
Rebirth Of Wild Fire (Reposting)

With the memory of a Level 200, Tier 3 Mage. Lu Yang returned back to his life ten years ago. Destiny made a joke with him. He was betrayed and everything he worked for was taken away. He had to get it back. The game’s money making methods, dungeon strategy, legendary quest, equipment source, secret blueprints, combat skills. He knows all. See how a reborn player with his brothers swept the country, burned the world and created the legend of The Fire God! ############################# I searched this novel in webnovel and I found one with 48 chapters taking a break. So I am reposting this from www.mtlnovel.com. All credit to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Du hí
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402 Chs


Another 15 paladins came over, stood beside Lu Yang, and said, "Boss, we are here."

Jiang Ze pointed to a player named Shengguang Huyou and said, "These people are the players you usually tell me to pay attention to. You are the best of them."

Everyone laughed when they heard the name. Lu Yang said, "Your name is special."

Shengguang flickered at you and couldn't help but scratching his head with Lu Yang's name, hehe smiled and said, "Thank you, boss.

Lu Yang took out the remaining 19 sets of demons from his backpack and said, "Everyone wears one."

Love for half a life, Zhang Zibo, White Lion, and Shengguang flirt with you and others to put on their own equipment, and everyone's blood has reached about 7000 points.

"26-level 7000 blood, is indeed the boss, the equipment given is powerful." Shengguang said excitedly.

The white lion slammed the shield with a long knife and said, "Hey, now let me fight against those strange problems."

"Don't worry." Lu Yang beckoned and said to Lan Yu: "Girl, come here."

Lan Yu was watching Lu Yang full of worship, and Wen Yan rushed over and said, "What is it?"

Lu Yang took out 20 sets of Grunt Chaos Magic Flask from his backpack and said, "Eat this, and eat until the intelligence plus 1700 attribute appears, and then you give them the Holy Spirit Protection."

"Oh." Lan Yu took the mixture and ate it, turning it into a green fat ball.

Lu Yangxi didn't hold back and laughed. Zhuo Jiu Qing and Xia Yuwei and other people thought that the laugh was very high, and they all laughed when they saw Lan Yu.

Lan Yu also found out her situation and looked at Lu Yang with an open mouth, "Brother, you bully me."

Lu Yang's heart was quickening, and he smiled and said, "I didn't bully you. This mixture looks like this, otherwise it's called Guru Chaos Magic Mixture."

"Trust you once." Lan Yu knew it was not the time to be coquettish, and jumped in front of the crowd with her fat body, so that 6000 people behind her could not see it, and continued to drink.

With a bang, Blue Feather turned into a zombie

For a moment, the blue feather turned into a gooworm


When drinking until the sixth group, Lan Yu became a king of grunts wearing a crown, triggering the effect of adding 1700 intelligence.

"I succeeded." Lan Yu said happily.

Lu Yang said: "Quickly use the Holy Spirit Guard, this effect can only last 5 seconds."

Lan Yu nodded, and the words in his mouth read that 20 people, such as Zhuo Jiu and Zhang Zibo who were standing together, used the Earth Spirit Guard.

Earth Spirit Guardian, adds 30+ spell damage / 10 defense effect to group players for 1 hour.

Lan Fei's magic damage has more than 300 points. Under the 1700 intelligence bonus, Lan Fei's magic damage suddenly increased to more than 2000 points.

I loved watching my defense for a long time from 660 to 860, and said excitedly: "I have increased my defense by 200 points. Who can touch me with more than 800 defenses?"

"It's not enough, wait." Lu Yang took out the intermediate flame protection potion from his backpack and said, "eat this again."

Intermediate Flame Protection Elixir (Special): Increases the fire defense ability by 200 points after use.

White Lion got the potion and said dumbfounded, "Improve 200 fire protection ability, boss, and such a powerful potion."

Lu Yang said: "It could only be increased by 100 points, but these potions are special potions made by the boss of the Song of Blood and Fire drugstore, Jin, and they have doubled their attributes. That's good."

Everyone admired.

Sun Yu said, "Boss, how much did you spend?"

The demon suit has been upgraded by level 10, and there are also gems at level 10, and now has the chaos potion and intermediate flame protection potion. Any of these things is of high value.

"I don't feel like I can't make it more than 100,000." Han Liu said.

Everyone was amazed again.

Lu Yang said, "You know what I'm going to do, okay. Let's team up and open up the red fortress with me. Be sure to lay down some soldiers today."

"Yes." Everyone was full of fighting spirit.

A large army of 6,000 people began to adjust in an orderly manner. Twenty players wearing a demon suit, such as turbid wine and holy light, stood at the front, followed by a long-range and healing mixed formation. They were evenly divided, each behind him wearing a demon suit. All followed 300 people.

It 's like the coordination of infantry and tanks during World War II. [Tan] grams ahead and infantry behind, this is the best formation that Lu Yang can think of.

Came to the point of soldiers and watched tens of thousands of flame snakes and fire spiders.

Flame flying snake (boss)

Level: 30

Qi and blood: 150000/150000

Lu Yang shouted with one finger in front of him: "Zhuo Jiu, etc. attracted hatred forward, healed blood, and remotely exported occupations to listen to my orders.

Different from just now, people such as Zhuojiu and bitter love half-life no longer fear these monsters in front of them, find a good formation, and move forward with their big shields 10 yards apart.

The point of the battlefield was exactly 200 yards wide. The elite monsters and boss monsters, such as the fire spider, fire beetle, and flame flying snake, saw the intruders rushing up and rushing up to surround them.

Among these monsters, the fire flying snake has the highest attack power, 800 points, and each additional 600 fire damage, and the combined attack power has 1400 points.

However, only 50 points of blood can be beaten on the muddy wine dumplings, because the defense power of muddy wine has reached 860 points, which exceeds the attack power of the fire flying snake eat intermediate protection. The flame resistance of the potion reached 550 points, so the tens of thousands of flame flying snakes, fire spiders and fire beetles that should have slaughtered the invaders could only help 20 people around the muddy wine.

Countless treatments fell on Zhuoju and others. Lu Yang waited for 30 seconds. After seeing that the hatred of Zhuoju and others established stability, he shouted loudly: "Remote output, first hit the strange behind. "

As long as you can resist, the monsters in the back are blocked by the front and can't be washed away. This method is one of the most famous methods in the last life. Time to say the solution yourself.

At that time, the copy of Bloodthirsty Badlands had been wasteland for 1 year. After gaining a deeper understanding of the game, Bloodthirsty Badger will have a series of special items such as Grunt Chaos Mixture, Intermediate Flame Protection Elixir, and Demon Suit. Speak out during the interview.

In his words, if he could own these items when he opened up the wasteland, he would definitely be able to lay down this fortress easily, and it would not have cost millions to spend half of the strength of the guild to open up the wasteland successfully.

Now, he has all the things that Bloodthirsty Heaven had in the dreamland of the last generation, and he wants to see how much benefit Bloodthirsty Heaven has gained since the land was opened up.