
Chapter 82

In a short while, the classmates arrived one after another. What happened just now has been quickly spread throughout the class by the gossiping classmates. Seeing that the classmates looked into their own eyes with joking and ridicule, Xie Wendong's self-esteem couldn't stand it. Xie Wendong didn't. Thinking that he was a bad name for the first time he became famous in school, the resentment towards Tang Qing deepened in his heart.

Although he wanted to teach Tang Qing, he didn't have any reliable relationship in Qingyan City when he first arrived. This was not because he was in the county before. There were a lot of friends, and he couldn't get revenge for a while. This made him almost suffocate his internal injuries. .

   Li Kai later learned what had happened, and his eyes were full of disgust when he looked at Xie Wendong. If Tang Qing hadn't stopped him, he would have wanted to go up and scold him.

   As for Wang Yan, she looked at Tang Qing with admiration on her face. She was full of sweetness in her heart when she saw Tang Qing showing up for herself. As for Xie Wendong, might she find Tang Qing trouble? It's not that she looks down on Xie Wendong, she really doesn't believe that Xie Wendong will be Tang Qing's opponent.

Next was the performance time. The students below had a good time. The students above took turns playing. Although the quality was not very good, one of the two students' sketches was halfway through and one of them forgot the words, and then the two of them were completely confused. It made everyone happy. Compared to a serious performance, the students liked it better. After all, everyone was just having fun. All of them were so good that there was no laughter, and how could they make the students happy. ,

After a few rounds, it was finally Wang Yan's turn to play.

Wang Yan walked to the open space and immediately attracted the attention of the whole class. Wang Yan can be said to be the crush of all the male classmates. This is why most people hate Xie Wendong. Especially Tang Qing has a first-hand approach to the water tower. The month is no more. After all, people are the first in grade or they are at the same table for three years. In this school age, the first in grade represents authority and the throne. What do you Xie Wendong, a second generation who has no skills, come to join and do? Isn't this pulling hatred?

At this time, all the male classmates unconsciously hated Xie Wendong. Compared with Tang Qing's excellence, they would never allow Wang Yan and Xie Wendong to be involved. If you lose to Xie Wendong, it will be as disgusting as eating a fly. At the same time, many people decide to isolate Xie Wendong completely in the future, so they dare to make Wang Yan angry. This character still dares to have evil thoughts on Wang Yan and resolutely refuses to agree. , There is no place for him in this class.

   background music starts.

   Okay, Tang Qing only felt very familiar, but he didn't remember what song it was for a while, or that sentence. He could distinguish no more than 30 popular songs except nursery rhymes, and no more than 10 songs that he completely remembered the lyrics.

   Alas, a person who just listens to songs without remembering names can't be hurt.

   "The song I bring to you today is a song that I like very much... July 7th is sunny, I hope everyone likes it." Wang Yan said with a smile.

   Say goodbye, can you stop missing

   Say sorry, can you understand everything

   tears instead of you kissing my face

  My world is suddenly frozen and snowy

   Your yesterday still remains between the five fingers

  How to collage piece by piece completely

   July 7th is sunny

   suddenly it snowed

   I dare not open my eyes, hope it is my illusion

   I stand by the earth and watch the snow

   cover the street you came from

  . . . . . .

   is so nice, the whole class is utterly intoxicated.

Tang Qing knows that Wang Yan is a wheat tyrant, and there are few songs that he can't sing in later generations. Every time Wang Yan is taken to KTV, he listens to it. Wang Yan sings there, one after another, which Tang Qing likes. , Wang Yan likes, thinking of this, Wang Yan in front of him and Wang Yan in later generations slowly overlap, especially the look in his eyes, really. . . It seems.

   Tang Qing couldn't help but see his spirits.

   Wang Yan looked at Tang Qing and stared at herself blankly, unavoidably embarrassed in her heart, she dared not look at Tang Qing, bowed her head and sang

   July 7th is sunny

  The night suddenly changes to the day

   I lost consciousness and looked at the limits of love

   I look at the horizon and the sky is boundless

   can't hear you say goodbye

  . . . . . .

   After the end of the song, Wang Yan said thank you everyone and walked down, leaving behind a round of applause.

   It was the first time they heard Wang Yan sing. They didn't expect it to sound so good. Before, Wang Yan did not perform on New Year's Day.

   The applause pulled Tang Qing back, and looked at Wang Yan with a smile and said, "You sing so beautifully."

   "Really?" Wang Yan whispered, and Tang Qing could hear the joy in that voice.

   "Well, it's really good, better than those celebrities' voices." Tang Qing exclaimed. Of course, he just admired the voice, not singing skills. After all, Wang Yan is only an amateur, how can he directly crush those professional.

   "Well, thank you, do you have a favorite star?" Wang Yan's voice became even smaller.

"Yes, a lot, Jackie Chan, Stephen Chow, Jay Chou, Anita Mui, Teresa Teng..." Tang Qing reported more than a dozen names in one go, from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China. These are all stars he likes very much in later generations. Theirs The talent and hard work are well known to everyone, and Tang Qing has to admire.

   "Well, I like Teresa Teng the most." Wang Yan said happily.

   "Hehe, do you want to be a star?" Tang Qing asked casually.

   "I think too, but my father will definitely not let me." Wang Yan said with a bleak expression.

"Um, do you really want to be a star? This is not an easy way." Tang Qing couldn't help being a little surprised. He had never heard of Wang Yan wanting to be a star in his previous life. Before Tang Qing was reborn, Wang Yan His father is worth tens of billions. This super white and rich girl really wants to be a singer?

   "Well, I really want to, but my dad will definitely not let me, but what do you think of me being a star?" Wang Yan looked at Tang Qing and said nervously.

Seeing Wang Yan's slightly nervous expression at this time, Tang Qing suddenly became speechless in his throat. Wang Yan in the previous life seemed to have asked himself this question. He still remembered his answer at the time. He said he didn't like celebrities at the time. , It's too messy inside, and I would never chase stars, wouldn't it? . . . Tang Qing suddenly looked at Wang Yan and didn't know what to say, according to his judgment. In her previous life, Wang Yan gave up her dream of music because of her own words, and followed herself to the university in the provincial capital.

This. . . . . Tang Qing really has an urge to cry.

   Another girl changed her dream by him.

   This debt, how can I repay this debt in my previous life?

   He really wants to talk to himself in his previous life.

   Seeing Tang Qing's silence, Wang Yan thought Tang Qing didn't like it, her expression was a little disappointed, and she whispered, "You don't like me being a star, don't you, I..."

"No, I think it's good. Stick to your dream. I will support you. I also like the way you sing on stage." Tang Qing said hurriedly. Since Wang Yan has a dream, he will find a way to help her realize it. , No matter how difficult it is, what you owed in the previous life, slowly make up for it in this life. Anyway, Wang Yan has money in her family, and she can make a star without relying on unspoken rules.

   Besides, don't you still have yourself? He doesn't believe it. With Wang Yan's strength and his father and his own financial resources, she will not be popular.

   still has his own strength, it is still too weak and must be improved as soon as possible, because this is not only to protect his family and lover.

   and their dreams.

   He doesn't even know what Lin Jiaxue's dream is now. He just knows the university she wants to go to. He feels very dereliction of duty, but now it is not too late to realize it. Then ask, no matter how difficult it is, he will help Lin Jiaxue achieve it.

"Well, by the way, Tang Qing, how about I just go to the Shanghai Conservatory of Music?" Wang Yan said happily. He knew that Tang Qing was going to take the Fudan exam, and he was going there too, but now Tang Qing likes to sing by herself, she just Preparing to take the examination of the music school there, after all, Lin Jiaxue must be with Tang Qing by then. It is not good for her to be too close. She is satisfied to see Tang Qing from a distance. .

   "Okay, you will be a big star at that time, and I will book a room to support you." Tang Qing smiled.

   "You are not allowed to break your word then." Wang Yan pointed to Tang Qing and said with a smile.

   "Never break your word." Tang Qing promised to say with four fingers up to the sky.

   The two chatted very happily.

   But some people don't want them to be so comfortable.

   It was originally a very harmonious performance, but Xie Wendong came to do something again.

   Watching the two of them whispering, Wang Yan still looked happy. He couldn't bear it anymore.

   After he finished his performance, rap was still something, anyway, Tang Qing was too lazy to listen and kept eating. The male classmates applauded Sheila, and most of the applauds to Xie Wendong were girls. As for why, she was jealous. In line with the principle that the enemy's enemy is a friend, Xie Wendong still has some personal support in the class.

   Xie Wendong did not go down after the performance, but stood on the stage and said loudly:

   "Everyone is quiet, UU reading www.uukanshu.com this New Year's Day performance, our class has performed well in school performance, do you want to see Tang Qing, the first grade one impromptu performance."

   He obviously wanted to push Tang Qing to the forefront and force him to make a fool of himself.

After saying this, the people below showed a stunned expression, and then both male and female classmates started to booze. Although many people did not like Xie Wendong, it did not prevent them from wanting Tang Qing to show off their talents, especially a few ducks driven by Su Ziwang. Some students on the shelves are looking forward to what kind of surprises or fun this number one can bring to them.

"miss you..."

   "Tang Qing, come one."

   "Tang Qing, perform one."

   "Yes, we haven't seen your show yet."

   "It's... it's..."

   "Tang Qing, Tang Qing..."

   Tang Qing under the stage looked at the students' "expecting" eyes and smiled. This kind of scene can no longer make him nervous, only fun.

   Tang Qing already had a solution at this time.

With the worried eyes of Li Kai and Wang Yan, Tang Qing walked up to the open space. At this time, you can see who are friends and which are non-friends. Friends will worry that you are not prepared, while others want to watch the excitement and have some fun. , Some are also wishing you to be a little ugly.

   Tang Qing stood in the middle, looked around, looked at those hot and expectant eyes, Tang Qing smiled and said

   "Since everyone wants to see it, I don't want to discourage everyone. Forget the talent, I don't have much preparation. Then, let me tell you a few jokes."