
Rebirth Of Wild Fire (Reposting)

With the memory of a Level 200, Tier 3 Mage. Lu Yang returned back to his life ten years ago. Destiny made a joke with him. He was betrayed and everything he worked for was taken away. He had to get it back. The game’s money making methods, dungeon strategy, legendary quest, equipment source, secret blueprints, combat skills. He knows all. See how a reborn player with his brothers swept the country, burned the world and created the legend of The Fire God! ############################# I searched this novel in webnovel and I found one with 48 chapters taking a break. So I am reposting this from www.mtlnovel.com. All credit to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Du hí
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402 Chs

Duke Garros

The blue light flashed, and Lu Yang jumped up. At this time, the closest mutant sickle monster to Lu Yang was still 30 yards away, but at the farthest corner, there were countless mutant sickle monsters running to this side.

"Brother, how did you do that, pulling so many strange." Han Yuqin asked diligently and learned that pulling monsters are generally things that hunters do.

"It's very strenuous." Lu Yang haha ​​said with a smile and pulled him through.

Han Ying said silently: "Brother, don't be so strange next time."

"No problem, it's the same time. It doesn't make much sense to pull it again next time." Lu Yang handed the demon's heart and the magic teacher's staff to Mu Yu and said, "Sister, here you are."

"Give me, what are you doing?" Mu Yu asked.

Lu Yang said: "Use your thunder system to ban the curse and kill the thousands of monsters below."

Two pieces of equipment superimposed to remove nearly 70% of the magic resistance, Mu Yu's thunder forbidden power counted more than 2,000 magic damage, lasting 30 seconds, easy seconds off.

When everyone's eyes lighted up, they all came over.

Mu Yu said happily, "Look at me."

Putting on the equipment, Mu Yukou read the Thunder Forbidden Curse. After 10 seconds, within 100 yards, countless thunder and lightning fell into the mutant sickle group.




Every 8 seconds, more than 500 sickle monsters are chopped to the ground by lightning.

System Tip: You have gained 3184 experience points (among which, you have 2600 experience in leveling monsters)


The lightning storm lasted 30 seconds, killing more than 3,000 monsters, and Lu Yang and Mu Yu each gained more than 9 million experience points.

Moving from level 36 to level 37 requires 54 million experience, and each of them has a large amount of experience slots.

Lu Yang took the heart of the demon **** and the magic teacher's staff from Mu Yu and said, "It's my turn this time, look at me."

"Meteor Fire Rain"

Within 200 yards, countless large fireballs fell from the sky and smashed into the strange group.



The mutant sickle that had just filled the gap around the Colosseum took a lot of damage instantly, and after 8 seconds, they were all killed on the ground.

The outer mutant sickle monster immediately filled the gap, and as a result, another batch died after 8 seconds.

Three times in a row, when the meteor fire rain ends, there are not many mutant sickle monsters below.

Lu Yang looked at his own experience and gained more than 27 million experience points, only a few hundred thousand away from the upgrade.

"Brother, this upgrade is too fast." Han Fei said.

Lu Yang released the wall of fire under the corner of the Colosseum. After a sea of ​​fire formed, Lu Yang handed over the magic sound, the heart of the demon and the staff of the wizard to Han Ying, saying, "Sister, you also have wall of fire , You and Mu Yu use these three things together to fight monsters. "

Han Ying asked, "Brother, you have to go."

Lu Yang said, "I'll do a task and come back soon."

Using the coordinate settings of the Demon Temple, Lu Yang can fly to the bug position at any time as long as the coordinates are not changed.

"In addition, don't lose the demon's heart. This is your brother's life-saving trick. Without him, my brother has no heart in his heart." Lu Yang said.

Han Ying, Han Fei, and others knew how much this equipment meant to Lu Yang, and nodded in agreement.

"When you fight for my return, you will all rise to level 50." Lu Yang patted their shoulders, returned to the demon temple, and returned to the Kahn family in the northern district of St. Gall.

The old Kahn has become the steward of the demon temple, and has been staying in the demon temple, which has become his home.

Lu Yang used a camouflage coat to look like an ordinary player, and walked out of the door to the venture capital company camp in the west of the city.

Bissell was walking back and forth in the camp. When he saw Lu Yang, he said in surprise: "Oh, my brother, do you know, I'm looking for you."

"What's the matter?" Lu Yang asked.

"My uncle has encountered some problems. Only a strong player like you can help him. I hope you can help him in our friendship." Bissell said pleadingly.

Lu Yang knows that this mission is a forward-looking mission of the goblin nation-building mission. Any player whose level exceeds 35 meets Bissell, and Bissell will release the mission to that person.

Lu Yang said, "Of course, where is your uncle?"

"The masonry union he founded is mining the magic crystal ore in the Saarland. You will be pleased to see him and he will be very happy. If you have any needs, he will give them to you. There are more good things than mine. "Bissell danced.

Lu Yang said, "Well then, I'll go."

Saying goodbye to Bissell, Lu Yang headed to the 35-level map Sol Woodland. Fortunately, this place is not too far away from the Red Fort. Lu Yang transmitted to the Red Fort and turned on the hot and sprinting for 20 minutes.

Sol Woodland is a dense, broad-leaved forest surrounded by mountains and mountains.

Lu Yang went deep into the forest and saw a fence made of a simple fence. Two goblin guards guarded the watchtower.

"Stranger, who are you?" Goblin Moline shouted with a sharp voice.

Lu Yang approached the watchtower and said loudly, "Goblin friend, we Bissell invited him to help him talk about the task. Here is his correspondence."

With his eyes brightened, Morin looked at Lu Yang carefully, and said, "Oh, Your Royal Highness, bless you, it's really good that you can come. Come with me, His Royal Highness is waiting for you."

Lu Yang hesitated. No wonder Bissell said that more good things can be bought here. Originally, Bissell's uncle was a duke.

Follow Molin into the simple camp. The camp is large. All the houses are made of wood. In the middle of the camp, robots such as goblin harvesters are walking back and forth.

In front of the largest house, Maureen ran to an academic goblin with glasses and said respectfully, "Master Duke, your nephew, Bissell, invited the humans here."

Lu Yang took the first two steps respectfully and said, "Hi Duke, what can I do for you?"

There is no way. In the official settings of the last generation, the goblin family liked others to respect them, and the more respected they got, the faster the reputation, anyway, it was NPC, and Lu Yang also lost face.

The Duke of Garros nodded in satisfaction with Lu Yang's respectful appearance and said, "Your strength is enough to accomplish this task, human friend, I thank you for your help first."

System Tip: Increase your reputation with the Stonemasonry by 100

Increases your friendship with the Duke of Garros by 10

Lu Yang said so, saying, "I can help you."