
The Prince's Request

Victor is overwhelmed. His father is hugging him. HIS FATHER IS HUGGING HIM! He wasn't sure if he should be excited, shocked, or horrified. What is going on? This has been something he has always wanted since he was a child. This was something he always wanted to experience in his first life, but at the same time, he was confused but also skeptical. The hug gave attention to the people around him, and he noticed their eyes of panic, confusion, and mostly glares. This is because an emperor hugging him is a sign of favor, and they could probably think that he is the favored son. This could either make him a target of even more schemes (more than he already expected for his second life) or people trying to get his favor which is something he does not want either way. But Victor still hugs his father back, although a little reluctantly.

His father, Levucian von Claes, has always been very cold and indifferent to him, and all his life, the man always gives him a disappointing look. Even on his death, his look of disappointment has never changed. It was like he was expecting something from him, and Victor continued to fail to meet those expectations. Yet, he never told Victor what those expectations were. This family has always been bad with communication. Still, this hug both surprised and elated him.

But having his father suddenly hugging him and calling him a son after his experience with him in his first life made him skeptical. What is the angle here? Is this another scheme? Is his father involved in this scheme? Or worse, is my father ill, possessed, or reborn? He highly doubts the man is reborn. Because if it were him, Victor would have grabbed his crown and placed it on his older brother, and this whole debacle would be over.

The prime minister coughed twice to get the emperor's attention. The man suddenly realized what he was doing but still managed to smile and pat him on the shoulders. "I am glad you are back in one piece."

Victor, who doesn't know what else to say, "Thank you, your majesty."

"Now…" the emperor's tone finally got serious, and he sat down on the throne. "The prime minister and the Ministry of Justice have uncovered that the crime that you committed ten years ago was not done by you. The ones who have committed the crimes were servants themselves, and they have placed the blame on you. Because of our incompetence, we have not properly investigated the matter and offered punishment to you." There seems to be some guilt in his father's eyes. "Because of that, you have to spend ten years in the army as punishment and even suffer through the lack of resources and preventing you from the life expected of a noble. Rest assured that we have punished those servants severely for false accusation and harm towards a royal."

Bullshit. Victor wanted to say, but he already knew why. The Elroses have placed the blame on their servants. After all, the woman who was screeching for justice at that time was nothing more than Margaret Elrose, and those were her servants. So, the connection was obvious. But to placate the Elrose Duchy, who holds considerable power in the empire, they have to cover it up. This is why Victor hated the political and noble society of Claes. There were full of lies, deceit, and coverups to maintain their image and power. Victor did feel sorry for those servants, though. Some of them are probably innocent but have taken the blame for it.

"You have suffered because of our incompetence, yet you continued to serve the empire very amicably. Because of this, we have to give you compensation for all the injustices you have experienced". The emperor said. "Victor von Claes, third son of the empire, as expected, you are given the title of Duke of Verglas and all of its territories, assets, and funds. We also compensate you for additional funding of one hundred gold coins per year that you have suffered (a total of 10,000 gold coins). And because you were unable to follow the many moments expected of a noble and a royal, we have made arrangements for a tutor from the academy and will host a debut for your introduction. Do you find this all acceptable?"

The ministers all looked agreeable. However, Victor expected this, and there were some things he wanted to be changed. "Your majesty, I thank you for the honor you bestow upon me, but I would humbly request not to provide me a tutor from the academy or a debut."

This only made the emperor frown, and Victor felt a little conflicted because he thought he was going to see a disappointed look again, but he pushed through. "I have already made arrangements for a tutor. My butler, Rufus Helman, has been exceptional in his service for training and educating me during my time in the army, and the tutor I hired is mainly for review and to help me be aware of the current new knowledge and experiences happening in the empire. I do, however, not have time for a debut. I have a lot of things to do."

"But a debut is very important for you, your highness." Ernest countered while glaring at the smirking ministers. "It is one of the best ways to introduce you to the noble society." The man is trying to persuade the prince to take it. A debut is needed to establish his position and to network with the influential members of noble society, a very important part of the welfare and survival of a prince. The ministers who smirked were enjoying this because, without a debut, it was a guaranteed path that the prince would not be an emperor and a fair game to the scheme. They always view pulling nobles down as entertainment for many of them.

"Traditionally, debuts last an entire day or more," Victor argued. "I have no time for that, especially the long preparation and resources needed to make that one day. If it was a simple dinner with just family and only for an hour or two, I would agree."

But the emperor did not give him a disappointed look. Instead, he is looking at his son more thoughtfully, which confused the prime minister the most. What is happening here?

"That can be arranged, and I appreciate your initiative for your education. However, this means two less compensation for you. The family dinner does not count, as this would be something I am also willing to do. Do you have anything you wish to be granted?" The emperor asked, and every minister in the room was holding their breath. Being asked for a wish is unexpected, but it can be either a good thing or a bad thing, but the approval still comes from the emperor.

Victor could only internally smile. All the way here, he was expecting to fight to get this, but it was just handed to him on a silver platter. He felt very giddy.

"Yes, your majesty. My first request is the blue rose."

"The blue rose army?"

"Now that I am a duke, I would like to request the Blue Rose to be vetted as the army for the Velgras duchy."

"Wait, WHAT?!"

A lot of the ministers started talking and arguing with each other most of them were looking confused. While Rufus, the general, and the rest of the captain looked more elated. They don't have to break up and face danger and uncertainty, and the General, who is now a marquis, will not be worried about more funding for his new territories to support the blue rose.

"I digress!" one of the ministers countered, and the entire room became silent again. It was Duke Ronald Maris. He was a very thin man with a hook nose and wore a pair of sharp spectacles. He looked furious.

"Duke Maris, why do you digress?" The prime minister asked.

"Your majesty, the White Lily army has already filed a request for open positions for the members of the blue rose and was already approved. This would disrupt our preparations to take in the members."

Victor just frowned. He knows this man. Duke Ronald Maris was heavily connected to the magic tower, the tower where most of the empire's official mages work. They are not exactly a very great facility. The empire is tied to three institutions, the royal family, the magic tower, and the church, which is an annoying fight for power in Victor's opinion.

The magic tower does not have a positive public image. Everyone knows dark stuff happens in the tower, and if he recalls in his last life, they wanted to blue rose for research and experimentation. The White Lily was just a cover for Duke Maris to sell the members of the blue rose to the magic tower by creating a scheme that involved the blue rose members accepting a mission but never coming back. It was assumed they all died. Only it was later found out that they were found in the labs of the magic tower dismembered, tortured, and dead. Victor is not allowing that to happen this time. He may not be close to most of the people in the army, but he knows all their names. This is why he has already made backup plans in situations like this.

"Really?" Victor asked.

"Yes." Duke Maris hissed at the prince.

"Then can you explain to me why the budget that you filed a week before for the army's dissolution has not changed? The budget has remained the same for the past three years."

"What are you talking about?"

"For an army preparing to take in new members, especially with over five hundred in the case of Blue Rose, you would have to increase your budget," Victor argued. "Are you not planning to feed and pay your new members?"

"Your Highness, you should not lie!" Duke Maris countered with his face red and in anger. But for Victor, he only saw the real liar.

He then pulled out documents and presented them to the emperor, which was taken by one of his secretaries and the prime minister. They all looked through the documents.

"At your hand is the budget request of the White Lily for the past five years. It has been vetted and sealed by the Treasury. As a prince, I have access to those accounts. You can check the records of me taking them upon request." Victor explained.

It was one of the things he did when they arrived. He was thankful to have Rufus, who is the most informed and competent, to help him get that information. Victor has considered making arrangements to get the corresponding letters between the magic tower and Duke Maris to get them punished, but he can't. Getting those letters would require him to steal, which, if proven, would only downgrade his credibility and image to the emperor and the rest of the empire (not that it wasn't good already), and Duke Maris would only use it as an excuse that he is disrespecting his rights as a noble and gets away with it.

"Duke Maris, do you have an explanation for this?" The emperor asked.

"It must have been a mistake, your majesty." The man gulped. "We must have overlooked the budget."

"Yet without a budget, you can't support the blue rose yourselves." Prime Minister argued. "You have also passed the deadline already for any modifications." In the Claes government, the budget for the entire year has to be submitted on a specific day in the summer because most of the highest cost happens during the autumn (for the harvest of crops), winter (for potential sickness and survival), beast tide (to fight off the mutated beasts) and spring (which is for the planting of crops). Summer is one of the times that does not require a lot of work, so most budgets of the year are submitted during this period.

"Wha-what does that mean?" Duke Maris looked conflicted. "Can't we just adjust the deadline to modify the budget?"

Ernest frowned. "Duke Maris, might I remind you that we can't give extensions? If we give you an extension would mean giving the rest of us extensions, to be fair, and the fact that you have not prepared for a proper budget would mean either you don't plan to feed and pay your soldiers as the prince has asked or you are showing some incompetence." Some people were mumbling in agreement.

"The prime minister is correct, Duke Maris." The emperor said. "Since there is no need for the While Lily to take in additional members. I am willing to grant the blue rose to the prince. However, I am curious why?"

The emperor turned to his son. Most princes would rather build a new army for their own or guards over getting an already existing one. Mostly because the existing ones used to have their commanders and have different loyalties, could be old, and so on.

"Your majesty, I have spent ten years with these soldiers. I know their names and their lives and have fought with them. Some even died. I knew that being able to perform magic due to our journey through the rift during the battle of Berdun would also attract attention for them – mostly negative. And these are people that lack magical training or even resources to protect themselves. However, most of you might find this not a very wise decision for an army. These are people I respect and honor, and I know that they also feel the same for me." The prince answered straightforwardly.

There was silence in the throne room again. Some of the ministers are conflicted. They felt that the prince's speech made sense, but at the same time, they felt disappointed not to be able to have access to those soldiers. They wanted to learn how magic was able to flow down their veins when magic, in general, is something one is born with, not something one will acquire independently.

"That is understandable." The emperor stated. "And your second request?"

"Access to the family vault." Victor immediately answered.

This surprised a lot of the ministers, even the prime ministers. The empire has three important vaults. The imperial vaults, also known as the treasury, which is used to store the money needed to run the country. The royal vault is the money used to manage the royal family, and the family vault is simply a storage vault for every item, relic, or artifact the royal family has owned for generations. That place is historical, but some say it also stores very precious items, and many are curious as only the emperor can get in those vaults.

"Can I also ask why?" The emperor asked.

"I can't answer that at the moment." The prince answered.

"Hmmm." Most of the people in the throne room are curious about the outcome. Not many can get access to those vaults.

"I'll agree." The emperor said. "You can even get two items in the outer vault and one in the inner vault as part of your compensation as long as you also have to show and tell me what it is you have collected."

Victor smiled and nodded. "Yes, your majesty."

"Are you satisfied with this outcome?"

"Yes, your majesty."

"Jones, make the arrangements." The emperor's secretary in charge of scheduling and documentation wrote those down.

"We will schedule your trip to the family vault. Do you have any more to add?" The emperor asked.

"No more, your majesty. I am thankful for all you have given and considered." Victor bowed.

They were dismissed.

General Aster and Jason even wrapped their arms around his neck and grinned very happily. Victor, on the other hand, is still curious about this sudden change from his father, but he is just happy at the moment for getting what he needs in over a day.

Ernest Avington was still surprised by how eloquent the third prince was. He was never even fazed when he spoke, and he sounded so educated for someone who did not have a formal education at all. This did make him question his potential.

Duke Elrose and the rest of the other ministers from competing factions are seething.

The other ministers were more surprised because they all realized something. The third prince is very unpredictable.

As for the emperor, all he could do was given a short smile as he watched his son leave the throne room. He then glared at some of the ministers. Those ministers have demonic black shadows roaming around their bodies.

The next chapter is about the emperor. And yes, the armies in Claes empire are named after flowers. 

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