiet this time was friendly and tranquil as opposed to the earlier awkward tension. She cradled her left arm in her hand. Her head rested against the seat while staring out the window. The dark world covered in artificial lighting blurred into darkness. Su Ting peacefully drifted off after a long day.

The navy blue curtains through which the bright daylight spilled was one of the only colors in the monotone room. A black tuft of hair poking out of the quilts was the only sign of someone in the huge room. The blankets shifted and the soft hair cutely rippled against the blue pillows. Their body lifted revealing limpid autumn water orbs and a face that could drive countries to ruin. They moaned and stretched as they slid out of bed. A wide expanse of mutton fat covered in blooming flowers revealed itself in the bright light of day. They walked to the bathroom and glanced in the mirror. The beauty touched their face, their expression turned helpless. They shook their head and readied themself a bath. After washing they lay in the tub with only their head poking out and closed their eyes.

A vast white space filled with clouds opened up before the beauty. They were now dressed in fine silk robes. Very much in tune with their immortal appearance a gentle and learned sing-songy voice flowed out with a sigh, "I did not expect for my body recovery to come in handy here."

With a 'pop' a baby appeared in the air next to the immortal's head. The immortal did not even look over, as if such a thing were a common occurrence. Their limpid eyes continued staring out into the cloudy sea with a lost expression on their fair face.

The baby floated in the air and giggled. It spoke in a way that did not suit its apparent age, "Of course it does, Master! You have already cleansed your marrow and replaced tendons! Once you've shed your mortal body and exchanged your bones your body could outlast any mortal man's!" It spoke inappropriately so easily with its young face.

The immortal blushed and reached out to flick the baby's head. "You wouldn't dare say that if you'd seen Fang ge last night." His long lashes fluttered against his pink cheeks.

The baby wanted to hold its forehead and play a 'master beat me' play. When he heard his master's words, the baby's eyes lit up and he floated forward in interest. "Oh! Lao Gong is very good?" He sighed in regret, "If only I didn't have this damn privacy blocker. Rather, what even happened while I was away, Master? How did you suddenly jump so many steps?" A sly smile split its face making it demonic-like, "In a hurry to cook the rice? Hehe."

"Don't speak nonsense." He finally couldn't hold back and scolded the baby. He reached out and pulled its cheeks into various shapes, "Isn't this all your fault for leaving? If you had been here, how could I have been poisoned by a mortal drug?" He didn't mention all the other problems in the baby's speech, directly tossing such things to the back of his mind. He himself didn't notice that it was the first time he didn't reject the baby's nickname for the man.

"What?" The baby finally squirmed free and rubbed its red cheeks in indignation. "How could that be? Even without me you still have a 4th layer qi refinement body. How could a mortal drug have much effect on you? And doesn't your mind machine have its own blockers for such things?" He didn't seem to believe its master's words.

Chen Lijun sighed and shook his head. "My biochip does have a warning system only I had to turn it off for the danyao to cultivate."

The baby paused. "Don't tell me it was a love drug?" Its eyes widened and it gasped.

He looked over with narrowed eyes, "What do you know?"

The baby realized its mistake and its big eyes widened. It covered its mouth and tried to fly away. Chen Lijun used a stepping technique from his training and appeared in front of the baby and grabbed it by the neck. He glared it down until it shivered and shook and finally opened its mouth.

"That- Love drugs aren't considered harmful to the body. At most, even if you are excited for too long you will not have any future problems." It quietly muttered.

"What problems?" His face darkened.

"That…" The baby didn't speak but looked down below Chen Lijun's belt.

Chen Lijun's face reddened and he tossed the baby back into the air. The baby flew up a few meters before gently floating back down to eye level. There was silence in the white space for a long time.